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Bleach: Advent of Hell's Army |Accepting+Started! [Advanced]|

Sunshine Jesse

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OOC: Are you guys fighting over Rukia?

IC:Back in the Soul Society...

"Captain Karasu."


"Captain-General Ukitake has requested your presence at a Captains and Lieutenants-only Council of War."


Po mentally ground his teeth as this meeting disrupted his plans again.

He gathered up his diagrams, called for Maria, and headed for Sokyoku Hill.

OOC: Big pow-wow at Sokyoku Hill. Captains and LTs only.

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There was a loud scream from the samurai. Damn! He lost! thought Kio. He turned another corner and ran strait down the street. His lungs were starting to burn. He didn't think he could run any further, and he knew that if he didn't find a safe place to hide from the monster, he would die. He dove into an ally and rolled behind a garbage box (whatever those big green metal things that hold garbage are). The monter walked slowly downte ally. Their was a long gash across its mask-like face. Kio edged slightly aroud the garbage container and, hopefully, out of sight from the monster.

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ooc: no we're not fighting over her. We just want to talk to her


"This is taking forever," Alvaro said as the seconds ticked by. Ze'borova nudged him in the side.


"Don't be so impatient. It's unbecoming of you. Beside's, it is to be expected. With reitsu like her's its natural that we would feel it long before she actually arrives her."


Alvaro's eyes widened as Ze'borova spoke. "Is her spiritual pressure that strong."


"It is now."


'Interesinting. Whatever Gin did to her, he has changed her far more drastically than any of the Arrancar. And with that ability of hers. She would be a truly formidible opponent."


"I will admit that I'm bored though," Ze'borova said. "What is there to do her in Hueco Mundo."


"You could go to the beach and hang out," Alvaro suggested.


"There's a beach in Hueco Mundo?" Ze'borova said, before dodging a puch from Alvaro.


"You're such an Idiot," Alvaro said. "Of course not. The only thing we really do her is fight."


"We could go outside and train?" Ze'borova suggested.


"Far too troublesome," Alvaro said. "Besides. Without the use of your Shikai and Bankai, there's no way you can hope to beat me,"


Ze'borova opened his mouth to speak when they both felt a large burst of reitsu.


"That felt like-"


"I know," Alvaro interrupted. "Look's like our conversation will have to wait," Alvaro said, before they both dashed off in the direction of the reitsu.

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"Don't you sense that," Alvaro said as they sped across the sands of Hueco Mundo. Before Ze'borva answered, Alvaro interrupted, "No of course you don't. I forgot that your abilities are less in tune here in Hueco Mundo."


Ze'borova said, "Who are you kidding. If your senses were so good, you wouldv'e been able to stop my attack. Expecially since I was only in Shikai."


Alvaro growled but said nothing to that comment. "Doesn't something feel off about that reitsu. It feel's like neither a Shinigami or a Hollowish." Alvaro frowned. "So what could it be..."


"You work on that. I need to have a chat with Rukai," Ze'borova said.


"Have fun with the Ice Princess," Alvaro said, before shuddering from a sudden blast of frost reitsu. 'Guess she heard me' he thought. Alvaro said, "Catch up when your done," before vanishing in a burst of Shadow Sonido.


'Hate it when he does that' Ze'borova thought before hanging back to let Rukai catch up to him.

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Kio almost made it around the garbage bin, but his foot knocked over a can. The monster heard him. "Damnit!!!!" he yelled as he stood and ran again. The monster chased after him. If I keep up like this, I'll be dead in no time! he thought. As he turned the corner to the street his house was on however, he tripped over his feet and slamed into the ground. His tooth ached and he spat blood from his mouth. He turned over and saw the monster practicly on top of hm. So this is really how I'm gonna die? he thought. He closed his eyes and waited for the cold embrace of death to take him.

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"Alright so Rukia, you know that this war is highly problematic. The most prominent of these reasons is that after it is finished their will be a few problems. If we do defeat Lucifer, Aizen will become the King of Hell, and that will be worse. I know that the Soul Society has its issues with Hueco Mundo, but maybe if they work together they can figure out how to end the battle with hell and stop fighting with the Arrancar. Or hell and soul society could team up destroy hueco mundo, have us all go to hell, If we go, and destroy S.S. Or Hell & Hueco team up destroy ss, but that leaves the problem of of if we defeat them, how do we defeat heel, and if we do where are the damn hollows gonna go!!! If we lose...then well, excuse my pun, we will surely be howling in Armageddon. We need to keep the order and form an alliance. Our best bet would be to convince Kurosaki-san to talk to S.S on our behalf, defeat hell without killing Lucifer thereby stopping Aizen from taking over and we can go back to being enemies. So do you understand the predicament we are all in?"

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Omaru got up and unleashed his Shikai. His zanpaktou turned a big crystalized sword that conjured a dragon spirit around Omaru. "I'm impressed but that won't help you." Omaru smirked "wanna bet?" Sajin smirked as well. "absolutely." Omaru and Sajin charged full force and clashed as the impact made a thunderous sound. The dragon and giant arm moved back and forth with each impact and a explosion occured.

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Secchi was walking around as he looked up to the sky. "Ugh, Soko, why can't you just leave me alone you pesky little troll." He said, turning around to face his oncoming enemy. "I knew I shouldn't have stayed near the battling, but I suppose beggars can't be choosers." He finished speaking, looking over to Tenpou who was looking at him with the same annoyed look. "I know Master, I want him to go away too. He's becoming a pain, and he should know he isn't getting Ukiyo back." He said, knowing that Ukiyo's name was bad juju.

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He looked over to Voltage and sighed as he grabbed the lightning in his hand, letting it disperse. "Can't we just stop?" He said sighing, as he signaled Tenpou to go forward and attack. Tenpou quickly jumped forward, swinging his blade out in front of Voltage, letting an immense shot of fire shoot out, which seemed to solidify as he struck upwards now. The fire had become a sharpened point of shrapnel, which seemed to still have the insane heat of the sun on it.

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Alvaro continued dashing through the sands heading toward the unknown reitsu. "Ze'borova better hurry up" he thought.


He finially reached the reitsu and his suspicions were proven to be correct. It was a hell minion. His eyes widened at it. 'How did it get into Hueco Mundo without being spotted.' It was only because of rukia's cold reitsu tat he had been able to sense a difference reitsu far off. 'Surely we would've sensed a garganta opening.'


The hell minion suddenly turned toward Alvaro and fired a large cero from its mouth. Alvaro quickly dodged thingking, 'It can use Cero? But I thought only hollows could use cero. ' He landed on his feet, got one look at the minions face and said. "Oh no," before it attacked.

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Omaru fired many ceros at Sajin and Sajin was hit with one at his arm. "NOW I'M ANGRY!" Sajin then called out his bankai. "Heavenly Punishment of Kokujo's King!" Sajin summons the entire black armored warrior (several stories tall), not just the disembodies limbs anymore. This giant warrior, as before, copies any of Sajin's actions. Other than this, no other abilities or attacks have been revealed. Omaru then looked at Sajin's bankai, "Now i'm impressed." That thing may be hard to beat. Omaru thought to himself.


Omaru's spiritual pressure then started to explode as he threw up his shikai. " Bend light and swirl into darkness!" Omaru's shikai then exploded as diamond crystals covered on his skin and body and 2 giant dragons walked by his everyside. Sajin then looked at his opponent's bankai. "Damn! I might have some fun here..." Sajin then stomped the ground as the giant king smashed his foot on the ground as earth spikes rose from each ground.

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Tenpou swung back, deflecting the attack, quickly shunpo-ing, gone from the area, his Reiatsu unsensable. Suddenly, an immense shockwave of magma flew down on Voltage, completely covering him. Secchi smirked at the magma as he slightly tightened his grip. "Let the ocean's roar be your call, Wunizame!" He said, an immense outpour of water hitting the magma, causing it to turn into solidified ash, which was as power as the rock outside the earth's core. It was basically unbreakable. Secchi looked at the ash and walked away. "Be happy that was Ukiyo's Zanpakuto, and not mine." He said as Tenpou followed.

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"Crap," Alvaro said as he blocked another slash with his sword. For the last five minutes he had been evading sword stabs, ceros, balas, everything that this minion could think of.


"This is getting really old," he said as he dodged another cero. He kicked the minion in the back of the ehad and sent him flying into the ground. The minion stood up unfazed, and got slashed across the chest by Alvaro. 'Got him' ALvaro thought, before the minion delivered a bone-jarring kick to his head. He went flying into the ground.


'Spoke to soon' Alvaro thought as he stood up. He looked up at the minion and his eyes widened.


"Gran Rey CERO" the minion shouted, before firing a massive black grey cero at Alvaro.


"I officailly am going to kill Ze'borova when I see him," Alvaro thought before holding his sword out in front of him. "I could really use some help right now. I dont want to have to do this, but I guess I have no choice." He held his sword out level to the ground. 'I'll only go 20%' he thought. "Blacken the Night!. Cosechar de Sombra, he shouted, realsing a massive wave of reitsu."


Ze'brova was going to say something more to Rukai when he felt a spike of reitsu. 'Alvaro unleashed his ressurection' he thought bewildered. 'I got to get down there.'


"I've got to go," he shouted back to Rukai, already rushing in the same direction that ALvaro went.

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Omaru and Sajin clashed with each blow of the king and the 2 dragons. Sajin created a barrier around him and Omar so that noone can get in. Now it was just The Soul Reaper and the Arrancar.


"I'm surprised to see your still managing even at this current state." Sajin said with delightness. "I'm surprised to see your still living." Omaru said with sarcasm. Sajin ran to Omaru as Omaru charged at Sajin. The Giant Dragons and King then spranged at each other and then made a BOOOMING sound.

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