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Our good old friend Kuriboh

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Kuriboh is the original Jesus of Yu-Gi-Oh. He was first. =D


Sir' date=' please, stop it. Your embarrassing yourself with that nonsense that comes out from your mouth.[/s']


Kuriboh = {Non-Exciting} Jesus of YGO


Xander Royce your epicly wrong.


There is no "Jesus" of YGO. The only monster cards coming close to being a god are cards like Judgment Dragon, Dark Armed Dragon, generic monsters that OTK fast. So stop with this "Kuriboh = Jesus of YGO" nonsense . He sucks outside of Kuriboh Monarchs.

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By "Jesus of YGO" I meant he's a savior. I never said he was a God. So stop making such a big deal out of it.


"Saviour" as in that he reduces the damage to 0? If so, by that logic, Threatening Roar, Mirror Force, Waboku and many more are as well, the "Jesus" of YGO.

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