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TOTW Main Thread

Welcome to the second TOTW competition on YCM. Make sure to read the rules in the main thread before posting. After .frission left, Seta became leader, and he appointed me to run TOTW, so I will. Meh, I just C&P'ed most of the original thread.


The theme for this week is "Manga & Comics", an easy theme, but not an easy tag to make. DO NOT post simply saying "Reserved", it is considered spam, instead, simply post your entries here, using the below form. Entries end and voting starts the 11/9/09, so next friday, in a week.


IMG tag
[code]img tag[/code*]


Make sure to remove the * in the code tag.

The prize will be a special button, Which I will make soon, I will post it to show. If your entry scores more than 75% of total votes, you will also recieve 100 Points from me. If the votes are tied, I'll find someone experienced to judge

Let the competition begin!


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