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Official YCM Mega Mall and Job Agency! |Mod Approved|


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[align=center]Hello, YCM.



Alfred here again, just to say that I have had a discussion with Blood Rose via PM and she has agreed to let me make new versions of the Adverstising and Job Agency seeing as the original versions were never updated and therefore obsolete. So, here it goes.



Job Agency:

[spoiler=Shops in need of workers!]

Espeonature's Rainforest Cave Shop!

Will split points EQUALLY between Workers! Seeking Sig-Makers and Dark Synchro makers!

Captain Hitsugiya's Gift Shop!

Seeking ALL WORKERS! Payment Negotiable!

~OR~'s Game Shop




[spoiler=Workers in need of Jobs!]

Username: coolboy968

Skills: stick animations







Salary wanted: None, I get points from the orders I fill

Username: ~JG~

Skills: I can do loads of stuff, but I only want to do Tags and Avi's.




Salary wanted: None, just getting points from my orders.

I will only work in QUALITY shops.

Username: XzY



Mtallic-gold #2

-Double Gold

-Metallic and Double

-Ice and Double=#3

Button-Make it look like a button=#3


The Maxed Out Card Effects=#5

Many more, just pm me.

My times are open from 4:00 pm mountain time-6:00 pm


#1 92542567.th.jpg

#2 77832662.th.jpg

#3 66010454.th.jpg

#4 69769658.th.jpg

#5 57200371.th.jpg



Salary wanted: 4 points a day





Are you looking for more workers for your shop? Then say no more, your plight is solved! Simply post here and using the form, you can show YCM what kind of worker you need! Not only that, you can browse our selection of members looking for jobs and approach them as well!


Do you have GFX skills but you don't want your own shop and can't find the right shop to work in? Well we cater for your needs too! Just fill out the form and shops will be PMing you in a flash!

[spoiler=Shop Form]


Shop Name:

Link to Shop:

Shop Banner (optional):

Payment to workers:

Skills wanted:




[spoiler=Member Form]




Salary wanted:




I will then edit this post and post your application, and when someone who thinks they can do the job comes by, they will PM you and tell you!





[spoiler=Advertisement Zone]

The OMEGA Emporium


MIRROR'S Animated Shop!

_Formerly Sne Pales' Ultimate Shop_

★ The Gôlden Dragôn Super Mall ★


The Red Market

~OR~'s Game Shop


The Extraterrestrial Shop™


The Rainforest Cave GFX Shop



|_|The Background Shop|_|



Do you have a lack of customers in your GFX Shop? Is your business needing hourly bumps just to stay on the first page? Then say no more, your plight is solved! Simply fill out the form and I will advertise your Shop here FREE of charge (tips are of course, appreciated)!




Shop Name:

Link to Shop:

Shop Banner:





Priority Seating is a policy regarding being placed first (in the 'Priority Seat'). This is how to get there.


You can pay a minimum of 30 points to be placed first on the shops list (the Priority Seat). I will then PM the person whose shop used to be first and they can then choose to 'leave off' (that means let them take the seat) or 'play' (bid a higher amount to keep the top spot). If they 'leave off', I will PM the 'taker' (the person attempting to get the seat) and tell them that they have gained the seat. If the person chooses to 'play', then the PM will tell them what they have to bid to outbid to 'keeper' (person who is in the seat). Bids must be a minimum of TEN POINTS HIGHER than the previous bid. If the 'keeper' or 'taker' pulls out, the other one will gain the top spot and pay their most recent bid to me. When the Advertising List gets too big, I will make a new thread for shops that joined quite early. When this happens, you can pay a fee to stay on this thread.



Well, there you have it. If you need anything else, just PM me for advice. And remember, tips are ALWAYS appreciated!


Warm Regards,


~ Alf[/align]

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Whats the use of this just make a shop and people that need jobs can work thier?


You don't get it. Think of a Price Comparison website. Insurance companies on price comparison websites are constantly looking for people who have joined the price comparison website to look for quotes. Think of this as a price comparison website for members looking for shops. This is like an Argos catalogue, you can browse shops for items.

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Advertise Please:


Username: Sne Pales

Shop Name: ★ Snê Pâlês's Ûltîmâtê Shôp ★

Link to Shop: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-147835.html

Shop Banner: N/A


Oh and since I'm the first to advertise would you keep it on the top of the Advertisement Zone and any new Advertises would go below me?


Yes, of course. I'll just copy-paste it.

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Username:Yu-gi-oh Dude

Shop Name:The Red Market

Link to Shop:http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-138364-post-2603794.html

Shop Banner:Not ATM' date=' but if I do, I will PM you with it.



Paying 10 points to overtake Sne Pales...



I will put it up there immediatly. I am going to add a thing called Priority Seating, which involves paying to overtake and the like. Read the first post soon, it will be updated.

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Hi i need workers and customers

Username: Captain Hitsugiya

Shop Name: YCM gift shop

Link to Shop: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/showthr...7&pid=#pid

Payment to workers: Strick comission basis you get what you make for people but if i am to hire you' date='have to tell me what you can do

Skills wanted: doesnt matter anything will do



All done.


EDIT: We have found you a worker! coolboy968 does Pivot Stickfigure Animations and works for free! PM him!

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