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Mindscape - The Experiments of Doctor F. Seinhem [ADVANCED][Open to new apps again!]

Hydra of Ages

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David raised an eyebrow. "It's been that long?" He frowned, but had to admit to himself that he was not surprised. Mind time and real time probably weren't vastly different. The next question was where to sleep. It would be far too late to travel back home and considering half of them had, according to what he heard upon arrival, been escorted, he doubted they were going to go home. "Turn in where?"

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"Turning in sounds like a pretty good idea..." I looked around the room. The Stephen guy looked to be a little bit better, but I still felt kinda bad about him. Honestly, I was tired. That ESP'ing thing took a lot of energy outta me, and I just wanted to crash in a bed. I was still a little wary of this whole situation, but you gotta do what you gotta do.


"So, I'm gonna assume you have dormitories for us? Or are we gonna be allowed to go home?"

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"This place looks to small for individual rooms, unless there's some sort of underground complex. And if I my memory serves correct, this is still military based. We're likely not to return "home" for a while. Not that I have any, but that's besides the point. Unless I'm wrong, which I could be, we're probably going to be sharing rooms here or at some military supervised base or building for some time. Am I right doctor?" He wanted to get this resolved as soon as possible. He may have masked it well, but he to felt the true exahaustion from projecting. He hoped that this exhaustion wouldn't happen after every mind journey.

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OOC: This rp is hanging on a thread. Something tells me we need more people.


IC: I'd like to sleep in my own house, but it might be better to sleep here as it'd mean that I wont have to walk here and back. That is, of course, assuming that Seinhem has rooms for us. James heard Akashic spaek and looked at him. "Well I'm sure that this place has rooms. Can you imagine what it would be like if we had to walk here and back every day?" He turned to the doctor and asked "Do you have rooms?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Meh... getting the feeling it's because this RP's already started and people dislike joining things that have already started.


Here's the deal. I'll fix up the thread a bit, and remake this once more when I have spare time (so in the next week at most). I'll accept everyone with old apps, and we'll start from this point in the plot (As in, no having to replay the first 5 pages of the RP again) after getting some new people involved too.


Sound good?

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  • 5 months later...

Hey i'm going to join


Name:kraken yuigi


Physical Appearance:wears a button up shirt with gold and silver stripes and a black vest and and black shorts.has black hair and eyes with a paralyzing look.

Bio: (1.What is your character's past? 2.How did he discover his abilities?3. How was he contacted by the Good Doctor?)1.left at a orphanage doorstep at age 2 and ran away at age 11.2.He got mad at a kid and blew him up.3.Got an email before he ran away.

Personality:Usually funny but when on a mission or in a battle he is (90% of the time)serious

ID:a sword that disappears for a minute when it did dig damage.

Egos: vial of medicine that never empty's and heals.

Superego: A talos.A big metal giant with "skin" so hot it can burn humans to death.

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