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Insert Academy Here Test added

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Welcome to the Insert Academy Here, and what we do here is simple, we got three subjects and each has three dorms, the subjects we teach here are

-Custom Card Making

-GFX Making

-YVD/IRL Dueling

The Rules are so simple

[spoiler=Academy Rules]

1. No spaming, trolling, cussing, or flaming

2. a duel/card making contest/GFX contests must be reported here

3. Both participants must agree with the rules of said contest

4. When a duel/contest is over, the winner must post the resualts here

5. if you duel using YVD, describe what happenend on the last turn

6. If you duel via IRL, just say who won

7. Have Fun

8. No food in class [you can have a drink, but not food]


[spoiler=warning system]

Break rules once= Neg

Break rules twice= 2 Negs and reported or a week ban from club

Break Rules three times=Banned from academy permanitly

if your banned for a week and still post=3 Negs, reported, and perma ban from club


[spoiler=ranking up]

to rank up, you must do the following

Custom Card/GFX: to rank up here, you must win 10 contests to move up to ancient Fairy Dragon Dorm, and 30 contests to be in the Blue eyes ultimate Dorm

YVD/IRL Duels: to rank up here, you must win 15 duels to be in Ancient Fairy Dragon Dorm, and 35 to be in the blue eyes ultimate Dorm



What subjects do you want to take [you can take more than one]:

YVD name [if you choose to take YVD/irl Dueling]:



[spoiler=Custom Card/GFX teachers]

1. Ovrchkin Rocks

2. Yugiohrulez!

3. Kid[up to 3 people can teach theese subjects]


[spoiler=Red Dragon Archfiend Custm Card/GFX dorm]

1. CGrimm1023

2. Dire Wolf

3. DemonX


[spoiler=Ancient Fairy Dragon Custom Card/GFX Dorm]

1. Train Rides By

2. Masked Duelist


[spoiler=Blue Eyes ultimate Dragon Custom Card/GFX Dorm]

no one


[spoiler=YVD Teachers]

1. Insert Name Here YVD Name: Duel-King-12345

[there can be only one]


[spoiler=Red Dragon Archfiend YVD Dorm]

1. Ovrckin Rocks- YVD Name: Ovechkin-Rocks

2. Kid- YVD Name; DarkLegend13

3. Train Rides By- YVD Name: Fanmie

4. CGrimm1023- YVD Name: CGrimm1023

5. .:Masked Duelist:.- YVD Name: JunkSorcerer

6. CrazyKev- YVD Name: Crazykev

7. DemonX- YVD Name: StrongX

8. Crimson2423- YVD Name: Crimson2423


[spoiler=Ancient Fairy Dragon YVD Dorm]

No one


[spoiler=Blue Eyes Ultimate dragon YVD Dorm]

no one


[spoiler=recent Activity]

YVD Tournement, started

Format: Advanced

Contestants: Ovrchkin Rocks, Kid, Fanmie, CGrimm1023, .:Masked Duelist:., CrazyKev, Crimson2432, DemonX

Grand Prize: Automaticly in the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon YVD dorm and 2 reps and 100 points

second place: 1 rep and 50 points

thrid place: 25 Points



[spoiler=New Red Dragon archfiend Dorm's test]

1. What is the weakest monster in existance?

2. List two Zombie type monsters that specail summon monsters from your opponents graveyard.

3. How mch attack does Blue eyes ultimate dragon have?

4. Name one excluding Marshmellon cannot be destroyed by battle


[spoiler=Ancient Fairy Dorm test]

1. Is there a level 4 synchro?

2. Name the attack and defense of Five-Headed Dragon, Dragon Master Knight, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and Stardust Dragon.

3. Name the Zombie synchro that has an assualt mode.

4. What is the effect of Dark Strike Fighter?

5. Name three replacements for monster reborn.

6. What level 7 synchro lets you destroy one field spell to gain 1000 life points?

7. Name three zombie synchros that require Plaguespreader zombie to be used to synchro summon them




1. ~.:Ovechkin Rocks Club O' Fun:.~™


[spoiler=Affliterate form]

Do you have permission from your club leader:

Club Name:

Club Link:


[spoiler=Custom Card Makers Please read]

I have a Task with a hidden reward for you guys, its simple, you must create a support card for Blue-Eyes White Dragon the requirements are

-Must Be a Dragon-Type Monster

-Cannot Be a Synchro, Fusion, Ritual, or level 5 or higher monster

i will give the prize to whom ever makes the best card [ill have the Custom Card/GFX Teachers help me decide on whos the best

Pm me the Cards, and ill forward them to the Teachers

Due September 12th


[spoiler=GFX task]

GFX'ers will be creating a sig, it must have the following monsters

-Stardust Dragon

-Red dragon Archfiend

-Black Rose Dragon

-Ancient Fairy Dragon

-Power tool Dragon

text on it is optional, due October first



I wont be as active as i thought i would, so when im gone, you can accept as many members as you please


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