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Console Wars (Remake)


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get the 360 then get too human that game is awesome.

I've heard the game really isn't that good.


This is only about exclusives since, IMO, those are what make a system better then others.


If you get a PS3 or 360 it comes down to the games you like. 360 is mostly shooters of some kind with great online for most of their games, shooter or not. The PS3 on the other hand doesn't really have many good exclusive, at least no where near the number of the 360s, but they are getting a lot of good ones in the future and, IMO, their is more verity to them.

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PS3 Slim' date=' besides MAG, GOW and the current exclusives there are games like Heavy Rain which are extremely promising.


Pretty much most 360 "exclusives" can be found on the PC including Splinter Cell. Therefore in terms of "real" exclusives the 360 has less.



Well, I doubt my dad will let me but a gaming computer (including stuff like GC's and RAM).

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get the 360 then get too human that game is awesome.

I've heard the game really isn't that good.


This is only about exclusives since' date=' IMO, those are what make a system better then others.


If you get a PS3 or 360 it comes down to the games you like. 360 is mostly shooters of some kind with great online for most of their games, shooter or not. The PS3 on the other hand doesn't really have many good exclusive, at least no where near the number of the 360s, but they are getting a lot of good ones in the future and, IMO, their is more verity to them.



oh i liked it although some cutsv=cenes are long nad hard.

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Which one's games are cheaper?




Though I'm not sure about the Wii's games price.


Usually between 50 bucks' date=' to a 60 buck average, to 90 for WiiFit I believe.


PC isn't really considered a console, is it?



Yeah, I don't really consider it a console because it's basically god of the consoles.

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Which one's games are cheaper?




Though I'm not sure about the Wii's games price.


Usually between 50 bucks' date=' to a 60 buck average, to 90 for WiiFit I believe.


PC isn't really considered a console, is it?



Yeah, I don't really consider it a console because it's basically god of the consoles.


And pretty much everyone has one, so there is no use making a war over it.

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Which one's games are cheaper?

Both PS3 and 360 games cost $60 most time.

Which one's games are cheaper?




Though I'm not sure about the Wii's games price.

Wii is $50 and for some reason if games don't sell their price drops. Look at Madworld it's only $30.



Which one's games are cheaper?




Though I'm not sure about the Wii's games price.


Usually between 50 bucks' date=' to a 60 buck average, to 90 for WiiFit I believe.


PC isn't really considered a console, is it?



Yeah, I don't really consider it a console because it's basically god of the consoles.


And pretty much everyone has one, so there is no use making a war over it.

While every one does have one, not every one of gaming quality

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How it goes(with performance not taste)


Consoles win in the Short run(no needing to worry about:"CAN I RUN THIS?!?!") just buy it, and put it in the disc player.


Computers win in the long run because their infinitely upgradeable(compared to consoles who are limited)



while I love my 360 and playstation 2(I know, but PS3 is so expensive and there's not enough exclusive Shooters/RPG's to justify that price) but I'd give them up for my pc(or better a newer better pc) anyday.

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Okay I have a 360 and I've played my friend's PS3. He has a 360 too. He is always on the Xbox. He occansionally goes on PS3 for like an hour then goes on Xbox. He has all the exculsives for it two. He agrees 360 is better. Online is better, more DLC, they do have great exculsives such as GOW 1&2, and yes I am going to say Halo for it's multiplayer(new on coming out in 14 days). PS3 has better graphics, and can play blu-ray. So basically just has better graphic capablitys. It also has some exclusives I enjoy, but I won't get the whole system for it.

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