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my card beat it


You beat it yourself by not making a way to summon it. Synchro monsters need Synchro ingredients listed on the card. ex. "1 Tuner Monster + 1 or more non-Tuner Monsters"


It's not that you did a bad job of saying what your card does. It's pretty clear' date=' but you have to remember that Yugioh cards are phrased a certain way. This is called Official Card Grammar or OCG (not to be confused with Official Card Game). Most of the users here will rip you a new one for not knowing how to phrase your effects properly.


This is the proper way to phrase your monster's effect:

[i']This monster gains ATK equal to the combined ATK of all Dragon-type monsters (except "Dragon of Destiny") on the field and in both player's Graveyards.[/i]


I realize that you a new to the site, but did you honestly think you were being creative when you came up with that effect? This effect is exactly like the anime effect of Dragon Master Knight. Not a week goes by that someone doesn't post a monster with the ability to boost it's ATK to ludicrous levels.


If you want to be able to make good cards that people will review positively, one of the keys is a good effect. Instead of starting with something huge and overpowering, why not start with something smaller? Make a some Level 4 or lower monsters and give them helpful, and balanced effects. Try to draw inspiration from a unique picture, or a TV show, or a book that you like. If you have Yugioh cards of your own, try to imagine a card effect that might be helpful in your own deck.


Either way, don't be in a hurry to make the next Egyptian God or Earthbound Immortal card. Start small, work big, and for your sake, learn OCG.

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