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Bleach: Advent of Hell's Army |Accepting+Started! [Advanced]|

Sunshine Jesse

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The barrier shattered, and the cloud of dust started vanishing. Sareta was nowhere to be seen, but Ichigo was standing there, with minor injuries. His shirt was torn, but not much else. "Lucky for me..." he said, scratching his head. "I fired a Cero to reduce the impact... that would've killed me. Now then, Lucifer, how about you and me finish this?"


Lucifer stood there for a moment, looking at the crater where Sareta was... er... wasn't. Anymore, anyways. (OOC: morbid humor rofl.) Lucifer was silent, and looked down, clenching his fist. The gateway to hell appeared behind him, and he rose his arm up, calling all minions ro come with him. "Everyone..." he said, turning around. "We retreat for now. Got it?" Lucifer looked down, and shed a bloody tear. "Sareta... Im sorry."


Ichigo looked at him, and said nothing. He realized how Lucifer must felt, losing his minion... The king of Hell, being more human then a Hollow. Ironic.

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Kakurane got up and poped her broken neck back in to place, "Baka Sareta!!!!" she says crying.

Kakurane Walks over to where he had exploded and puts some thing in to a vial she then looks at Grimjenna, "jabroni we will finish this" she says violently still with tears in her eyes.


Grimjenna collapses she faints seeing a garganta open and feet step in front of her.

OoC: this is for you to says something like i might still need you er something.

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Soko head jerked. "Found you!!!!" Soko jump in the air and was above the King of H**** and Ichigo. Soko was suddenly stop in midair. The King of H**** was holding his sword. King: "Didn't I kill you once?" The King look at Soko and frown. Soko notice a red line on his face before he was throw to a rock. Soko came out of the rubble and saw the King entering a portal. "No!!!!1 I want let you escape!!!" Soko dash at him until he was struck by Ichigo. Soko look to see to the King have left. (D**** it!!! I still not strong.)

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OOC: Sorry.



S.S. Nemu

Off the coast of Miami, Florida, USA, Human World


It was a beautiful summer's day in Miami. The beaches were packed, and the temperature was rising rapidly as people started to seek lunch. About a mile off the coast was a small white yacht, about 30 feet or so, that had two individuals lying in chairs on the deck of the bow.

The first was a very pale young man in his 20s with spiky, jet-black hair, gray eyes, and purple bags underneath them. He was in some sort of black Japanese-like outfit with a white vest, except the right sleeve was torn off, leaving the arm bare, while the left shoulder had a flat shoulder plate on it. He also has a black sword in a black scabbard lying next to him.

The second was a young Hispanic female with long, flowing black hair, golden eyes, and purple eyeliner. She also had two bony hairclips that looked like skulls where Orihime's would be. She had on a similar uniform as the male, but without the white vest and the top. Instead, she had on a white tank-top-like piece that covered her large breasts, albeit tightly. Interestingly, she had a strange hole where her belly button would be. She also had a sword, but this one was huge, and was in a large backpack-like scabbard.

"Mis Dios!" the female exclaimed. "I don't remember it being this hot!"

"That's La Nina for you." the guy chuckled.

"La Niña!" the woman angrily corrected. "Po, you've been around me for over a decade and you still can't properly pronounce Español!"

"Sorry, Maria, but it's still very alien to me."

Po narrowly avoided Maria's sword hitting him on the head as she proceeded to chase him around the boat, eventually tiring and laughing as they made up, enjoying their "shore leave".

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Secchi tired of waiting and finally walked over to the arrancars, letting the rose on his sword gently flow off a small ribbon that was connected to the end. He felt rather..... intrigued at the battles that had gone on. Hell's Minions had left, and a few were dead. There were dead hollows, as well as Soul Reapers and Arrancars on the ground, if not dead now, starting to die. This was pitiful, he had never seen such a small carnage in his life. He was used to thousands upon thousands of soldiers laying on the ground, screaming a will to end their suffering, half a body missing, if not completely obliterated. Secchi walked over to Ichigo, putting his hand up, as to tell him he didn't wish to stir any unnecessary fighting. "I am Secchi Dageki, Former Captain of Squad 13, and Arrancar Number 0. I am dislocated as of a while back and have resided within the Menos Forest for a good 5 years within the body of Ukiyo. I was but a mere soul until I was released, due to the weakness of Ukiyo. I am proud to say I am but a neutral party in this, and I have no will, but to kill the Minions of Hell." He said, his deep voice showing nothing but strict seriousness. "You are Ichigo Kurosaki, previously in a long days ago a 'Substitute Soul Reaper' going onto true Captainhood. You are a mighty power, and I am obliged to meet such a man as yourself. Now, down to business. If we are to defeat Hell's Minions, then we must team up with the Arrancars, as such people are not to hasty to fiddle with. They are quite mighty, as I have seen their power progress. I am proud to say, I have been training for this situation. We must awake the others to this predicament. If we can pull the Arrancar onto our side, this battle will be much easier." He said, never smiling, never frowning, nor changing his emotion in the least bit. The only thing which showed upon his face, was his strict seriousness.

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Ichigo's swords and mask disappeared. "Never heard of you myself..." he said, as his cloak reappeared over his body. "I haven't really been around much myself lately. Just wandering around Hueco Mundo from time to time. I don't belong on earth. My reiatsu has grown so such a large extent, that even holding it back causes people around me to feel it, and even affect my friends adversely. My dad is still alive. He isn't much of a fighter. Orihime, Chad, even Uryu are still there for me... but... ever since that day." Ichigo shook his head for a moment, and scratched his head. "I only showed up because that guy... threatened my home. If saving the earth from him means killing him, then fine."

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Soko look at them while his very presence was being ignored. (Arrancars......Hollows....Soul Reapers.....and the rest. They will all rule the day for letting my that 'fiend still be alive.) Soko jump on a rock and look at Ichigo. "As I hate to state where this may lead, but we still got a battle going on in the Soul Society. So 'Neutral'.....Ukiyo, Would you mind creating a portal for us back to the Society. I would like to finish that battle over there and get back to reading."

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OOC: Anyone in the Soul Society?



Shinigami Research and Development Institute Complex

Seireitei, Soul Society

A few days later


"Are we done yet?" Maria groaned.

"A few more minutes, Lieutenant." Rin Tsubokura replied as he checked a nearby monitor.

The two of them were in a laboratory, but while Rin was fully clothed, Maria was completely naked, but tucked in a fetal position inside a strange clear box. At the front of the box was a glowing purple sphere, that seemed to be radiating energy at Maria.

A few minutes later, Rin deactivates the sphere, and the box folds in around the sphere, creating a small cube just big enough for the sphere.

"Well, your monthly 'Shinitherapy' is complete." Rin announced.

"About time." Maria grumbled as she put her "uniform" back on.

As part of an experiment that Po is undertaking, Maria is supposed to spend an hour under the effects of the Hogyoku every month or so. So far, the Shinigamification process has caused her Resurraccion to become more Bankai-esque in nature, and her mask remnant to retreat and become nothing more than two bony hairclips. Maria has recently become capable of using very basic Kido, and her Zanpakuto can now send souls to the Soul Society.

In other words, while Maria isn't as powerful as other Arrancar, she has been more "Shinigamified" than they have.

All thanks to a newly-built Hogyoku.

Maria held the tiny device in her hand, still amazed at its capabilities.

How can such a tiny thing cause me to turn from a monster into this? She asked herself.

This second Hogyoku, while not as powerful as the original that Aizen has within his body, is still quite the powerful substance, and is only used by the SDRI.

Po walked in, and held his hand out.

"Time to put our little gem away."

Maria gave the cube over to Po, who, in turn, placed it in a metal box, which was picked up by guards and taken away.

"You know how much security we need to keep around our little friend." Po explained for the 100th time. "We have reasons to believe that Aizen's Hogyoku is running low on juice, so we need to make sure this one stays under lock and key."

Maria nodded, wishing that she could just use it some more. The Hogyoku was as boring as hell to use, but it made her feel more...human.

OOC: Could someone please do something that will get my guys more involved?

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Ichigo turned around, and started walking away. "I have other things to do." he said, raising his hand up, as his reiryoku focused into it. "My right hand is the stone that bridges worlds. My left hand is the blade that binds reality. The black-haired shepherd is hung from a chair. Stratus clouds come, and I strike down the ibis" A garganta opened up in front of him, one that would lead him to earth.


"Where are you going, Ichigo Kurosaki?" Aizen said, walking out of his own Garganta, holding the body of Grimjenna in his arm, and throwing her on the ground. "It's been a while, hasn't it? Ever since our right, anyway."


"Ever since you gave me this accursed power." Ichigo said, as the Garganta disappeared in front of him. He opened his palm, and a few small dark tentacles came out of them, that then receded into his hand. "I have to admit though, it's made my Hollow powers a lot easier to control."


In the distance, Hikari appeared out of a gate, wearing a reiatsu-concealing cloak. "Ichigo... Aizen? Both of them? I thought..."


"Why not explain to our guest what happened?" Aizen said, using Shunpo to appear in front of Hikari. "Captain of 11th division, Hikari Gasai? I've heard a lot about you. You were the one who replaced Zaraki after he left, correct? You were as strong as he was, maybe even stronger. And... you have an inner Hollow."


Hikari was shocked, but she was interrupted by Ichigo before she could speak. "We might as well get to the point. I have learned how to control my Hollow powers... and we could do the same to you, but we would need a second Hougyoku." Ichigo said, walking over to Hikari.


"What happened to the first one?" Hikari said, looking at her hand.


"During my fight with Ichigo..." Aizen said, smirking. "I had him fully assimilate the Hougyoku. The barrier between his Hollow and shinigami powers was permanently taken down, and he gained full control over them."


Hikari gasped, as she rightfully should've...

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The Next Day...


Maria was walking down the hallway of the SDRI building when she spotted Po walking with several members of 4th Company. Curios she follwoed them as they went into the rarely used quarantine wing and entered the room usually used for highly-dangerous patients.

She peeked into the room to see Po and the 4th Company members, who she now recognized as doctors, checking on a woman who was on a hospital bed.

The woman had somewhat unkept honey-blonde hair and very tan skin. Her features were quite fair, and she seemed to be unconsious.

But Maria recognized her 15 years ago, when this woman's face was covered in a bony growth, and she had several subordinates..

Maria recognized Espada Tres.

"Tia Harribel!" she softly exclaimed.

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Secchi simply looked at Aizen. "It's about time you come to fight. I have been waiting to see you since we both betrayed the Soul Society. Heuco Mundo didn't become all that comfortable. Still, I must confess to you, you look the same as you did all that time ago. You recall Ukiyo, correct? Surely you have already sensed the impact of me overtaking his body and returning to this Hollow, soulless body. I have been waiting for that time, when I could finally release myself again. Anywho, let us drop the grudges for now, as the Hell's Minions are healing themselves, and even, possibly, getting stronger as we speak. I wish nothing but to defeat them, then we can handle our past ideals. I studied most of the movements of the Minions, and Lucifer, I also have in-past intel' that Sir Lord Alford Keizer III is still alive. Seem's somebody pulled a Soul Transfer in the last moment." He stated, rather boldly, as if he was the Leader of this whole situation. "As for the situation of attacks on the Soul Society, and the decomposing, I have already seen to it that it was stopped by some Special Reiatsu Shinigami that were able to survive in the Society. Everything should be up and operating again, as well as reformed within 48 hours. Now, as for one more ideal....." He said, putting his hand out, typing as some computer analog information came up. It was all in a seemingly unknown language, so one could read it, except for Secchi. "Now, the Minions use the same garganta we use to get to Hell again, however, there is an alternate fluxuation that allows them to do it. Sadly, it can only be accessed by members of the Hell. Unless we can locate a dead Hell's Minions body, than I'm afraid we cannot declare a sufficient strike among them. And as for everyone here, you'll all need to participate in this daring situation...." He finished his rather long situation plot, which sounded, though intelligent, very death-embracing.

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Ukitake got up out of the bed, and held his head in pain for a moment. His wounds had recovered overall, although he still wasn't in fighting shape. He walked around, eventually reaching the SDRI building, walking in it, and looking for Po & co.



Aizen let off a slight grin, as he opened up a Garganta behind him. "Gentlemen, follow me." he said, walking through the thing. Ichigo and Hikari joined him, obviously. He was appeared in a room with no doors, and a box in the room with tubes coming out of it. No way in, or out, aside from using a Garganta. They were in the basement of Las Noches. "Now then, Ichigo, Hikari, and Seechi." he said, pressing a button on the box, as it disintegrated... Revealing a Hollow inside. A smallish Hollow, obviously unconscious, being fed spiritual energy through the tubes. He had no details, and was completely black all over, aside from his mask, which was completely white all over, except for a crescent moon in the middle of his face. He emitted an intense spiritual pressure that was on par with that of Aizen. "This is... an experimental Hollow of mine. He's been put unconscious, and force fed reishi for the past 30 years, to attempt to force a transformation into a Vasto Lorde. Indeed, I did intend to release him during the time of the Winter War, but... time wasn't on my side. I couldn't make him an Arrancar. Ichigo, even with your newfound powers, you couldn't make him into an Arrancar. He's just too powerful... having been collecting energy for the past 30 years. He could tip the scales in our favor, but we would need to get a new Hougyoku, and combine its power with that of an Inner Hollow... preferably Hikari's. Any questions?" he said, as the box closed.

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Rhythex appeared next to Aizen "I deeply apologize my recent disappearance, my lord. Something required my attention..." Lasaia... "My Fraccion is dead. The murderer was Yasutora Sado. I have killed him. If this angers you, I am truly sorry." Rhythex now had no Fraccion, which angered him greatly. "If what you were doing now, I was not meant to see, then kill me. My sister, Lasaia, has been murdered. Ichigo Kurosaki, I realize he was your friend, but family is family." Rhythexs eyes were empty, aside from serving Aizen, Lasaia was all that mattered in his life.

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