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Hungry Burger Returns?!


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Bistro Chef



When this card is Summoned you can add 1 "Mystic" or 1 "Archfiend's" card from your Deck to your hand. When this card is sent to the Graveyard for the Summon of a Ritual Summon, add 1 Ritual Spell Card from your graveyard to your hand.


Mystic Beef



While the Ritual Monster this card was used in Ritual Summon for is face-up on the field, it inflicts Piercing Damage.


Mystic Bread



When this card is Special Summoned it is switched to Defense Position. Then add 1 "Hungry Recipe" from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.


Mystic Cheese



If the Ritual Monster this card was used for in the Ritual Summon destroys a monster by battle, the controller of the Ritual Monster draws 1 card.


Mystic Lettuce



When this card is Special Summoned you can Special Summon 1 "Mystic Monster from your Graveyard. While the Ritual Monster this card was used in Ritual Summon for is face-up on the field it is unaffected by Trap Cards.


Mystic Ham



When the Ritual Monster this card was used in Ritual Summon for attacks, your opponent cannot activate any Spell or Trap Cards until the end of the Damage Step.


Hungry Burger 2



This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Hungry Recipe". When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard return all "Mystic" monsters in your graveyard to your deck to draw 2 cards.


Hungry Sandwich



This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Hungry Recipe". If you Ritual Summon this card using monsters whose total Level equal this card's Level, destroy 1 card your opponent controls. When this card is destroyed is sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon as many monsters used in the Ritual Summon of this card from your graveyard.


Hungry Recipe

Ritual Spell

This card can be used to Ritual Summon a "Hungry" monster. You must also send monsters from the field or your hand to the Graveyard whose total Levels are equal or more than the Level of the Ritual Monster you are attempting to Ritual Summon. You can discard this card from your hand to the Graveyard to add 1 "Hungry" monster from your Deck to your hand.


Archfiend's Ketchup

Equip Spell

This card can only be equipped to a "Hungry" or "Mystic" monster. Increase the ATK of the equipped monster by 800 points. When then equipped monster is sent to the Graveyard, you can add 1 "Mystic" monster from your Deck to your hand.


Archfiend's Mayonnaise

Equip Spell

This card can only be equipped to a "Hungry" or "Mystic" monster. Increase the ATK of the equipped monster by 700 points.

When the equipped monster declares an attack, you can change the battle position of 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field.


Leftover Scavenge

Normal Spell

Select 3 or more "Mystic" monsters in your Graveyard. Return those cards to the Deck, then draw 2 cards.


Flame Broiled Conflagration

Counter Trap

Activate only while you control a Hungry monster. Negate the activation and effect of a Trap Card and destroy it.


Grocery Run

Normal Trap

Activate only when a monster on your side of the field is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard. Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Mystic" monster from your hand or Deck.

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First off why did you make card images with no picture??? Especially since this is in Written Cards. I would just prefer it in plain boring text.


Ok now on my thoughts on the cards. I LOVE Ritual monsters (I think I am the only person LOL) so I really enjoy seeing Ritual support! But most of this stuff is not standard ritual mechanics and overpower an underestimated kind of card too much.


Instead of having "Mystic" for all the ingredients you should just use "Hungry" instead making a more unified archetype. Especially since "Archfiend's Ketchup" could let you search for all kinds of cards including: Mystic Swordsman (All LV), Mystic Tomato, Mystic Lamp, and The Stern Mystic.


I would say all the ingredients that power-up the Ritual Monster they are used for seem really over-powered but would be before I saw "Ritual Fiend Releaser" and "Ritual Fiend Presider" from "Stardust Overdrive" booster pack. So compared to those 2 monsters (Cheese is very similar to Ritual Fiend Presider) yours are pretty balanced especially since they are low-level except for Ham.


I don't like how the Ritual card has so many extra effects. Returning the Tributed Monsters to the deck instead of the Graveyard makes the card "Samsara" useless. I think you should just stick to the normal Ritual card setup and make a seperate card that does those extra effects.


Finally I don't think the Ritual Monsters should be equal to the ATK of the Tributed monsters. This could lead to ridiculous First-Turn Kills. Just give it a set ATK and DEF but then give it some effect where when destroyed you can return from the graveyard to your hand or special summon to the field the ingredient.

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Well the reason I made the Archetype "Mystic" was because I was including Mystic Tomato in the archetype. But I agree with your thought on the ritual. I will probably break it off into different cards.


Thanks for the reply!


Oh wow. I just looked at Ritual fiend Presider. He's exactly like Mystic Cheese! I didn't even know that guys effect. I guess great minds think alike! Ha ha!

Revamped the Achetype.

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For the "Mystic" problem, I would suggest (effectwise) that you change the effects to designate DARK "Mystic" monsters. This way, the only unintentional target is "Mystic Lamp", which wouldn't work well with this Deck. And where's Archfiend's Mustard?!

The Archetype(s) work pretty well, they search somewhat quickly, but would a Hungry Fusion be possible? If not, maybe some other BIG ace monster (Hungry Sub, perhaps?) for the icing on the cake. All in all, keep up the good work.

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Mystic Mustard is coming soon;) and I'm not too worried about the Mystic problem. If Mystic Lamp and Mystic Swordsman want in to the archetype, they can come on in. It's not going to break the game or anything.


Oh and I'm about to run with that Hungry Sub by the way. I would add fusion, but that would clutter the deck with too many objectives. I'll make a fusion archetype and bring back Darkfire Dragon.

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