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Effect Tournament Round 2/3 Finished LOCK please


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Hello Everybody. In this round things get tricky. In this round at the end of the round 3 people will move on and the others will be out of the tournament.


The object is to make an effect monster and a Spell Equip card to go with it.




Winner will get 100 points and 2 REPS

Second will get 50 points and 1 REP

Third gets 30 points and 0 REPS




No spam/flam/troll/flood/etc

No complaining if you lost

No Fake types




1. Milk-Chan/paid/cards entered

2. Deustodo/paid/cards entered

3. Crisis King/paid/cards entered

4. rodri666/paid/cards entered

5. Красная Луна/paid/cards entered

6. Batteryman AAA/paid/cards entered



Enjoy yourselves:D

Ends September 6

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1 Robotech Tuner + 1 or more Machine non-Tuner Monsters

This card is also treated as a Psychic-type. When this card Attacks a Beast, Beast-Warrior, Fairy, Fiend, Spellcaster, Warrior, or Winged Beast-type monster, Destroy it. If this card has more ATK than the Destroyed monster, take Damage equal to the difference between the ATK of this monster and your opponents monster. If this card has less ATK, inflict Damage to your opponent equal to the Level of the Destroyed monster x400.



This card can only be equipped to a "Robotech" monster. The monster this card is equipped to cannot Attack for 3 turns. If that monster is still on the field, increase its ATK by 1000. The equipped monster can only Attack once per turn, regardless of any other effects.


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[spoiler=Card Lore]This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "No one Mourns the Wicked". This card can only declare an attack equipped with "Defying Gravity". If this card is destroyed by the effect of a Spell or Trap card you may pay 2000 lifepoints to return "No one Mourns the Wicked" to your hand.



[spoiler=Card Lore]This card can only be equipped to "Wicked Witch of the West, Elphaba" and cannot be destroyed by the effect of any Spell Card. The monster this card is equipped to is also treated as a WIND monster. Increase the attack points of all WIND monsters on your opponent’s side of the field by 400. Decrease the defense points of all EARTH monsters by 400.


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Here are the cards for this round:

[spoiler=Monster Card]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. You can Special Summon this card by revealing 3 Zombie-Type monsters with different Attributes in your hand while you control at least 1 Zombie-Type monster. When this card is Special Summoned, place 1 Vampiric Counter on this card. When a Zombie-Type monster is destroyed, remove 1 Vampiric Counter from this card. When there are no Vampiric Counters on this card, destroy this card. Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 "Vampire" or "Vampiric" monster from your hand or Graveyard ignoring the Summoning conditions. Destroy that monster during the End Phase. Each time you Tribute Summon a "Vampire" or "Vampiric" monster, place 1 Vampiric Counter on this card.


[spoiler=Equip Spell Card]




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Sorry for the delay, I couldn't decide what card to enter (since even I did not believe I'd make it to the second round.)



Card Effect:

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by sending 3 "Vampire Hunter" monsters in your Spell & Trap Card Zone to your Graveyard. When this card is Special Summoned, reveal the top 5 cards of your Deck. For each Spell and Trap Card revealed, place 1 Hunter counter on this card. By removing 1 Hunter counter from this card, you can negate 1 attack by an opponent's monster and decrease its' ATK by 500. If this card is sent to the Graveyard by an opponent's card effect while there is 1 or more Hunter counters on it, you can Special Summon 1 monster from either player's Graveyard whose Level Stars are less than or equal to twice the amount of Hunter counters remaining.



Card Effect:

This card can only be used to equip a monster with "Vampire Hunter" in its' card name. Increase the ATK of the monster equipped with this card by 100 for each Hunter counter on the field. Place 1 Hunter counter on the monster equipped with this card during each of your respective Standby Phases.

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