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Yugioh Card Riddles: 11th Riddle Posted.


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[align=center]Credit to Anonymous' thread for the idea. Check his thread here: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-147504.html


Also, to prevent a single user from guessing a million times you are only allowed 1 guess per post and 3 guesses in total. If you guess more than once per post or you exceed the 3 guess limit I will ignore you.


[spoiler=Riddle One Solved by Magickid777] Most are stronger than I, yet, all I need is a sacrifice and I shall send you back to where you came.*Should be easy they'll get a lot harder* Answer= Brionic, Dragon of the Ice Barrier



[spoiler=Riddle Two No one knew] I guess you could say I have a big family. Cats are my friends. While I am on the field effects find me to be a parasite but only for a short time.. *Almost too easy* Answer = E-Hero Dark Neos



[spoiler=Riddle Three Solved by cliff'em all] 4 cards 4 cards that's all you need to summon me. Strong I am but with a cost I come. When I perish my friends shall be reborn. Answer = Machiners Force



[spoiler=Riddle Four solved by Narasa_Omega] By combining with an infamous card all monsters of weak strength stand no chance and only the powerful can prevail. *anime* Answer = Doom Virus Dragon



[spoiler=Riddle Five solved by Anonymous] Indestructible I am, however, if you lack a hand to the grave I shall go.*anime(If you don't get this I don't know what to say)* Answer = Guardian Dreadscythe



[spoiler=Riddle Six solved by No one] 2 cards returned, 1 card to draw. Both player's benefit but who will benefit more? Answer = Transport Unit of the Ice Barrier



[spoiler=Riddle Seven solved by jashin-princess112]With me no monsters can hide. I'm a Jars worst nightmare. Answer = Light of Intervention



[spoiler=Riddle Eight solved by Fighter] While I'm at your side a type of your choice is worthless. However, I demand a high cost. Answer = Regulation of Tribe



[spoiler=Riddle Nine solved by Fighter] I'm Wolverine B**** Answer = X-Saber Airbellum



[spoiler=Riddle Ten solved by Fighter] Don't let my color fool you, I can attack. *Hint* Egypt Answer = Embodiment of Apophis



[spoiler=Riddle Eleven solved by Fighter] Even in defense I'm still an offensive threat. *This might be too easy :/* Answer = Total Defense Shogun


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I'm thinking curse of anubis, but I'm not sure...


I guess you could say I have a big family. (Other Egyptian Gods)


Cats are my friends (He's a cat)


While I am on the field only vanillas will surpass... (Changes all effect monsters into defense mode)


That's my best guess I can come up with at the moment.

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