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Bleach: Advent of Hell's Army |Accepting+Started! [Advanced]|

Sunshine Jesse

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"Hm." The smaller Arrancar released the girl and glanced down at her. His face was unreadable. "A hybrid? That, is an abomination." he said simply. He glanced down at her. "Listen to me, girl. One who loses their heart loses everything." he said simply. He wasn't attempting to persuade or solicit, his tone seemed like it was a simple truth.

"If you are indeed a perfect hybrid, then safeguard your heart and your mind. No good can come from allow Hollow into either."


he paused, then flipped his hand open, where a small ball of Cero appeared. It pulsed for a second, then imploded on itself, saturating the pocket dimension with Reishea. Another twitch of his eyes and the free particles began to flow into the girl at a steady pace.


Without looking back, he walked back to his group.


The demon shook his head. "Maybe. Memory's still fuzzy though." he admitted.

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Zarkus scratched his head, and sighed. "You wanna fight?" he said, unsheathing his sword. "Fine, fine. I'll humor you. En garde!"


Hikari's mask and her Hollow-skin completely reformed. "You're right. I am an abomination... not by choice, but by the cruel reality of the world..." she said, glowing with a thick pink reiatsu, and floating up to Azrael. "But... I am still a fighter... a warrior! I will continue to fight, continue to further myself, continue to develop! I will not be taken by the likes of you!"


Azrael smirked, looking at Hikari, and pointing his sword at her. "Come now... a Shinigami-Hollow hybrid you say? Don't make me laugh! You're pathetic! You cannot defeat me, especially relying on those cowardly powers!"


A sword appeared in Hikari's right hand. The sword glowed, and she took a deep breath. "These hands aren't the hands of a coward." she said, as several swords started surrounding her. "These are the hands that will tear through Heaven, Hell, and anything else that stands in my way!"


"Pathetic!" Azrael said, teleporting behind Hikari, and aiming a slash across her chest. Hikari immediately turned around, and grabbed his face, propelling herself along with her swords forward, and tearing a large Garganta in front of her, appearing in the basement of Las Noches once again. A circle appeared under her feet, and surrounded the entire basement. Thousands of blades surrounded the area. "This is a funeral column of over a thousand blades... the true peak of my Zanpakuto. Azrael, it ends here!" she said, dashing towards him, with grabbing several swords and throwing them at him. Any attempts on his part to dodge would be met by swords from every directing flying towards him...

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Lilith was distracted for a moment by the move that Hikari used, but then she and her mud doll charged at Zarkus. "Just tell me if I move to fast for you..." she said using a form of shunpo to get behind him. She then stabbed up at his back as the mud doll leapt forward and aimed a punch at Zarkus.

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A large golden wave of reiatsu shot seemingly out of nowhere at Lillith before she could stab Zarkus. Leon descended from the golden wave, and pointed his sword at her. "Your fight is with me. Not Zarkus." he said, getting into an offensive stance.


Zarkus blocked the punch with his own sword, and used Sonido to dash a few feet in the air. "Never letting me have any fun, eh, Leon? Heh." he said, standing up, and looking down on the both of them. "Fine then. Just don't die."

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Lilith sighed. "Well, as long as I fight someone I guess. Still, the guy with the black hair looks much stronger. Well, come get me." she said as the doll landed next to her. There was something strange about how she spoke. It was as if she didn't even care anymore and was just fighting for the hell of it.

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Ulquiorra Schiffer is dead, so...


Name: Necros Graves

Appearance: Necros is a slender, yet fairly muscular, male Arrancar of slightly above-average height with a melancholic appearance, shoulder-length, messy black hair, pale white skin, a black upper lip, and violet eyes with slit-shaped pupils similar to a cat's. He has black lines that descend from his eyes, making it appear as if he is crying. His facial expression rarely changes, and he is almost always frowning. He wears typical Arrancar clothes: a white jacket, black sash, and a white hakama. However, his jacket seems to have longer coattails than others, and the collar is rather high. Like most other Arrancar, he possesses remnants of his former life as a Hollow in his appearance. His Hollow hole is located on his sternum where a heart would normally be. The remainder of his Hollow mask lies on top of his head, forming a broken helmet with a scythe blade-shaped extension going under his left eye. He is the fourth-ranked Espada, signified by the tattoo on the left side of his neck.

Rank: Cuatro Espada

Ability: Instant Regeneration

Sealed Zanpaktou: Scythe

Zanpaktou Name: Manos de la Muerte (Hands of Death)

Release phrase: Reap

1st release Description: Necros grows 2 extra pairs of arms, both completely covered in white armor. These arms can instantly regenerate, but if one of his original arms is cut off, it's gone forever. His hair becomes longer and wilder on the left side of his head, and the remains of his Hollow mask centers atop his head, with two large horns extending outward to the sides towards the front and another extension going under his right eye. The lines on his face become broader and his fingernails lengthen. His Arrancar attire becomes more form fitting and closed at the top, becoming more like a robe towards the bottom.

* Cero Oscuras; Spanish for "Dark Zero", Japanese for "Black Hollow Flash"): It is a black Cero, which presumably can only be used while he is in his release state. Necros refers to it as "my Cero", so it may be exclusive to him.

*Guadañas del Fuego Negro; Spanish for "Black Fire Scythes": As its name suggests, this ability allows Necros to generate scythes of black flame. He can generate as many of these as he wants at any time. He can also throw them as a long-range attack.

*Olvido Negro; Spanish for "Black Oblivion": Necros claps all six of his hands together and generates a massive black fireball, which he then holds above his head and throws. This fireball will pursue its target and, if it hits, will not go out until Necros dies or puts it out himself. However, this move takes a heavy toll on Necros's energy and life force.


Offense: 90

Defence/Hierro: 80

Agility: 90

Kidō/Cero: 90

Intelligence: 100

Strength: 90

Total: 540


If any slight changes need to be made, tell me.

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Ze'borova bowed his head slightly, "Hello Commander Ukitake."


Alvaro however did not start with pleasantries. He skipped straight to the point, "Unless you want to die and have soul society be thrust into ruins, you need to form an alliance with Aizen and the Arrancar. Then as soon as you crush Lucifer, you need to betray Aizen, so that he doen't gain too much power."

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OOC: What's going on at the Urahara Shop?


~I believe Hisagi told you that Kio may or may not be human, and Urahara asked why he was put in protective custody.


Kio stood up shakily. "What just happened?! How did we get here?! Where is here?! Damnit!!" he said. He looked at everyone, then back at Maria. "What do you mean protective custody?! And why did you bring me here too?!"

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The tired shinigami glanced up, though the various portals between space at the combat and sighed, shaking his head. "I can't deal with this... not now..." he muttered, looking down at the unconscious face of the smaller woman in his arms.

"Taicho..." he said sadly, kissing her brow gently, before sinking a little more to the ground out of effort. He glanced around, and helplessly muttered. "We need to get out of here. Azira need help, and right now..."


The larger of the Arrancar glanced back at him. He paused for a couple seconds before muttering almost begrudgingly. "Don't worry." he said, almost as if the words hurt him or were embarrassing. "We'll protect you until you can get out of this... right, sensei?" he said, glancing towards the other Arrancar.

The smaller of the two two glanced his one free eye towards the two, and said nothing, but gave the barest hint of a nod.

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IC (Maria): "As one of the creators of the Hogyoku, you might be coerced by Lucifer's forces into creating another Hogyoku for his nefarious means. And Señora Shihoin might be used as a hostage in order to force you to help them."

"Besides, Po, even though he won't admit it, needs your help: the Hogyoku he's created isn't as powerful as the original, and, even with your notes, he can't get it to become any more powerful."

She knealt down in front of Urahara.

"Please, for the sake of the Soul Society, we need you help us complete the second Hogyoku."

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"Pass." Urahara said firmly. "The first Hogyoku caused more troubler than it was worth. It was too powerfull to be in the hands of shinigami, hollows, and humans. So what would happen if the second one was taken by Lucifer? The whole world and the Soul Society would be at stake." he turned and walked back to the table that Hisagi was sitting at and sat down. "I'm not going to be responsible for that. And as for Yoruichi, she's far too strong to be taken hostage by any of the servants of Hell." he said quietly. Kio looked at him. Whats a Hogyoku? he thought. Hisagi stood. "Has Kurosaki returned from Las Noches? We need to see him as soon as possible." he said.

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IC: "Fine then." Maria got up and quickly drew her sword.

"If you won't comply, I have orders to bring you in anyways."

She then whistled, and cried "Fuerte! Luciernaga!"

Two ex-Numeros suddenly teleported beside her.

One had blue hair and some sort of face paint that made him look like a mexican luchador, including a bony headband with a blue gem set into it, and no shirt, revealing his Hollow Hole on his chest. He had a pair of boxing gloves dangling from his belt.

The other looked remarkably like the late Mashiro Kuna, but her hair was darker, and her mask remnant looked like a pair of goggle sitting on her head. She had on a catsuit-like Arrancar uniform that also resembled Mashiro's suit, and her Zanpakuto was on her back.

They both had on the Shinigami uniform bottom, just like Maria.

"Did somebody ask for a CHALLENGE?!?" Fuerte cried.

"Calm down, Fuerte." Luciernaga snapped, even sounding like Mashiro, but edgier. "We need to focus on Captain Karasu's orders."

"This is Fuerte Podrido, 5th Seat, 12th Company, formerly Numero Once." Maria motioned to Fuerte. "And this is Luciernaga, 8th Seat, 12th Company, formerly Numero Vienteuno." She motioned to Luciernaga.

"And I am Maria Caballera Delmuerte, Lieutenant of 12th Company, Vice-President of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute, and former Numero Trece." She placed her hand on her own chest as she said this.

"And you're coming with us, Señor Urahara."

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Hisagi drew his sword as well. "Go ahead. Lets see if the 3 of you can keep up!" he said. Urahara stood. "Like I said, I'm not making another Hogyoku just so that the Soul Society can do the same thing that bastard Aizen did. But if I have a choice, then..." he pulled out his swod too " scream, Benihime!!" he swung his sword across the ground and sent a red shockwave at Maria. Hisagi shunpoed in front of Fuerte, and slammed his elbow into his chest.

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OOC: Oh yeah. Forgot to mention. The bubble around the shop prevents you from escaping.

IC: Fuerte didn't even flinch at the attack, but grabbed Hisagi and delivered a series of kickboxing blows to the being.

Maria deflected the attack with her Zanpakuto as Urahara's bankai faded away.

"By the way, we were prepared for your possible defiance, so we brought one of Po's toys."

"This is an Anti-Spirit Shield. Any being inside of the sphere can't release spirit energy in any form, nor can they exit the sphere unless they are in a physical body."

She quickly entered her gigai, lifted up Urahara and Hisagi's bodies, and threw them out of the sphere before exiting her gigai outside of the bubble, leaving her gigai, and coming back into the sphere.

"Now, you're trapped until the shield goes down, which only I can do."

She then redrew her sword.

"Ready to play?"

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~Ok, and Benihime is just Urahara's Zanpaku-to. I don't think they've showed his Bankai yet. Also, if she threw them out of the sphere, then wouldn't that mean she took away its effects


"Damn, they're pretty good." Hisagi said standing. "But they missed something." he said pointing at the ground beneath Maria and Fuerte. There were about 5 knives at the ground smoking. "Ah, nice touch." said Urahara. No sooner than he finished, the knives exploded. Hisagi ran at them, jumped, and aimed his two fingers at them and chanted "Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name Man! Truth and temperence! Upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws! Hado number 33! Sokatsui!!" a bluish purple fire was shot at the group. Hisagi then followed up his attack by throwing 3 more bomb knives at them. "I'm not called Captain for nothing!!" he said as he landed.

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OOC: No, she just threw out their bodies. Their still in the sphere, just in spirit form. And no spirit energy period. No special abilities or anything. Just sword on sword.

IC: The "flames" fizzed out and did nothing, while the knives were easily deflected by the ex-Numeros.

"Don't you get it?" Maria cried out. "No spirit energy at all! None of your abilities will work, and your zanpakuto is nothing more than a weapon!"

She then threw herself at Urahara.

"So we'll fight like true warriors! Mano y Mano!"

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Omaru and Byakuya

Omaru woke up from his slumber finding himself in the Soul Society's infirmary. "Where... where am i? How did i get here?" "Ah... Your awake, finally i was hoping you'd get up sooner or later."


Byakuya said coming out of the shadows. "Your here because you were badly injured in battle by one of our captains, Sajin Konahamaru." Byakuya said looking out the window.


"And who might you be soul reaper?" Omaru said sitting up, "My name is none of your concern... but what is my concern is what on earth are you doing here... Arrancar?" Byakuya said while closing his eyes.


Zenpachi and Sajin

Sajin also woke up from his slumber, but was in a different hospital. Kenpachi then looked at Sajin, "so your awake eh? I heard what had happened between you and that arrancar, he must've put up one hell of a fight huh?" Kenpachi said looking at the sky through the window.


"Yes he did actually and i guess you were there for my rescue?" Kenpachi chuckled then laughed, "I don't come for nobody's rescue... your just an ally Sajin nothing more nothing less." Sajin growled as he got out of his bed but was still in pain from his battle.

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OOC: Yugiohfreak, your RP is approved.


Ukitake sat down. "Betrayal really isn't my thing. I'm not that kind of person..." he said quietly. "Besides... I'm sure Ichigo has that covered."


Meanwhile, in Garganta-land, Leon jumped back, his golden sword leaving a trail of gold reiatsu. His own lavender reiatsu started encircling his body, and focused into his hand as he fired a purple Cero at Lilith.


Zarkus walked over to the group, and sighed. "You mean your Arrancar buddies can't open a garganta for you? I'm pretty sure I could... for a price."


OOC: also, sorry for being gone all day. Been busy.

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Shiyos frowned. "I was created within the human world, from Hollows harvested by my Sensei. I have never been to Hueco Mundo, except for short trips with him. I never learned how to create garganta." he muttered, crossing his fairly massive forearms. He leered at him. "Price?! You would ask for a price?" he said, anger alighting.


Vel silenced the massive Arrancar with an icy glare, and looked back towards Zarkus. "That would be appreciated." he said in a voice gentler than his usual tone, to the Arrancar that had offered. He paused briefly. "You are Zarkus, yes?" he said in the same tone. He plucked the pocketwatch from his coat pocket, examined it, and replaced it. "I remember you." he said with a vague hint of interest.


The male shinigami looked like he would glare at Zarkus for asking a price, but immediately sighed and stopped, evidently too exhausted to express outrage.


The demon leaning against an invisible wall blew a cloud of smoke before he continued to enjoy his pipe. He smirked a little. "This is interesting. So, what happened since I left, I wonder?" he said with curiosity. "And how long has it been? Our little trip may have taken as few as five minutes, or as much as twelve thousand millennium. We had no way of knowing."

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"I was kidding about the price." Zarkus said, stretching. "Anyways, since you guys have been gone... Aizen has returned, Ichigo showed up, Kenpachi kicked some ass... it's been about a month, give or take." he said, absentmindedly.


Azrael was on the ground, with multiple cuts throughout his body, bleeding profusely. The cuts slowly healed, and he looked up at Hikari, who was surrounded by thousands of blades. "My powers... they won't... I can't tap into them all at a time! Why?!" he yelled in a desperate tone.


Hikari looked down at him, with a long red katana in her hand. "Jack of all trades... master of none. Even with all your powers, once your link with your powers was shaken, I didn't let up. It takes time for you to tap into your powers, and I didn't give you the time to do that. You just became a Servant, no? Heh..." Hikari held her sword next to his neck, and created a small cut in it. "You're in your final form. When you die, you die. Goodbye, Azrael."


"No... no! Don't! Please... let me... live! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Hikari beheaded him, and blew his head along with his body to pieces with a cero. She turned around, and turned back into her normal form... completely naked. "...funk. Glad nobody is here." she said, snapping her fingers, as an Arrancar uniform appeared on her body.

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Omaru and Byakuya

"Seems my kind is not welcome here." Omaru said getting out of his bed but fell to his knees in pain. "Dammit." "Your still weak and is in need of hospitality." Byakuya said looking at Omaru.


Omaru used his last strength to get up and crawl back to bed, "I'm here because i'm on a mission..." Byakuya opened his eyes and walk towards Omaru, "what mission is that supposed to be?"


"I'm not telling one word to a soul reaper..." Omaru said crossing his arms and closing his eyes, "Tell me what the mission is... or i'll have to know by force!" Omaru chuckled and opened his eyes, "Do you really want to injure one who is already in pain?"


Kenpachi and Sajin

Sajin got back in his bed, holding his wound, "why do you always put us down Kenpachi? Why do you think your superior then all of us?" Kenpachi opened his eyes, unsheathes his sword at points it Sajin...


"...watch your tone, wolf boy. I'm not afraid to kill my own ally." Kenpachi said sheathing his sword, "you wretched demon..." Sajin said folding his arms...


"...excuse me?" Kenpachi said looking at Sajin, "what did you call me?"

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The snakelike man stretched his demonic arms, yawning slightly. "Thought it was something like that." he responded in disinterest to Zarkus's report. "Name's Crowley by the way. Friends call me... Crowley." he paused, blinked and shrugged.

"I should get a nickname. By the way, Doll, lovely show. Nudity and violence, my favorite combination.", he hollered through the various holes in the gargantas, including one he had inflicted with his own blade in order to allow him a better vantage point of sight, while applauding slightly.


Vel nodded serenely, showing no apparent change in personality from before. Shiyos looked filled with anger again, but physically restrained himself from displeasing Vel.

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Lucifer was sitting in his chair, hand on his knuckle, and took a deep breath. He exhaled, and stood up. "Looks like Azrael failed in his goal... if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself." he said, opening up his own Garganta, and walking into the basement of Las Noches where Hikari was. "Greetings Hikari." he said, nonchalantly.


"...Lucifer?!? What... are you doing here?" she said,, jumping back, with a feint tone of fear in her voice. "Grah... dammit!"


Lucifer smiled, as a broadsword appeared out of the ground. "I'm doing the job that Azrael could not. Its time to... start being more proactive. I'll get this job done here and now." he said, grasping it in his hand, and pointing it at Hikari. "I also won't give you the chance to recover. So en garde!"


"sheet!" Hikari swore, as her Hollow mask appeared on her face and she morphed into her second form. "I'm still tired from the last fight...!" she said, as a sword appeared in her hand.


Aizen stood up, and opened a Garganta. "Gin. We have company in the basement." he said, walking through it. "Let us watch." Aizen stepped out of the Garganta, into the basement, and unsheathed his sword...

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