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Pikachu Wins the battle(PKMN Mystery Group 1-on-1) Finished Please lock

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Hello and welcome to the PKMN mystery Group's 2nd Battle! Today we have Pikachu battling The Bobster who will win? Only you hold that answer vote for the contestant that you want to win!

[spoiler=The Bobster's Card]



[spoiler=Pikachu's Card]



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 1 "Marill" on your side of the field. Once per turn, before you attack, you may flip a coin. If heads, increase this card's DEF by 300 until your next Battle Phase. If tails, you cannot flip a coin during your next Battle Phase. If you do not flip the coin when you can, destroy one of your Spell or Trap cards. When this card finishes attacking, change this card's position to Defense Position. If this card did not attack during this turn, return this card to your Hand. During your next Main Phase, Special Summon this card in Defense Position.




[spoiler=Rules & End Date]

1. Anyone can vote

2. The card with the most votes by the End Date wins

3. No Swearing, Spamming etc.

End date 6/9/09



Edit- End date changed to today to speed up the contest :|

congrats to Pikachu :)


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  'Pikachu said:

May I suggest.....


That the poll votes don't count? Because usually in other contests the poll votes are optional' date=' and the posted votes have to have reasoning in order for them to be official votes (to stop n00bs posting the name and stuff).



Good suggestion from now on all poll votes are null and void however the written votes are still counted

so the score is

Pikachu- 2

The bobster- 0

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Pikachu's is alot more realistic and balanced. Wording looks iffy though.


Bobster's on the other hand seems overpowered. I am guessing the fusion materials are all Psychic monsters? Then the monsters you special summon already gain 1500 ATK which makes it too powerful of a card. Not to mention it has 5000 ATK.


Pikachu gmv.

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Hey there, Pikachu! The most respected Asian here, that is, after Mia.

What I wanna tell you is...

You're OCG is uber awesome! I WOULD love to see more of your cards... Then I can see whether you can work for the company... BTW do we need to specify if it's a face-up Marill or face-down Marill that needs to be tributed? I see face-up thingies in some cards.


As for you Bobster boy, you need Inverted Commas(" ") and dashes (-). We say Psychic-type, not Psychic type. When you say one, it's supposed to be 1. And some more...

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