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I enter.

Name: rodri666

Specialty: Zombie and DARK monsters.

Best card: Dark Inferno Dragon


[spoiler=Effect] This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 3 DARK Dragon-Type monsters you control. When this card is Special Summoned, you can pay 3000 points to destroy all cards on the field except this one. If this effect is activated, increase this card's ATK by 300 points for each Dragon-Type monster either player's Graveyard until the End Phase. Once per turn, you can discard 1 DARK Dragon-Type monster from your hand to inflict 300 damage to your opponent for each DARK Dragon-Type monster on the field and in either player's Graveyard, if you do, you cannot declare an attack this turn. When this card is destroyed, you can pay 1000 Points to Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower DARK Dragon-Type monster from your Graveyard.


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I'll Enter.

Name: Ultimate_Card_Kreator

Specialty: Archetypes with Unique effects.

Best card: I Have alot. Here's One:

[spoiler=Best Card]333959.jpg

You can remove from Play 1 Zombie-Type monsters you control to Special Summon this card. Once per turn you can Special Summon 1 Zombie-Type monster from either player's Graveyard except "Chaos Zombie Dragon". As long as this card is on the field, all monsters on the field and in any Graveyard become Zombie-Type monsters. When this card is destroyed you can Special Summon 1 Zombie-Type monster with 2000 or less DEF from your Deck.


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Username : Tommers2008

Speciality : Don't really no, don't think i have one

Best Card : I find it hard to choose a best card, but i will go for this


Effect - When this card is Summoned, you can pay 2000 Life Points to add 1 Spell Card to your hand from the Deck. If this card is the only card you control, you can remove from play a number of cards from your Graveyard to Special Summon a Warrior-Type monster from your Deck with an equal Level to the number of cards removed. Once per turn, if your opponent controls a face-up LIGHT monster, you can Tribute this card to destroy the monster. If this card is sent to the Graveyard by its own effect, you can discard 1 Spell Card from your hand to Special Summon this card.


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I'm in 8)


Name (YCM username, please): Bratinella

Specialty:Effects,Synchros,Fire Type monsters

[spoiler=Best card]


This card can only be special summoned when"Brother Of The White Samurai"is on the field.When"Brother Of The Black Samurai" is summoned,take 1000 life points to special summon 3 monsters with "Samurai" in their name from your deck,hand or graveyard.Tribute "Brother Of The Black Samurai" to destroy all earth,fire,wind and water monsters on your opponents field.If there are 2 "Brother Of The White Samurai"s or 2 "Brother Of The White Samurai"s on the field,give 1000 ATK to each monster every turn.


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