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Totem Dragon

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This card can be treated as 2 Tributes for the Tribute Summon of a Dragon-Type monster. If this card is in your Graveyard during your Standby Phase and you control no monsters, you can Special Summon this card in Attack Position. You cannot activate this effect if there are any monsters in your Graveyard that are not Dragon-Type. If this card is Special Summoned with this effect, remove it from play when it is removed from the field.


OMG. This card's artwork is weird.

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I was hoping the artwork would actually LOOK like a Totem-pole shaped Dragon. Fail Name.


No' date=' the name is fine. The failing is yours for believing that all totems are totem [i']poles[/i].


What other totems are there? :3






Yah cause wikipedia is always right...

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I was hoping the artwork would actually LOOK like a Totem-pole shaped Dragon. Fail Name.


No' date=' the name is fine. The failing is yours for believing that all totems are totem [i']poles[/i].


What other totems are there? :3






Yah cause wikipedia is always right...




Seriously, do you think that "Totem" only applies to totem poles and that all evidence to the contrary is a mass hallucination and a web of lies?

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Works nicely with cards like Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, Tyrant Dragon, or even Genesic Dragon. It's not a bad card at all just it only works in a dedicated dragon deck. The two tribute effect is worthless for the most part outside of dragons like Light and Darkness Dragon and well...hmmm I think that's it you'd really want to tribute but the free Dragon Treeborn part has it's uses.

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I'm curious. Tell me the name of the anime this image is from.


This card is only useful in a strictly Dragon deck. Otherwise' date=' it sucks and you would be an idiot to run it.



It's "Fate/Stay Night" (must watch).

Also, this card was obviously designed for dragon decks, why would someone run it in other decks if there are things like Quillbolt and Treeborn. This card would fit in the Rise of the Dragon Lords structure deck, instead of those random double tributers.

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