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PLEASE HELP ME!( I am desprate and you are all ignoring me...)


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I have been ignored in my first post so I will keep posting this untill sombody responds. I am in need of help, the card generator is not working for me. When I make a card, it dose not let me make it, I press generate and it dose not generate the card. All it dose it say yu-gi-oh card where that card image should be and the generate button still says generating, and dose not go back to normal. When I click open all I get is a pictureless level one light monster with undefind in all catogories with an incomprehenceable name. So can you please help me and not ignore me?

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i think what that other guy was trying to say (but was pretty wrong about) is that the link is either broken or the picture is not the correct file type, in which case you cannot generate an image of the card. make sure the link is correct.


about your second inquiry, if you dont have any cards saved and you try to open, it results in the error you witnessed.



By the way, you spelled Cthulhu wrong.



and Dragon master, lern sum grammerz

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