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The Ultimate Club Penguin Deck contest!


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Now, You have to create a Club Penguin based card. ONLY CLUB PENGUIN BASED! No Joke Cards. Since I have little time left here, I'll give a brief description Today.


Limit of the number of cards you can post: Maximum 3

End: 13 September

prize for 1st: 25 points

prize for 2nd: 10 points

Prize for 3rd: 5 points


It's a small competition, So it's free. I MAY raise the prizes soon... I'll post more info tomorrow. The card can be an Elemental hero, A crystal Beast, An Earthbound Immortal, but it STILL must be a Club Penguin related card.


I'll rate by OCG, Picture, Effect, Name and others. Yup, others is just one group itself.


Let it BEGIN!

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Thank you! Don't worry about those with (a little) Bad OCG, It's only up to MY level, which is still REALLY HIGH! That is, for people with bad OCG. At the end of the competition, I will PM you your correct OCG.


I forgot to post something : The amount of cards you can post.

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