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UWWrestling(Plz join)


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Superstar or Diva:


Age(18 or older):



Theme(add link plz):





Clean or Dirty:

Tweener, Heel or Face:



  • Dolph Zigler
  • Aaron Calips
  • Jeff Hardy
  • Ryan Wall
  • Edge
  • Zeke Twist
  • Undertaker
  • Matt Hardy
  • John Cena
  • Jack Swagger
  • Randy Orton
  • Carlito
  • MVP
  • Primo
  • JTG
  • Dimitri Kanov
  • Shad
  • thecross
  • Hart Dynasty
  • Rey Mysterio
  • John Morrison
  • Beth Phoneix
  • Mickie James
  • Melina
  • Michelle McCool



UWW Heavyweight Title:Edge

UWW Television Title:John Morrison

UWW Tag Team Titles:The Hart Dynasty

UWW Divas Title:Beth Phoneix

UWW Universal Title:Aaron Calips


PPV: Break Down

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Here's my application:

Name: Aaron Calips





Signature: Calips Drop(2nd rope piledriver)

Signature:Aaron Buster(Power Bomb to a facebuster)

Finisher: Russian Drop(Springboard Russian Leg Sweep)

Finisher: UltroBomb(Fisherman suplex to a GTS)

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[align=center]Superstar or Diva: Superstar
Name: Ryan Wall
Age: 19
Height: 5"12'
Weight: 223 Lbs
Theme: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SQg-TzmAr0]The All American Rejects - Move Along[/url]
Signature: Frog Splash
Signature: Swanton Bomb
Finisher: GTS
Finisher: Sharpshooter
Clean or Dirty: Clean
Tweener, Heel or Face: Heel[/align]
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Superstar or Diva: superstar
Name: zeke twist
Age(18 or older): 21
Height: 5"8
Weight: 201
Theme(add link plz): [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYRC4H64EFk[/url]
Signature: back stabber
Finisher: 619 to a 360 splash
Finisher: dragon whip
Clean or Dirty: clean
Tweener, Heel or Face: heel
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You're welcome

Here's apreview of what is going to happen.

UWW Divas Title:Michelle Mccool vs Beth Phoneix
UWW Tag Team Titles:Zeke Twist and Ryan Wall vs The Hart Dynasty
UWW Television Title: Dolph Zigler vs John Morrison
UWW Universal Title:Jeff Hardy vs Randy Orton vs Aaron Calips
UWW Heavyweight Title:Edge vs John Cena vs Undertaker

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Here's the shortend version of the show.


Beth Phoneix defeated Michelle after knocking her off the top rope and Michelle landed on her head.


The Hart Dynasty beat Zeke and Ryan after Natalya distracted the ref and then David and Tyson hit the high and low on Ryan for the win.


John Morrison beat Dolph Zigler after an epic 24 minute match which ended with Morrison countering the First Impression with a rollup.


Aaron Calips defeated Hardy and Orton after Orton hit the RKO and then got thrown out of the ring and Calips pinned Hardy.


Edge defeated Cena and Undertaker after Orton punted Cena and put Edge over Cena.


I'll try and do it word by word next if I have time.

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Superstar or Diva:Super
Name: Dimitri Kanov (pronounced Car-nov)
Age(18 or older): 34
Height: 5.9
Weight: 266
Theme(add link plz):
Signature: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvquWIULIFA]Heroes of our time - Dragonforce[/url]
Signature(optional) T-Bone suplex
Finisher: Vodkan Driver - Jumping Russian Leg Sweep
Finisher(optional): Sitdown chokeslam
Clean or Dirty: Clean
Gimmick: is a Russian Communist any backstage interview,segment ect. he has a bottle of Vodka and is sarcastic whenever he gets a chance
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Here's a preview of the next UWW it will take some time since I'm doing the long version.


Dolph Ziggler vs Matt Hardy(N*1 Contenders match)
Ryan Wall and Zeke Twist vs The Hart Dynasty(UWW Tag Team Title match)
Dimitri Kanov vs John Cena
Cryme Tyme and Jeff Hardy vs Aaron Calips, Edge and thecross
Beth Phoneix vs Mickie James

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Here's a preview of the next UWW it will take some time since I'm doing the long version.


Dolph Ziggler vs Matt Hardy(N*1 Contenders match)
Ryan Wall and Zeke Twist vs The Hart Dynasty(UWW Tag Team Title match)
Dimitri Kanov vs John Cena
Cryme Tyme and Jeff Hardy vs Aaron Calips, Edge and Jack Swagger
Beth Phoneix vs Mickie James


Sounds Good.

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Superstar or Diva: super

Name: thecross

Age(18 or older): 20

Height: 6'5

Weight: 267ibs.

Theme(add link plz): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ91G5XChTI

Signature: cross stretch ( sidelining submission)

Signature(optional): cross elbow (from turnbuckle)

Finisher: cross DDT ( put my legs in a cross and ddt)

Finisher(optional): CSS/ cross suplex slam (put their legs in a cross and slam them with a suplex)

Clean or Dirty: dirty

Tweener, heel or face: im sorry wat's that

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