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Tag force 4 really over did it in a pool of epic.

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Are they really gonna call it Tag Force 4 in America? Seeing as we never got Tag Force 3?


This game has over 4000 cards in it (Seriously' date=' look it up). So most likely, it will end up like WC2009 did. It will have the Jap cards in the American version. Meaning that Duel Terminal cards and Stardust Overdrive will most likely be included.



My thoughts exactly. I hope they do add Stardust Overdrive cuz lets face it, the game is coming out AFTER Overdrive was released so its likely they will include it in the game.


Lets hope it comes out to America and not that Japan and Europe only crap like they did for Tag Force 3.


I think America didn't get it because 4kids stopped Dubbing half way through the Yubel part. And that's what Tag Force 3 covers mostly. Yet somehow Europe did.


I didn't know that. Thanks!

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