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Thanksgiving Day Cards! Fun Fun Fun

Demi Ryu

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Ah, gotta love Thanksgiving. All that Turkey... and Pie.... mmmmm


Anyway, before I start to drool, Feast your eyes on these cards made specifically for Thanksgiving.


Heh, did you like the "Feast" Pun? heh heh heh?.... yeah I know, I hate me too....







There you go, hope that quenched your thirst for some fun, Holiday-based cards.


heh, I used another pun.... heh, heh... I'll shut up now.

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thanks for reviewing. I know Turkeys' Revenge is overpowered, but when you are dealing with monsters with 200 and 500 attack points, they deserve it. Not to mention, it is kinda like Skyscraper for Turkeys. I mean, if your fighting Neos agains a Buster Blader, thats only 100 attack differenece, but enough difference for Neos to get 1000 extra attack points from skyscraper. I like oven of Doom because it's like a fissure and helps out the weak turkey monsters.

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