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Deck Master System

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Eh' date=' I don't care much for the Deck Master idea... *is only saying this cause no form of the Charmers have a DM XD*.




I love the Deck Master idea.


But others seem to like it XD.


The guy who drafts them is still making them, of course.


Maybe we can make our own. O:


Let's make the Charmers kick ass. >:3

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Eh' date=' I don't care much for the Deck Master idea... *is only saying this cause no form of the Charmers have a DM XD*.




I love the Deck Master idea.


But others seem to like it XD.


The guy who drafts them is still making them, of course.


Maybe we can make our own. O:


Let's make the Charmers kick ass. >:3


lol, I highly doubt that'd be good though :P, What I think they'll be:


Charmers: "Discard 1 card, take control of 1 WATER/FIRE/WIND/EARTH/DARK Monster your opponent controls, this effect can only be activated during your Main Phase"

Familiar-Possessed: "During battle between your attacking WATER/FIRE/WIND/EARTH monster and a Defense Position monster who's DEF is lower then the ATK of the attacking monster, inflict the difference as damage to your opponent".

Adult: "Tribute 1 WATER/FIRE/WIND/EARTH monster you control, Special Summon 1 WATER/FIRE/WIND/EARTH monster from your hand, Deck or Graveyard, this effect can only be activated during your Main Phase"


Eh, Dunno if I worded it right though XD, Hm, Maybe those should've been the original effects for the Charmers or something XD, Well, aside from the Adults Summoning other monsters from the deck...

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Eh' date=' I don't care much for the Deck Master idea... *is only saying this cause no form of the Charmers have a DM XD*.




I love the Deck Master idea.


But others seem to like it XD.


The guy who drafts them is still making them, of course.


Maybe we can make our own. O:


Let's make the Charmers kick ass. >:3


lol, I highly doubt that'd be good though :P, What I think they'll be:


Charmers: "Discard 1 card, take control of 1 WATER/FIRE/WIND/EARTH/DARK Monster your opponent controls, this effect can only be activated during your Main Phase"

Familiar-Possessed: "During battle between your attacking WATER/FIRE/WIND/EARTH monster and a Defense Position monster who's DEF is lower then the ATK of the attacking monster, inflict the difference as damage to your opponent".

Adult: "Tribute 1 WATER/FIRE/WIND/EARTH monster you control, Special Summon 1 WATER/FIRE/WIND/EARTH monster from your hand, Deck or Graveyard, this effect can only be activated during your Main Phase"


Eh, Dunno if I worded it right though XD, Hm, Maybe those should've been the original effects for the Charmers or something XD, Well, aside from the Adults Summoning other monsters from the deck...


Those don't sound pwnful enough. D;

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Inaba White Rabbit

Continuous - Magic of Inaba

All beast type monsters you control can attack your opponent directly. Any battle damage inflicted by a monster attack directly using this effect becomes the monster's Level x200.

Trigger - Inaban Trick

When your opponent activates a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Monster's Effect you can discard 1 card to return up to 2 beast-type monsters on the field to the owner's hand. During the End Phase of a turn you activate this effect you can special summon the same monsters returned to your hand by this effect.



Would make my Dark Snake Deck GODLY.

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Eh' date=' I don't care much for the Deck Master idea... *is only saying this cause no form of the Charmers have a DM XD*.




I love the Deck Master idea.


But others seem to like it XD.


The guy who drafts them is still making them, of course.


Maybe we can make our own. O:


Let's make the Charmers kick ass. >:3


lol, I highly doubt that'd be good though :P, What I think they'll be:


Charmers: "Discard 1 card, take control of 1 WATER/FIRE/WIND/EARTH/DARK Monster your opponent controls, this effect can only be activated during your Main Phase"

Familiar-Possessed: "During battle between your attacking WATER/FIRE/WIND/EARTH monster and a Defense Position monster who's DEF is lower then the ATK of the attacking monster, inflict the difference as damage to your opponent".

Adult: "Tribute 1 WATER/FIRE/WIND/EARTH monster you control, Special Summon 1 WATER/FIRE/WIND/EARTH monster from your hand, Deck or Graveyard, this effect can only be activated during your Main Phase"


Eh, Dunno if I worded it right though XD, Hm, Maybe those should've been the original effects for the Charmers or something XD, Well, aside from the Adults Summoning other monsters from the deck...


Those don't sound pwnful enough. D;


True, but the Charmers in the game seems more Strategy Based or something instead of focusing on purely destroying your opponent like DAD and JD, that or I'm not good at thinking up effects at 5:10 AM in the Morning XD.

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(Ignition) Tie of Dark Control

Select 1 monster you control. Switch the selected monster with your Deck Master. The selected monster is now your Deck Master. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Standby Phase while your Deck Master is in its Deck Master Position. If your Deck Master is replaced by a new Deck Master, your new Deck Master also has this Deck Master Ability in addition to its own.


Hell. Yes.

Deckmaster Toolbox, anyone?

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(Ignition) Tie of Dark Control

Select 1 monster you control. Switch the selected monster with your Deck Master. The selected monster is now your Deck Master. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Standby Phase while your Deck Master is in its Deck Master Position. If your Deck Master is replaced by a new Deck Master' date=' your new Deck Master also has this Deck Master Ability in addition to its own.


Hell. Yes.

Deckmaster Toolbox, anyone?



Woah, woah, woah.....

Shapesnatch, becomes ANY monsters you control, and it ALSO has the origional Shapesnatch's ability in addition to the monster's deck master ability?




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deck master powers are a bit over the top here' date=' aren't they?


of course, defender knight would be just as broken. my monsters just wouldn't die!



"Once per turn" or twice, or some limitation would probably be added to keep it fair.


or having some kind of MP.


like each deck master have an MP amount, and each time his effect activates your MP drops

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Guest PikaPerson01

The site you're advertising doesn't work.


On-topic: "Hey! Let's take an already broken game and make it even more broken with a ridiculous system!!"

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