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p><p>This is a new club I


1.NO SPAMMING! If you are caught spamming you will be removed from the club and negged. You wil get only one waring.


2. If you do not post in this club at least once a week you will be removed from the club.


Rankings and Leveling up


There are 4 ranks possible to achive


Slifer Red: This is where you start. You are only a Slifer from levels 1 through 10. When you are a Slifer you can't really do that much you mostly just duel and do tasks assigned to you.


Ra Yellow:

This is the second rank. You are a Ra from level 11 through level 20. When you are a Ra you can do much more than Slifers you can help out Slifers, get prizes when you do tasks ( prizes depend on how hard a task is). The tasks also get harder.


Oblesik Blue:

This is the last rank to most people. You are a Oblesik from level 21 through the rest of your time in the club. Oblesiks are one of the highest ranks possible to achive so you have some benifits like when you get to the Oblesiks you can help people below your rank (for reps or not your choice). Your tasks get harder and your prizes get bigger.


Duel Academy Mod:

This is the second highest rank and the highest rank possible to achive. You can be a mod at any level. To become a mod you must be a great club member. You need to be helpful, nice, no spam,etc. You will be pmed when you become a mod. You can do everything that the ranks can do and you can also remove people from the club and you are kind of second in command you are in charge when I'm gone and when I tell you that your in charge. Can also level up other members.


You can level up in many different ways.


1: Completing tasks

2: Winning Duels

3: If I just feel like you desivre it

4. Making good cards


Dueling System:


The Dueling System is just like every other system. That doesn't mean you just draw overpowered cards every turn. That will be treated as spamming. All duel must be done over pm. When the Duel is over you come to this thread and post the winner, loser, and how long the duel was. You will level up due to how the duel turns out. I WILL NOT ACCEPT DUELS!




Placement Tests

Placement tests will be held once a month on the first day of each month. This will determain what dorm you will be in. These tests could be resl easy or real hard.


Normal Tests

These test are handed out reagluraly. If you are in Slifer Red you will get on once every two weeks. If your Ra Yellow you will get one once a week. If your an Obliesk Blue you will get 2 a week.


Posting cards here

You can post cards here that will be graded by kid and me. Here's the grading scale and how you will be leveled up due to your rating.

Single card grades

A= 10 duel points

B= 7 duel points

C= 5 duel points

D= 2 duel points

F= 0 duel points


Set Grades

A= 25 duel points

B= 20 duel points

C= 15 duel points

D= 10 duel points

F= 5 duel points

You need 10 Duel Points to Level up!

Appilcation Sheet:


Posting GFX here

You can also post GFX such as sigs and avis. These will be graded by me and Crazykev.


A=20 duel points

B=15 duel points

C=10 duel points

D=5 duel points




A=10 duel points

B=7 duel points

C=5 duel points

D=3 duel points

F=1 duel point


Fill this out


Deck(Must be cards you made. If you don't have enough cards made you are permited to use the exact deck of a charcter from the series)/GFX creator:


I know it's short but it's all you need.


Slifer Reds

CrazyKev: Kev(lv.2) Duel Points=25

1337noob: noob(lv.1) DueL Points=10

Ra Yellows


Oblesik Blues


Duel Academy Mods

Head Mod: kid: kid(lv.50 )Duel Points=614


tallman95:Anth(lv.100)Duel Points=1,000



Rank Banners


Slifer Red

http://img114.imageshack.us/img114/8576/yjbannerus2.png' alt='yjbannerus2.png'>


Ra Yellow



Obliesk Blue




Duel Academy Mod



[spoiler=Tests]Placement Test out!



[spoiler=Major Tasks]Advirtise and get more members





The RDA Fan-fic: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/showthread.php?tid=23148


The RDA Role Play: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/showthread.php?tid=23705

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Ok I've decided I'm going to need some help with this club so I'm going to pm everyone a test once I get all the other cards for the test we have now. Just to warn you it will be hard. The person that has the entry will become a Duel Academy Mod. Only one person will become a Mod from the test but you can still level up from it and you will level up by a lot more than one level.


tallman do u want to work with my academy so we can visiting students come to my academy ?

Where is your academy?

More people need to join.
You know what I'm going to pm the Mod test to everyone that has sent me their card so instinctmeister,daxinator, and sauromon666 the tests are being pmed to you.
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