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Bleach: Advent of Hell's Army |Accepting+Started! [Advanced]|

Sunshine Jesse

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Her spiritual pressure. It was so familiar, yet so refreshing. It's raw power was near to his own. He had to defeat this woman, and make it known that he would soon be the strongest. "Sorry Ukitake, but you don't have a say in this," he said finally snatching away his left eye's patch, and blowing both his opponents a few dozen feet away from him. He couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that he hadn't even been in Soul Society two entire days, and in that time he would conquer everything here.


"Come on little lady. Let's see how much you remember!" he roared, charging madly at her, rapid large swings raising the earth beneath them.

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"Oy, oy..." she said, unsheathing her sword, the mask now starting to overtake her neck as well. "So bloodthirsty! I like it! I modeled my fighting style after yours, tried to become as strong as I could! When the Captain spot opened up... of course Hikari could take it! All her power comes from me! The being who gave her the drive she needed! And now, I'll prove to her once and for all, that she's nobody without me!"


The sword she had in her hand evaporated into hundreds of shuriken that surrounded her body like a shield. when she collided with Kenpachi, a large explosion was caused that left a sizeable crater in the ground. She formed a small dagger out of shuriken, and aimed to stab Kenpachi in his heart, while her shuriken surrounded her sides and created a makeshift barrier to prevent a counter attack.

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Alvaro was slightly impressed that Soko managed to cut through his Shadow tendril so easily, but was disappointed by soko's follow up. 'Doesn't he realize that weak attacks like that aren't going to work against my Shadow Aura.' Even though he knew it wouldn't hurt him, Alvaro dodged the attack anyway before pointing his index finger at Soko. "Cero" he shouted, before sending a mid sized red Cero headed for Soko.

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"Ahahaha!" he said taking the blades many impacts. "Not bad! But you'll have to really get into it to beat me!" he cackled. Wrapping his reiatsu around him like a giant bubble, he sharpened his blade with it. He slid under dagger and between her legs, snatching one of them and flipping her forwards with an immense toss.

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Hikari flipped on her back, but quickly regained her balance, standing up, and brushing her self off. "Come now, Kenpachi. Show me the power that made you so feared! AHAHAHA!" she said, raising her hand up, and firing a large Cero at him. She dashed away from the beam and jumped above him, firing a follow-up Cero right above his head.

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Soko smiles as the Cero beam went thru his hazy figure. "Now..." Soko disappear. A few second later he was in behind of Alvaro. "Flash Attack #2!" A flurry of slashes and strikes imbused with cero energy struck Alvaro in a blinding fury. Soko was standing on a rock when he while the attack was still going. "2 million strikes and slashes in 2 min.....I need to improve that." Soko rose his sword as started throwing his Cero slashes at Alvaro.

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Zaraki held his blade high above his head, and a large open palm before him. Scarring his hand, and dicing through one of the Cero, Zaraki grinned. "As you wish!" he said charging forward. He gave a large upward slice as he approached, attempting to slice her in half, or knock her off of her feet. Either way would work out fine as long as Ukitake didn't interfere.

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Ukitake did just that, attempting to shunpo in front of Hikari to block the attack.


It was too late. Hikari was slashed upwards, although she managed to barely step back. She was knocked back on the ground a few feet, and was bleeding profusely, and screaming an inhuman scream at the top of her lungs...


"Hikari! No!" Ukitake screamed, looking at her body... as it twitched a few times, then stood up.


Hikari took some blood from her scarred body, and licked it, as her shinigami uniform started falling off from the cuts... revealing inhuman, detail-less skin that was pure white. The white part was expanding, shredding more and more of her clothes as it formed a thick layer over her body. A tail grew on her as the skin-like substance reached her lower back. After a short while, her body was all white. Her metamorphosis was complete... but the Hougyoku was nowhere to be found in her haori. She dashed towards Kenpachi at an inhuman speed, and aimed to jab him square in the stomach and rip out a few internal organs.


Hikari was now fully-Hollow.

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A confused and frail look on his face took notice to the inhuman girl, as she revealed her true nature, her true being. "A hollow?" But before she responded, she was charging at him like a rocket, even faster than the Shunpos he had seen before. She stabbed him viciously, before he realized it, and he was hurled to the ground. His reiatsu died almost instantly, a dramatic drop, like a deadly silence. Zaraki didn't move, or even twitch.

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Alvaro was to say the least shocked when his Cero passed right through Soko. He was even more shocked when Soko began flinging energy attacks like a madman at Alvaro. "Crap" Alvaro said before these attacks pummeled him. "Ahhhhhhh" he shouted as he felt his arm being torn off by the attack. He quickly Sonido'ed out of the way before further damage could be inflicted on him, and ran right into Soko's kick. Alvaro went flying and landed on the ground in a painful heap. He slowly got up. "You'll pay for that," Alvaro said, before shadows rose from the ground to cover his stump of an arm. When they receded, his arm was there, looking good as new. "You actually manage to force me to use my Shadow Regeneration," Alvaro said, not at all impressed. "I guess that mean's I'd better stop playing around." Alvaro held his sword out directly in front of him as he prepared to Release his Ressurecction. "It's time for you to see my true power!"

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Secchi had become irritated with the spiraling spiritual pressure flowing within the Soul Society. Even from Hueco Mundo, he could still feel it. "It's him..... That man who killed Nnoitra. I can also sense Ukitake." He said as he removed his Haori, feeling it was no longer necessary. He was on neither side, but he felt that this strange disturbance was a threat to the Soul Society. "Zaraki Kenpachi....." He muttered. He opened a garganta. "Aizen, I shall return shortly, there is a matter that I must tend to." He stated, jumping into the garganta, his robe slightly swaying. Behind the robe a 0 shown upon his neck. He was going to prove just what it meant to be an Espada, but also why he was a previous Captain. He appeared in the Soul Society, checking around at the slightful damage that Ukiyo had done. "Pathetic that my alternate personality could do even this...." He snarled. He began to walk towards the battle. Around his neck was a scarf, hiding the 0 on his neck. He slightly shifted it, making sure the number didn't show. He took one step appearing near the battle, feeling a strong pressure, his eyes slightly widening, then calming down as he stared at the fighters. "Ukitake...... Zaraki.... Hikari?!" He said, rather surprised. He stood, simply watching. His truly powerful pressure was hidden down behind the scarf, making sure it wouldn't release and interfere in the battle. He simply watched them, holding the hilt of his sword, making sure he wouldn't be pulled in.

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The creature formerly known as Hikari jumped back and looked down at Kenpachi. She looked at her hand, covered in his blood, and licked it off. A menacing spiritual pressure surrounded her, and the immense force of it cracked the ground under her. Hikari's hair grew down to her waist, and her fingers turned into claws. Her transformation was completed, she was no longer human. She was a monster, and one that needed to be stopped. Hikari wasted no time, and charged a white colored Cero in her hand, aimed for Kenpachi, and would finish him off if there was no intervention. She fired it from her hand; the force of the attack breaking the dimension around her. However, right before it hit Kenpachi, it dissipated.


Ukitake stood there, pointing his blade towards Hikari, and looked over at Kenpachi, where there were several small square in front of him that immediately vanished. Ukitake's swords were gone completely, but his spiritual pressure rose immensely. "Bankai." he said, as a sword made out of pure energy appeared in his hands. "Houkatsuteki na Shinsetsu(All-Embracing Kindness). Hikari, or whatever you are now, your fight is with me now! En garde!" Ukitake was surrounded by several of the small squares all around him, acting as a sort of defense, and holding a very special ability as well. He charged towards Hikari, swords in hand, as their fight began...

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He lay there thinking. "Man, what a hit. Good thing it was only the tip of the attack, or I would be seriously hurt." Slowly climbing to his feet, above him, Ukitake entered his state of Bankai, one of the greatest bonds a Shinigami could have with his Zanpatkou. What a marvelous sight it was. But there was another, even higher above the battling Jushiro and the no longer human Hikari. He was quiet, but too quiet. With this kind of a fight going on, who wouldn't want to join in? But that was against his own policy, "because only a coward would take on another man's fight."


Zaraki wiped the blood from his chest and his legs and picked up his Zanpaktou, leaning carelessly against one of a few remaining structures. "Wonder what this one can do?" he thought to himself. Was it really worth revealing his second nature to get revenge on Hikari? Or should he wait for the chance to test the high and mighty floating above the battle field? If he was forced to, taking all three of their lives would be most pleasant.

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Secchi had never seen Ukitake's release, yet he felt compelled to analyze every last data of it. He looked over to Kenpachi, measuring his current power, then the sharpness of his Zanpakuto. "His blade is sharp due to the current reiatsu flowing around. Ukitake's Bankai is stronger than it was before, he has even altered his defensive capabilities into alternating offensive capabilities. The Cero from Hikari is only delicate..... more than likely I could deflect it with both hands....." He said. He looked over to Kenpachi, whom he knew couldn't see, nor sense him. He slightly shifted his blade out, an enormous pour of Spiritual Pressure pouring around the area, forcing things down, raising ground, dissintegrating it. Quickly he resheathed his blade. "Damn, I didn't think it would go that far with just a quarter of the blade..." He snarled, looking up to make sure they hadn't noticed.

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"This guy is interesting," Zaraki thought. Just a sliver of his blade quaked the atmosphere. "Not bad," Zaraki called behind him in the air. So just what the hell are you waitin' for then? You're this strong, you could end it all. Or are you hiding something?" Zaraki cleaned the teeth of his blade lazily as he awaited a response. He doubted that he would need the use of his Shikai, but he refused to under estimate an opponent of any kind.

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He turned back to look at Zaraki, yet he did nothing but point a finger at him. Quickly a red Cero charged in his hand, the energy becoming enormous, before suddenly compressing. He smiled. "Zaraki..... I find no means to intervene within this fight, and I find no mean in striking you, but, if you continue to taunt me with such meaningful movements, then I'm afraid I'll have to strike back." He said, but as he finished the sentence, he was already gone, from behind the Cero quickly fired at Zaraki. He knew he would shake it away, it not being a strong Cero, but more a test of speed and defense. "Zaraki, if you think that was strong, then you must have gotten weaker. I am simply testing the atmospheric Spirit Pressure around us. Seems that even without your eyepatch......" He stopped talking, feeling like he was already to cocky. He decided to watch Zaraki's response before assuming anything. He did still feel, with his Hierro he could handle any strikes, still, he remembered what had happened to Nnoitra.

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OOC: Back.

What have I missed?

IC: Tia Harribel, formerly Espada Tres, had been in a coma for over 15 years.

Aizen, thinking that he had killed her, left her for dead in the streets of the fake Karakura Town, continuing the battle and unaware of a small recovery team that managed to "salvage" Tia.

Over the next few years, they managed to stabilize her numerous wounds, and have completely healed them over.

But her mind stayed locked away inside her skull, still in shock over the man who created her literally cutting her down just because a few Soul Reapers got the better of her.

Then, a few years ago, the newly-appointed Captain of the 12th Company, and the new President of the SDRI, finished his magnum opus:

Hogyoku Ni.

Breakdown Sphere #2.

This little wonder quickly began finishing the process that Aizen started, blurring the line between Shinigami and Arrancar, allowing Tia's hideous mask remnant to shrink down to a choker-like collar, and her sword to become more Zanpakuto-like.

Now, she's still in a coma, but is just starting to come out of it.

Slowly, but surely, she'll regain consciousness...

...and find out how much the world has changed...

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"Heh." Zaraki pushed the Cero away into the sky, brightening it with magnificent color. "The eyepatch has nothing to do with me compressing my reiatsu, he said pointing now to his left eye. It twitched furiously, pulsating in and out, glowing with the deepest color of his own reiatsu. This why Nnotira died to my blade. But unlike that time, things have changed greatly," he taunted.


Zaraki pointed his blade now at his new enemy. "So if you think you're strong, then you haven't seen what the new me can do." Slowly his left eye stopped pulsating, and the air around them grew stiff, slowly rippling and forming a great storm, changing the sky's color to a marvelous bright gold.

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Secchi simply stood there, awaiting his opponent's move. "Is this it?" He asked, rather boldly. The way he had asked could've irritated even the calmest man. He put his hand to his blade, but he took it away, standing for a moment. "If you truly want a fight..... then strike first. If you command another to strike first, you may never be able to strike at all." He muttered, as if it had been an easy lesson. He held his scarf with one hand, making sure it wouldn't fall off.... but most of all, that his secret wouldn't be given away. No one knew of Arrancar 0, so he wanted to keep himself hidden, but to stay hidden, this scarf was all he had, the remnants..... of his true power.

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OOC: Hikari messed up the place and broke sheet looking for the Hougyoku, then went batshit and turned full retard- I mean Hollow after finding it. +1 rep if you get the reference


Ukitake didn't stand a chance. The entire fight consisted of him getting absolutely mauled, even though he was using Bankai and Hikari was still using her shikai.. However, the longer the fight dragged on, the more sluggish Hikari moved, and none of her Ceros actually worked. After about 10 minutes of fighting, Ukitake's right arm was torn off, and his left leg was broken. However, instead of having a look of dread, he simply smiled. "This entire time..." he said, as all the squares around his body and the sword in his right hand vanished. "..I've been stealing the energy you've been emitting." All the energy he gathered focused into the sword in his right hand. "I cant use the absorbtion power right now, but... Im going to hit you with all of it. Prepare yourself, Hikari! Im sorry I had to do this!" he said, as the energy focused into his hand, as if he was going to fire it.


Hikari charged a white Cero in her own hand, one of unprecedented power. "Lets end this!" Ukitake said, firing the beam of blue energy towards Hikari, as she fired her own Cero at him. Both attacks met, and a truly large explosion occured...

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OOC: I do. Lulz.

IC: Tia had actually awakened from her 15-year coma about 3 hours earlier, but was just merely sleeping.

Until Ukitake's and Hikari's attacks collided, creating a small earthquake.

Tia bolted up, yelling "WHAT THE F**K WAS THAT?!?!?" to no one in particular, then realizing that she was:

1. not dead.

2. in some sort of hospital.

3. missing most of her Hollow mask remnant.

She got out of bed, and left her room, looking for someone, until she saw a pale-looking Captain-rank Soul Reaper, a female Arrancar with part of a Soul Reaper uniform, and several Shinigami in lab coats.

"Tia. Good to see you're awake." the pale Captain exclaimed.

"I'm Captain Po Karasu, 12th Company, and this is the Shinigami Research and Development Institute Complex, which is being blown to bits as we speak. I'll brief you on the details later, but we need to go."

OOC: What else happened?

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"Naah, don't worry. I wouldn't give away all of my secrets in the first few seconds. What would be the fun in that?" He glared deeply into the enemy's eyes. "And how might you know my name anyway?" Zaraki taunted. He fired a large wave of reiatsu at him from a distance, curious as to his reaction time and the shock of the look on his face when he saw that Zarkai had finally managed to control that monstrous reiatsu of his.

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Secchi stood and let the blast hit him, keeping both his hands on his scarf. As the blast had finally let the smoke fade, he stood there, still. He let his hands off of his scarf, the only damage being a small scratch on his scarf. "How rude.... You ripped my scarf." He said, calmly, but slightly irritated. "Now, in all seriousness, why don't you come at me with something interesting. Oh, and now I'm being rude. I know of you, simply because I have been watching you. I know you because you killed Nnoitra. He was a good Espada, simply looking for recognition....." He stopped mid-sentence again. "Now, strike again." He said, becoming less interested in this battle with each passing moment. "I am amazed you can control your reiatsu, and I'm sure that's what you were hoping to hear from me, but I am still unimpressed with the fact that you drag out the battle to long." He put out his hand, forming a red ball. "Let's see if you can deflect this one." He said questioningly. The beam fired, quickly growing in power as it flew. Inside the beam, speeding lines of Spiritual Pressure could be seen radiating within it. They were sharper than a blade, only as strong as the Reiatsu of the user. Considering he hadn't released his reiatsu, it'd still be a strong impact.

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Pushing off from the air below him, Zaraki gave a huge leap, barely escaping the blast. "Nice light show, but I know my current state limits. And if we're going to play rough, why not play as rough as it can get?" Zaraki vanished, as the blast dispersed, and reappeared inches away from Secchi's face, pointing his blade to the east. "Unleash Devastation, Idai Akuma (Greatest Fiend)."


Slowly the skin on his torso began to burn away, melting from his body, and peeling to his back, scorched. It started to shape, giving birth to gigantic spikes upon his back, and a forlorn tail, spiked at three ends, all the colors of blood scarlet, and envy black, darkening and brightening themselves with the light as the sky changed. The hilt of his blade now pierced his veins. He and his Zanpaktou were insuperable. "Stage one," he howled as his reiatsu began to flatten the land and rip apart the skies.


Then, he gave a huge swipe to Secchi's midsection, his blade covered in a pitch black reiatsu.

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Secchi grunted, putting out one of his hands, quickly blocking the blow, sliding back quickly, then flying back to a building. He hit the building, jumping off a small piece of debris, unsheathing his blade only a quarter again, the bare Spiritual Pressure pushing even the sky itself down, and he quickly sheathed it back. He quickly stopped in the air, staring at his opponent's new appearance. "So this is the new Kenpachi Zaraki?" He asked, rather amazed. "Magnificent...." He said, licking his lips. He was ready now, he put a hand to the hilt of his blade, pulling out a long Katana with a rose in the center of the hilt. The pressure crushed the earth, pushing the clouds in the sky down into the area. "You should feel honored.... you will be the first to see my blade at its truth." He said as he put his hand onto the rose. "Break the Silence, Dizorubu." He said as the clouds covered the fields. Suddenly, the senses, all nine of them, though three unknown, were completely eliminated from Kenpachi's body. This consisted of: Seeing, Smelling, Hearing, Tasting, Touching, Thermoception, which was the sense of feeling temperature, Equilibrioception, which enables to tell which is up and down, Nociception, which is pain perception, and Proprioception, which is to tell each body part from each. He Shunpo'd in front of Kenpachi, knowing that even as powerful as he was, without senses, he was as weak as an ant. He quickly slashed his blade across the chest of Kenpachi, using his own Spiritual Pressure to increase the sharpness of the blow.

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