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Zeroshot, I find it awesome that you are stalking me. Although I'm sure me saying I find it to be awesome probably ruins half the fun for you, so how about instead I say "Oh no, this weird guys keeps following me around, kind of creepy actually."


Sne Pales, if you always save as .PNG, never once as something else, then the problem may lie in your upload source. Some site force or default images to .jpeg.


Coolboy, it would appear you only attended to one of the things I mentioned about the splice. Still has those awful gray borders and other miscolored borders. By the looks of it you only changed the eye color.

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Hard for me to say. I don't work with Digimon splices, and I don't know anything about Digimon. I mean sure back when I was 12 or something I probably watched the show, but that was years ago.


IN general though I can see some things. With the first the wings, you did a copy and flip. Makes the wings look like they are on the same angle, facing the viewer. However they need to have more tilt to them, to match the direction of the digimon. This rule applies to pokemon splicing, a thing that's useful to do, but can look kind of amateurish. I haven't a clue of what else is added to the sprite. The rest of it looks natural on it except maybe the head. If though the only thing added is the wings, then I'd say it's a pretty simple and boring splice. If though there are more than the wings, kudos to you, everything seems to flow together naturally to me, although since I haven't a clue on the digimon used, that might be part of the problem.


The second one has the same wing issue, but you also did it to the thing on the head. Now maybe one could argue it's ok to do it to this sprite since it looks like she mostly faces forward, but part of the problem is there should still be some difference. Things aren't naturally symmetrical, and on a large detailed digimon sprite, it's easier to tell when things don't look natural. I mean the arms look like they should be almost identical, but they aren't. Again though beyond that I don't know what else to say. The wings and weird head leaves are the only things that look added on.


Perhaps I should one day do a digimon splice to try it out, that way I at least have a bit of experience with them. they look like they might be a fun challenge.

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I disagree. Sprites shouldn't be zoomed in like that. If sprite is going to be zoomed it, at least have it at a normal zoomed amount so it doesn't stretch. Yet a sprite is already blocky, so zooming is usually only used to find critique so people can view easier, not to show off.

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I don't even understand what you just said. If you're asking if it's ok to zoom in while your working on a sprite, sure why not, as long as your using the zoom tool. To actually stretch a sprite though is bad.


As I said though, stretching is fine if it's all equal stretching and for the sole purpose of showing your sprite better so people can help with critique. Basically to make it so people don't have to copy the image and use a program to zoom in. It is not ok when the stretch is uneven, and the purpose is to show off your sprite in general. So for a signature, you don't want the sprite stretched since it makes them look bad.

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