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Lucky 13

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Seal of The Gathering Clan

Field Spell

Effect: Once per turn select one card name. As long as this card is on the field all monster's names become the selected card name. When a monster is sent to the graveyard send cards with the same name to your graveyard.


This card is ideal for Batteryman and Skull Servant decks but can kill Six Samurai decks because they rely on names on the field.


Grave Vandalism

Continuous Spell

Effect: Once per turn you can change the name of a monster in either player's graveyard.


This card is ideal for any deck because you special summon a strong monster with a simple spell or trap card such as Battery Charger. You can also increase King of The Skull Servants by 1000 each turn.

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Seal of The Gathering Clan

Field Spell

Effect: Once per turn select one card name. As long as this card is on the field all monster's (on the field?) names become the selected card name. When a monster is sent to the graveyard (from where?) send cards with the same name to your graveyard (from where?).


This card is ideal for Batteryman and Skull Servant decks but can kill Six Samurai decks because they rely on names on the field.


This would be rigged in Cyber Dragon Decks as well' date=' especially with Chimeratech Fortress Dragon. However, I wouldn't make it a field spell card because it can screw you over when destroyed if you run the said Batteryman deck. I don't see how this card would help Skull Servants as they need to be in the Graveyard for KotSS's ATK boost (unless if it affects Graveyards too).[/b']


Grave Vandalism

Continuous Spell

Effect: Once per turn you can change the name of a monster in either player's graveyard (permanently or until the end of the turn?).


This card is ideal for any deck because you special summon a strong monster with a simple spell or trap card such as Battery Charger. You can also increase King of The Skull Servants by 1000 each turn.

Like the idea so far. I think I'll give you an 8/10

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