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Sci-fi card contest 6 spots STARTED ALL SPOTS TAKEN

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entry fee is 2 points each we start as soon as i get six one card per person each round.

NO spamming,flaming or foul language!




winner 10 points 2 reps and one free shop item at my shop!

2nd 5 points 1 rep

3rd 3 points no rep


1.major tim




5.shadow mancer


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I'm in. There was an error sending the points. If you require for me to send them again, by all means I will. I mean, it is only 2.


1 Robotech Tuner + 1 or more Machine non-Tuner Monsters

This card is also treated as a Psychic-type. When this card Attacks a Beast, Beast-Warrior, Fairy, Fiend, Spellcaster, Warrior, or Winged Beast-type monster, Destroy it. If this card has more ATK than the Destroyed monster, take Damage equal to the difference between the ATK of this monster and your opponents monster. If this card has less ATK, inflict Damage to your opponent equal to the Level of the Destroyed monster x400.


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I enter. Points sent. My card:


You can Tribute Summon this card by Tributing 1 Union Machine-Type monster you control. If you do, this card gains ATK equal to the Level of the Tributed monster x 100. Once per turn, you can select 1 Union monster from your hand or Graveyard and equip the apropiate monster with it. You can destroy 2 Union monsters on the field to inflict 2000 damage to your opponent. When this card is destroyed, destroy all face-up Union monsters on the field.

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We are Starting today yay okay here we go

okay each round i will eliminate one person so i will finally have in the end 3rd 2nd and 1st place!!!!


GOOD LUCK TO ALL the first round is now started if you are out in the first round you will get 1 point back but the rest is no points and fair game.

so far i only have 4 card where r my others

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