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A "You buy cards, go kill yourself" Discussion

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Why do people complain in yugioh when they can't have what someone else has? I was on TCG player the other day, and I remember scrolling through many fanlist, and more then half of the reasons for a ban was "its too expensive."


Who's fault is that?! Does money pay too much into this card game? My thoughts, no, but then again, I do buy all my cards. And if I don't buy a single, I only buy boxes. So does disposable income make me superior in a game where skill is mandatory? Or better yet, Should it?

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tbh, I don't really know where the "skill" actually comes into yugimanz. If you don't have the money then you can't get the cards you need to win, regardless of any skill that might be involved in the actual playing of the game. As far as I can see it's knowledge and cardpool/money that puts you above others.

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Money sure does help' date=' and gives an advantage. But that's part of the fun, getting the cards you need without blowin ur budget. Then beating the people who have immense amounts of disposable income.

[/quote']This(the 2nd part). Although I hate it that lolnami makes it so that you can hardly win without spending lots of money on their overpriced products.

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Well, I'll disagree. I made a deck simply because it was cheap and it pretty much pwns. The deck build doesn't look good, but it does amazing things in the actual game. Get cards that swarm and you can own a Duel. Synchro monsters come in tins, making them easily reached with money. I don't think money has much to do with it. I made a deck out of my scrap cards and almost beat my friends Aliens deck which was on par with GB's. Skill and drawing are the keys in this game. Yes, money does help... but if you do that, then you also lose creativity. Creating decks should be creative, and believe it or not, there are some amazing common cards out there. I'm ready for an argument if someone disagrees. =)

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Guest PikaPerson01

Of course money is an important factor in the game. Even some of the better anti-meta cards, Fossil Dyna, Burden of the Mighty, Dark Bribe (because most Anti-Metas run a lot of backfields) are pretty up there in prices. You'd have to be pretty [mentally impaired] to think it had no effect in the metagame.


However, a card's price should have no merit in deciding a banned cards status. If Shapesnatch cost 400 dollars, and JD was a common in the Lightlords Structure Deck, that doesn't mean we'd keep Shapesnatch should be banned and JD should be unlimited.

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True that. Banning cards because of pricing is stupid. Instead, LOWER YOUR PRICES!!! They would make more money that way. When a card is banned, it pretty much loses all value. But if the value goes down, it can still be sold and they can make a profit at that. Banning over prices is idiotic.


By the way, by "loses all value", I mean no one needs a banned card. So it will become less of production to the company.

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i dont spend money on yugioh (exept i did buy d draws and malicious earlier this month) i just trade my way into decks, obviouisly i cant do it with ls, but w/e i have glads, stardust assault mode, i had volcanic monarchs, you dont need money to play this game, anyone complaning is an idiot, buy some structure decks

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If we had Kaiba's duel disks' date=' I'd buy all the cards that I needed. Shoot, I'd have a deck of just cool looking monsters. =)



if they did that, people would play the game a lot more because what is more fun than to summon large monsters and have them follow your commands?


not much, though I do have to admit, slow mo head vicerations are pretty cool too.

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i disagree' date=' skill is nutin in this game all u need to know is how to play, with luck, and money nutin more.


Grammar helps too. :/


Can I sig this?


On-Topic: Money is very important in a childrens card game. If you're trying to buy meta cards for cheap, go to your local wal-mart/target/hobby shop.

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i disagree' date=' skill is nutin in this game all u need to know is how to play, with luck, and money nutin more.


Grammar helps too. :/


"Heart of the cards" is real pro


In my case, I lose to everyone who can luck-sack with an 80 card E-Hero deck.


It's not fair that after 25+ straight wins, the first Deck that beats my DED Deck is a lame Hero/ZombieGenesis/randobad/56 card pile, all because my draw power decided to pile them selves, one on top of the other.

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i disagree' date=' skill is nutin in this game all u need to know is how to play, with luck, and money nutin more.


Grammar helps too. :/


"Heart of the cards" is real pro


In my case, I lose to everyone who can luck-sack with an 80 card E-Hero deck.


It's not fair that after 25+ straight wins, the first Deck that beats my DED Deck is a lame Hero/ZombieGenesis/randobad/56 card pile, all because my draw power decided to pile them selves, one on top of the other.



I was freakin' owning on Wi-Fi with my Hopeless Dragon deck(this was before the September list)

And I go up agenst someone who miraculously drew Miracle Fusion, King of the Swap, 2 Sparkman, and Hero Barrier(of all things)


My hand, which was OH-SO perfect[/sarcasm], had 2 White Knight Dragons, and all 3 Vice Dragons.

Funny, since I drew 1 Axe Dragonute and the rest were Red Eyes Wyvern(Why couldnt it be ReDMD? Seriously....)


And with that, its pretty hard to beat someone who gets 2 Shining Flares, and summons Neos(I know, this was THAT bad), apon the 3rd turn >______>

Purley because they miraculously topdeck, with a 57 card deck.


[spoiler=Cool story*]







Super Cool Story Bro's






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It's inflation. the first pile to pull a Venomminaga decided "Imma gonna sells it for 40 lolz" and it kept selling for 40 because there were always copies for sale.


Gil Garth was at 40 for NO REASON until there were no more copies for sale on ebay. Then someone listed one for 5.95, and another for 10, and then, that's what the price became.


Dark Armed was declared 350$ because, of course, someone listed it for that, and all the bidders thought that's how much it was, so they limited their max bid to that.


another thing that comes into play is demand. Some prices vary because more people want it and will bid more for a card. A dollar card could become 4 and then 7 dollars because people will drive up the "price" through max bids.


And then theres the Beckett/TCG/Card Sale Price Magazines piles that declare "Dark Armed will be 400! Judgment will be 200! Pluto Is not a Planet!"


If you cant afford the "good cards", buy the cards that kill the good cards.

And when it comes to destroying 1200 dollar decks with cards you got for free, remember a saying of mine...

it was the penny that killed the millionaire.

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