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Pics and Points

Yusei Fudou

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I really laugh at Kazuki Takahashi sometimes, he makes some cards weak although they've got a pic of a strong monster etc. well you won't kinda understand it but you'll see what I mean:



Test Tiger - 600 ATK/300 DEF



Shining Friendship - 1300 ATK / 1100 DEF


Seriously, by physical battle, wouldn't the tiger finish that fairyball in one scratch? XD OK, another example:



Coach Goblin - 1200 ATK / 1500 DEF



Karate Man - 1000 ATK / 1000 ATK


Physically, wouldn't Karate Man finish that old rockin' goblin with one kick and uppercut (Karate Man's effect, like, if it would be pictured in an anime it would be something like a very hard kick that has to beat the hell out of a strong monster like Alien Shocktrooper and sacrifice Karate Man for its power (etc ya know what I mean) not a small goblin like this needs a kick like that XD)



Destiny Hero Defender - 100 ATK / 2700 DEF



Kuriboh - 300 ATK / 200 DEF


Physically or in anime, if Defender attacks Kuriboh (no equip cards or anything just the two monsters facing each other) seriously WTF he will be dead because he attacked a furball that is smaller than his fist? XD


You can continue on now. Let's see what comparing you can get. :P And tell me what's your opinion about these unbelievable pictures and points choosing[/align]

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