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[DISC] Clear World and Clear Vice Dragon

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[spoiler=Clear World Effect]Pay 500 Life Points during each of your End Phases. If you do not, destroy this card. Apply the following effects to a player depending on the Attribute(s) of the monsters they control:

●LIGHT: Keep your hand revealed.

●DARK: If you control 2 or more monsters, you cannot declare an attack.

●EARTH: Destroy 1 face-up Defense Position monster you control during your Standby Phase.

●WATER: Discard 1 card during your End Phase.

●FIRE: During your End Phase, you take 1000 damage.

●WIND: If you do not pay 500 Life Points, you cannot activate Spell Cards.



[spoiler=Clear Vice Dragon Effect]The effect of "Clear World" is not applied to the controller of this card while this card is face-up on the field. When this monster attacks a monster your opponent controls, the ATK of this card becomes twice the ATK of that monster during damage calculation only. When this card would be destroyed by your opponent's card effect, you can discard 1 card from your hand instead.



I foresee Clear Vice being banned. Maybe Clear World...Discuss.

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The effect of "Clear World" is not applied to the controller of this card while this card is face-up on the field. When this monster attacks a monster your opponent controls' date=' the ATK of this card becomes twice the ATK of that monster during damage calculation only. When this card would be destroyed by your opponent's card effect, you can discard 1 card from your hand instead.[/quote']


That killed it, I see maybe Clear World being affected, but not Clear Vice Dragon

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