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VZ's Tutorial on Posting: How to Aviod Multiposting


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It's an issue going around the forum since I first joined, and before I get into this brief tutorials, I must ask, why? Why is it such a hard rule to follow? Either way, here is how I can garrantee you a constantly living topic, while avoiding multiposting.


Step 1: Make your original post.

Simple step, something you do anyways.



Step 2: Delete your old post



Look at your post. If you look in the right hand corner of the post itself, you'll see a delete button. CLICK IT! Notice, how the post disapears, and your post count goes down by 1. Don't start freaking, that's suppose to happen.


Step 3: Make a new post!



Yup, now that your reply is missing, there is no way you can make a multipost. Just make up a new post, and enjoy.

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