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★ The Guess ★

☆ Master Sami ☆

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[align=center]Welcome to The Guess Thread!


[spoiler=[b]Rules And Tips[/b]]

-You have to pay 5 Points to play the game.

-You may answer only 1 answer to a riddle, for example don't tell me "maybe a tree or a car", you have to give a clear answer.

-Please note that some bosses have high health and needs you to be smart and others that has Special Abilities.

-No Spamming, Flaming, Trolling etc.

-You MUST pay before you play, if you post an answer while you didn't subscribe, it will be referred to as spam and will be dealt with it accordingly.




[spoiler=[b]Subscribers' List[/b]]

-El Beasto Perezoso




[spoiler=Challenge 1 SOLVED BY [b]Ovechkin Rocks[/b]]Translate that Japanese typing on the right of my Avy and post it here.

[spoiler=Challenge 2 SOLVED BY [b]Ovechkin Rocks[/b]]Translate this: Aha! 翻訳のウェブサイトを使用した! 詐欺師のための評判無し!

Here's a hint: Swindler = Cheater

[spoiler=Challenge 3 SOLVED BY [b]Sκιρρу • Cаnоe[/b]]



Boss Name: The Axes

Boss Health: 2 Riddles.


Boss Riddle 1: I can see, but I have no eyes, I can immitate, but I have no body, I may be lieng in your house now, what am I?


Boss Riddle 2: I eat when you feed me, I die when I drink water...If I fly...you die, what am I?

[spoiler=Challenge 4 SOLVED BY [b]El Beasto Perezoso[/b]]

Please Note: The Challenges from 1-3 were trials, if you want to continue the game (buy it), please pay 5 Points.


You come across a fork path with a man standing in front of each path.


Man A: Go through my path, it will take you to safety.


Man B: Yes go through his path, it leads to safety.


Another man approaches and tells you: "1 man only is a lier"


Which is the lier?!

[spoiler=Challenge 5]

You catch the lying man, he congratulates you for your amazing skills in solving riddles, then leads you to a path other than the 2 Mens', and you then decided to keep company with him in your adventure, while you were walking a door falls from above blocking your path, you take a closer look and you find the following written on the door:

U S T N O C T I Scrambled with 3 missing, ERD.


The only way to go through this door is if you solve this puzzle!


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