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[DISC] Call of the Haunted

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As you most likely know by now, monster reborn is banned and call of the haunted is unbanned. Discuss.

I start i guess:

Call of the Haunted isnt the best for these reasons:

1. Destroy it, destroy the monster

2. You cant activate it the turn it is set

Good things about Call of the haunted:

1. It is a trap so you can activate it during your opponents turn

2. Dont need to tribute anything


Monster Reborn good things:

1. Activate it the turn it is set

2. If is destroyed, you still get a monster

3. Dont need to tribute anything



1. Not a trap

2. Any others?

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2. Dont need to tribute anything


I could say the same for almost every single card in the game.


CotH seems so bad to me' date=' that I think that I could see Konami making this Semied. O,O


I also don't use it, for the tests with the new banlist had it always failing, or it never gets to go.



In what ways was Call of the Haunted failing when you tested it? Also, if you are never able to use it within tests, it doesn't mean a real game will be the same. Call of the Haunted should also be banned, and never more than 0.

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2. Dont need to tribute anything


I could say the same for almost every single card in the game.


CotH seems so bad to me' date=' that I think that I could see Konami making this Semied. O,O


I also don't use it, for the tests with the new banlist had it always failing, or it never gets to go.



In what ways was Call of the Haunted failing when you tested it? Also, if you are never able to use it within tests, it doesn't mean a real game will be the same. Call of the Haunted should also be banned, and never more than 0.


Heavy Storm, Giant Trunade, MST, Breaker, Lila, Dark Bribe, Jinzo, etc. The card has just been awful in my opinion, so I'm dropping it. And since Konami unlimited Breaker and semied Chaos Sorcrer...It's a possibility, though very unreal.

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After Reborn was banned, I hurried to find a way to make this a bit more playable in WC2009. I found it.


This only works if you Tribute the monster summoned by CotH. Combine this with Falcon of Mist Valley. You get 2000 ATK and you can return CotH back to your hand.


Situational, but my deck is built so that it's much easier to pull off. My newest deck is a Hybrid between Juraks, Mist Valley, Ally of Justice (Catastor), and Junk.


Back on discussion: CotH is not as good as Reborn or Premature. But since it's the only one of the three not banned, we have to make use of it.

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Gah. I stopped using this after I realized that it gets screwed up by the presence of 3 Royal Decree in my deck. T_T


Oh, well... just means no more Revival cards for my deck.


I've always liked Call Of The Haunted, though. If the monster is removed from the field but not destroyed, it stays, and I like abusing that fact with Giant Trunade. It's an insta-defense, too, when your opponent clears your monsters away with Lightning Vortex or something.


Nonetheless, it's still a Trap, and with all the anti-Trap cards around, I can see why they chose to unban this over keeping Monster Reborn and Premature Burial.


At this point in the game, also, I'm starting to agree with the people who say "Get rid of Generic Revival".

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The fact that Call's worse is a supporting fact for the banning of Monster Reborn. >.<


Honestly' date=' I'd just use deck-specific revival cards over Call of the Haunted.



Your situation man, Repair Unit is much better than CotH.


I use CotH in my deck. Its slow but I like to abuse Sangan and Armaggeddon Knight (if broke by Breaker or destroyed by MST, Heavy, etc.) to make my deck a little more faster.

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