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Skippy Canoe

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That's right! Calling all of YCM's great artists! My request is for you to make me a tag. I'm giving you a lot of wiggle room and freedom. First, you have two choices.


Lemon Sig



If you can find a better lemon, use it.

Text: Either Skippy Canoe, or none. Whatever looks better.

Details: Make sure it matches my avatar, and has yellow as its base color.




Birdramon Sprite Tag


Render: Use one of these. kciexk.jpg1j6xxt.jpg2qmg4g7.jpg

Text: None.

Details: Feel free to use blur effects and stuff on the sprite. Also make sure there's a lot of firey colors in it. If you want to recolor the sprite to yellow or orange, as long as it's a firey color, it's fine. Be creative!


Click here for the sprite sheet those are from.


Requested Artists: DeMeNTeD, or anyone else that's a great GFX-er! ^_^


You name your price.

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I got 2 versions, each with either no text or with text so you can decide..I will work on you Phoenix Tag tomorrow when I have time..for now..enjoy these..


Price: You decide..It can be free if you want to..I don't mind..I'm just practicing to be better at Graphics..



[spoiler=[color=#FFA500]Version 1[/color]][spoiler=[color=#32CD32]Text[/color]]pvnHA.png

[spoiler=[color=#FF0000]No Text[/color]]JGV7b.png





[spoiler=[color=#FFA500]Version 2[/color]][spoiler=[color=#32CD32]Text[/color]]BzHmA.png

[spoiler=[color=#FF0000]No Text[/color]]uvZQt.png





Edit: Sorry..forgot to post the codes..These are in order by the way..









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