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Make your Own Pokemon Move! [Remake]


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lol Another-

Name:A Big Belly Flop - This move can only be learnt by a Snorlax that holds a Fast Food

Type: ???-All Types

Power: 10000

Accuracy: 1%

Effect: If this move hits Snorlax will be a happy Pokeman'z. If it doesnt Snorlax swears until he dies because he is so fat and slow that none of his moves hits. This move can only be used if Snorlax is holding a Fast Food because if Snorlax eats fast food he gets fatter than he is, Typo, he can't get fatter than he is.

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This move is not a joke.

This is a special move that only 1 pokemon can learn naturaly.








Description:The user taps in to it's iner power to get inside the foe's mind.

Effect:If it hits the foe's stats drop by 2, has higher accuracy the lower the foe's level.




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Name: Rickroll

Type: Normal

Power: --- Special

Accuracy: 100%

Effect: Puts the opponent in a status known as "Rickrolled", just like "Frozen" or "Paralysed". When Rickrolled, your HP is halfed each turn.

Description: Produces a Soundwave that sings "Never wanna give you up"


If you have the ability "Soundproof", that's good.

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Name: Chaos Distortion

Type: Ghost

Power: 110-Special

Accuracy: 95%

Effect: This may lower the defender's Special Attack, but if not, will heighten the defender's Special Defense.

Description: The Pokemon using this move suddenlytosses out little stars that glimmer and then either stomp or snap their fingers and the stars make tiny explosions distorting time and space. This move finally ends with the user forcing all the stars into 1 and blasting a beam at defender.

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Name: Chaos Clutch

Type: Dark

Power: 80

Accurancy: ---

Damage: Special

Priority: +4

Effect: Protects the first turn and strikes the next. Fails if your opponent uses a different move than last turn, faints or switches out. Eliminates all stat changes of the defending pokemon and prevents them from using the same move twice until it switches out.

Description: Taps into the power of darkness for a crippling blow.

PP: 5


Mainly for choiced pokes and for tanks.

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Name: Shield Force

Type: Normal

Power: --- Physical

Accuracy: 100%

Effect: When activated, all moves targeting the pokemon who activated this move are cut in half (power wise). Next turn, this move does double the damage of the last move.

Description: The user charges power in it's shield/cover/arm and releases the power on an opposing move, reflecting it.

PP: 10


Can be used by all except Ghost Pokemon. This can only be used on one attack. It's like a Bide, but again, only one attack. Attacks where you deal damage more than once can still do full damage, and you only get the power of one of the consecutive hits x2.

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Name: Mudkip Spam

Type: Water

Power: Fatal

Accuracy: It's over 9000. Duh.

Effect: Only a Mudkip can use this move. All pokemon that touch Mudkip become Mudkip. All pokemon that see Mudkip become Mudkip. All pokemon that hear Mudkip become Mudkip. Once Mudkip rules the world, order an army of Mudkipz to destroy the pokemon facing Mudkip.

Description: Mudkip? Mud-Mudkip. Mudkip Mud.

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Name: I am Full of win

Type: Normal

Power: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000

accuracy: 100%

Effect: you automaticly KO all you opponents pokemon, but the user losses 2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 hp

Description: you KO all you opponents pokemon, at the cost of 2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 hp

pp- 1/1

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Name: Charge of Darkness

Type: Dark

Power: 240 Special

Accuracy: 80%

Descriptions : Pokemon fixes his sight on an enemy and accelerates towards it. As he increases speed, Pokemon begins to merge with the shadows around him, becoming difficult to see until he stops the Charge or hits his target. Upon leaving the shadows, Pokemon shocks his opponent into an immobile state for some time.

Effect: Deals 2x normal Damage, Increases evasion and accurasy for 2 turn

PP : 5

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Name: Shoop-the-Whoop (You all saw that coming, and Rick Roll'd too.)

Type: Shoop

Power: Lulwut?

Accuracy: Yes?

Description: All Your Base Are Belong To Me

Effect: Shooped Severely

PP: 9 and a half.


Hope this made you giggle



EDIR: SERIOUSLY?!?!? Are you for real? They're both there. Wonderful, my apologies. Enjoy this anyway.

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Name: Upheaval Storm

Type: Magic

Power: 120

Accuracy: 75%

Descriptions : Stirs up inert magic in a target area, channeling the force into a powerful slowing current that grows more powerful with every passing second it's channeled.

Effect: Decrease enemy evasion and acurassy for 2 turn

PP : 5

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Name: Iternal Firestorm

Type: FIRE

Power: 100

Accuracy: 99.99999999999%

Effect: It deals 90-110 Damage each turn, and turns on the 'There's a Firestorm!' status. Much stronger than a burn. Effects all pokemon on the feild excluding FIRE types.

Description: It causes a gale of fire to spread around the feild. How to spell it? D-O-O-M.

PP-1/3(3 using PP+)

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