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Weapons (if any [5. max]):Hook swords,Katana,Battle axe,Bow and arrow,Sniper rifle for long range

Powers (if any [3 max.]):Manic strenght and can read minds

Appearence (opt.)Assassine_by_SDGRAPHICS.jpg

Battle Appearence (opt.):same as other appearence exept black

Civilian or Fighter:Fighter

Bio (opt.):Is a biomechanical assassine

Side (no neutrual):Evil

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Gale sighed as he knew he was cought. "Alright. You got me." he said from the rooftop as he jumped down over 4-stories. As he got a few feet to the ground, he used his wind power to slow down his fall and land in front of the woman. He put his hands up in order to prove no harm. "Sorry I was following you. The guards are hunting down people more than usual today." he said.

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Gale was quick enough to use his wind abiity to soften the crash into the wall for him and the woman he got up and looked at the maniac that crashed through the wall. "What the hell is wrong with you? what gives you the right to crash into a wall?" he asked him as he put on his glove. The green jewel on the glove glowed brightly as he put it on. He soon felt a rush of energy racing inside him.

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Grateful for Gale's help, Glacier easily got to her feet and stood back slightly, cold white steam emitting from her hands. She was only staying back because she didn't want to hit Brandon.


Never assume a lady can't fight, thought Glacier. She was ready to attack.

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Gale looked at the woman's hands in the corner of his eyes. She can gereate ice, I presume." he then noticed the wind shifted, but it wasn't by him. He had to react fast. He looked at the woman. "Is it possible that you can seal off this alley way with your ice?" he asked as politley as he can. "We have more trouble than this maniac."

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Glacier nodded. "I'd shut your eyes if I were you, I can charm him into staying still long enough to seal off the alleyway." At once her beauty magnified as she turned the charm onto Machioes. As she did so she shot a blast of ice, sealing him firmly against the wall. "Come on, we need to go!"

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Seeing as he seemed threatened, Kurudo sighed. "Looks like I really have no choice..." He said, and grabbed the two guards who pointed a gun at him by the head, he had then slamemd them against the ground. "Even if I'm not in a battle suit, I can kill you guys..." He said, and kicked one of the guards who had pointed a gun to Neo. For the other one, he grabbed the other guard's hands and twisted them. "Weak..." He said, as he then kicked the guard by the stomach. "now about that bazooka..."

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Gale nodded and ran out of the alleyway. He looked around and noticed no guards around. He then looked at Glacier. "The only place I know thats safe is the high-class area. The guards never look there." he stated as he heard gunfire from not too far awayt. "Damn it. what is with those guards?"

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Name: Leon Rionne

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Weapons (if any [5. max]):

Copycat - A handheld device that can fit in your pocket! When used, it stores data on whatever you took a picture of, and shows a list of all items in the picture, all powers used in the picture (only Superhuman related) and can imitate the power just used (until it runs out of battery, which happens very often)! (Copycats vary between different users. They are very durable, but once weakened by a harsh weather can fall apart. It can be submerged in water 3 Kilometers Deep and still work, but you would probably die of pressure. This does not include a blast of water pummeling the Copycat.)

Powers (if any [3 max.]): None

Appearence (opt.): None at the moment

Battle Appearence (opt.): None at the moment

Civilian or Fighter: Civilian

Bio (opt.): Leon has worked his way from a simple worker in the Superhuman Tournament to the Head of the Superhuman Tournament's Adviser of Arena Layout, Finances, and Weapon Designs. He sometimes gives advice to other players, which is strictly against the rules, so he does it rarely when the Head is out on a vacation in an area with not many security cameras. Leon always had a great idea, and was very smart for the age he started wroking for Superhuman Tournaments.

Side (no neutrual): Good


You can remove the Copycat if you think it's not needed or it's overpowered.

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Name: Daichi

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Weapons: Dager.

Powers: Master in all styles of martial arts. (And i mean ALL)

Enhanced phisical abilities. (Each phisical ability is aout 10x that of a normal human.)

Freezes water. (Mostly used to create weapon's or armor, but can also be used to freeze the oponents mustles.{He can only freeze mustles when he touched the target})


[spoiler=Appearence: ]f397765.png


[spoiler=Battle Appearence: ]9555594.png


Civilian or Fighter: fighter


Side: Good

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"Decided!" The H.E.A.D. (~Highest Executive At Duty~) bellowed, and a small crowd cheered in front of him. Made of 8 people, the group exchanged looks of glee, and the H.E.A.D. nodded his head as if to signify that he has done something very important. Leon walked up to the H.E.A.D. and they shook hands. "Leo, my boy, how are you doing?" the H.E.A.D. boomed in his deep voice, fit for a leader. Leo looked at him with a smirk. "I'm doing fine, and yes, we're going along greatly." The H.E.A.D. gave him a wink, and Leon exited the room.


Some office buildings are huge. This one was a maze. You would need a map to navigate through these halls. Leon seemed to remember his way, and did it like an expert without a second doubt. He soon reached a side door to outside, and when Leon stepped outside, he was greeted with the sound of a gunshot. He turned around to make sure the door was closed. He then looked to his left and to his right. No one was there. A sigh emitted from Leon's mouth as he continued to walk down the lane.

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Neo slowly stood up and rubbed his eyes. But before he could apologize, he heard gunfire. He collapsed to the floor. A shiny red liquid was dripping from his back. The guards have just gone too far. Whether he was dead or not, justice had to be enforced. But the guards came out of the shadows, and as two took Neo away again, two more points guns at Gale.

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