AlucardTheOld Posted September 30, 2009 Report Share Posted September 30, 2009 ooc im back for a bitAlucard sensed the entense blast all the way in the Soul Society. He flash-stepped all the way to the battle field where Zarkus lay half dead. He used his most powerfull healing kido "that should help, now you are still to injured to fight but this should keep you alive for the remainder of this battle EDIT: we are fighting a common enemy here." Alucard stated sounding like a total kill-joy. "Hadō #90. Kurohitsugi" Alucard screamed as a black box formed around Lucifer and was pierced with many swords. "Bakudo, #73 Tozanshō" suddenly a inverted, transparent, pyramid surrounding Zarkus so he could see and comunicate without being injured. EDIT: I know zarkus is an arrancar but alucard helps all Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted September 30, 2009 Report Share Posted September 30, 2009 Explain to me Ichigo why the hell are we helping Aizen" he states some what confused on the subject --------Yachiru covered inn blood jumped out of the portal Ichigo came out of "Ichi-nii"she screams as she tackels Ichigo squishing her C-cup on his face huging him. OoC: shes like 17 XD ichigo is like 24 zaraki is like 42 (human years XD) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
◊ Hᵃᵏᵃˢᵉ ◊ Posted September 30, 2009 Report Share Posted September 30, 2009 Lord Alford looked over to Ukiyo. "You disrespected my Master, so I'm afraid that since Mr. Zaraki is distracted..... you die." He said emotionless. Ukiyo crawled away, but suddenly his body started fading, turning to complete dust in the wind. The dust turned red, floating by everyone. Lord Alford stood still, taking off his glove, covered in blood. He made no movement, and Ukiyo was dead. Lord Alford walked to Lucifer's side, looking at him. "Master Lucifer, I know that you are not wounded. Why do you continuously play with this prey?" He asked, looking over at everyone. No one knew what happened to Ukiyo, only that he had become aged and faded away. The only thing remaining was his skeleton over near a Crystal Tree, still stuck in the crawling position. Lord Alford thought about how fast he had destroyed Ukiyo. He had taken an incredibly, beyond even the Soul-held eye, Shunpo, grabbing the Life Force straight out of Ukiyo, causing him to turn so old, his body could do nothing but age. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted September 30, 2009 Report Share Posted September 30, 2009 "I-Ichigo your going to leave you two to deal with them" Zaraki says, he then shumpos over to Ukiyo's skeleton pulling off a small crystal and sticking it in to the mouth of the skull. A black aura gaters around Zaraki he looks at alford sheding a single tear wich evaperates, The spiritual pressure compresses and forms a mask, "now ill tear you apart, he was my kill" he says with bloodlust. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
◊ Hᵃᵏᵃˢᵉ ◊ Posted September 30, 2009 Report Share Posted September 30, 2009 Lord Alford continued to stand there, still unphased by the look of Zaraki. He didn't even glance at him. "Well, maybe you are worth my time." He said, rather uncaring. "If I may, Master Lucifer?" He asked, rather intrigued. He knew that no matter what happened, he was going to stay alive, and that this anger was only going to taunt with his enemies emotions. "Granted you wanted to kill him, but instead I did." He said, putting on his gloves. "Does it make a difference in either aspect if he's dead? If so, why should we fight? Should you be such a fool to face the same fate as that worthless Espada?" He said, ever so sophisticated. He didn't sound scared, or even phased in the least bit. He actually looked excited. It had been a long time since he had seen any power like this, except for Master Lucifers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rook Bishop Posted September 30, 2009 Report Share Posted September 30, 2009 Soko saw as the Crystal Dust came out of his bag and his body begin to deterioting. He fell to the ground and and spitted out blood. "No.....that was he was doing. That what he was planning." Soko, with all his strength, stood up. "I may not survive but I will not let the Soul Society be destroyed by a cheap trick." Soko energy increase as sword grew longer. "Vero Cero Tornado!!!!' He begin spinning around quickly till he was floating in the air. Suddenly the Crystal Dust particles, begin sucking it inside the tornado. "I sorry....but it seem like I fail you." A woman's hand touch Soko's face as he was sent in garganta along with the Crystal Dust. Before a the garganta close, a tear fell from out of it and hit the Soul Society. Suddenly a huge amount of energy spread around the Soul Society repairing the damage that was made by the attack and the Crystal Dust. Soko's mind was daze as he awoken to see zarkus and the other fighting. " I." Soko couldn't move as his body was stiffen. He didn't feel his body deterioting but he couldn't move. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reaper of Shadows Posted September 30, 2009 Report Share Posted September 30, 2009 'I can't believe it' Alvaro thought as he watched Ukiyo disentigrate. 'That guy took out Ukiyo in one hit. I don't believe it.' 'These guys are seriously strong. They might be...too strong.' As Alvaro stood there his reitsu slowly began to rise. He wasn't best friends with Ukiyo, but he respected him, For this Lord guy to just kill Ukiyo like that, catching him completely by suprise, that pissed Alvaro off. Who did these demons think they were to just waltz into thier home like this, demanding subservience or else. 'I'm done sitting around.' Alvaro thought as his reitsu continued to climb. 'Somebody's going to die today.' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted September 30, 2009 Report Share Posted September 30, 2009 The dust Soko brought with him and the dust that was in him began to form around Ukiyo Zaraki looks at him, "Heh now I remember why I chose him as my target insted of you you weakling" he says as his mask crumbles and his sword turns back to normal he goes and sits on a rock as the dust swirls around Ukiyos skeleton. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
◊ Hᵃᵏᵃˢᵉ ◊ Posted October 1, 2009 Report Share Posted October 1, 2009 Ukiyo's skeleton slowly reformed from the Crystal Dust. His body was a free moving Sapphire Component. He looked over to Zaraki, then to Lord Alford. "You thought I was dead. How dare you even do this to such an Espada like me! YOU DARE CALL ME WEAK!" He shouted, an enormous Spiritual Pressure pushing everyone to the ground, even the Demons. The ground compressed in, and the energy around Ukiyo burst upward, a slight bit forming a sword in front of him. "I am no longer the Ukiyo that you once knew. My real name.... is Secchi Dageki. And I will be the one who destroys you. I am not going to let you just waltz in here and show us up!" He said, the Spiritual Pressure increasing twice as much, forcing against even the strongest will of Lucifer and Zaraki._____________________________________________________________________________ (He is replacing Ukiyo.)Name: Secchi Dageki[spoiler= Appearance] Rank: Neutral Fighter (Espada #0/Captain of Squad 13)Ability: His ability is capable of being released at any moment of release. The ability is at half-power during Pre-Release. He can use his blade to stunt the senses of all enemies within a 450 meter distance, however, the effect still strikes his allies. His blade releases an enormously annoying screech, which in reality, is like a Dog Whistle for people. It crushes not just the hearing of the enemy or ally, but also the smell and sight. Even those with 20/20 vision become nothing but blurred, and through the blur as strong as it is, makes them almost blind. His ability doesn't just combine all three of them however. At will, Secchi can use his blade to cut any Sense at will.[spoiler= Sealed Zanpakuto] Zanpaktou Name: DizorubuRelease phrase: Break the silence, Dizorubu.Shikai: His sword releases a strong sense of energy that weakens the Body's Defensive System, while allowing the Immunity System to be pierced. At this moment, any Ability which affects the senses of his enemies, goes to 75% power range. His sword remains as though it were still in Normal Form.Bankai: His sword completely blinds the arena, while also destroying the Inner Senses of the enemy or ally. While in this state, the user can enter the body of the enemy or ally, allowing himself to infect the body, thus destroying them from the inside. During Bankai stage, all laws of physics that were once inevitable, are almost beyond breaking point for Secchi. At this point, his infection and sense affection are at 100%, thus making them impossible to live through by most people. His sword still remains as though it were still in Normal Form. StatsOffense: 100Defence/Hierro: 100Agility: 100Kidō/Cero: 100Intelligence: 100Strength: 100Total: 600/600 (His weakness will be revealed later before Lord Alford Keizer III dies.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rook Bishop Posted October 1, 2009 Report Share Posted October 1, 2009 Soko saw as a figure who call himself Ukiyo was a new person reborn. "Great....." Soko's finger twitch. "I getting movement....Going thru that whole wasn't the smart thing to do since I never been thru one." Soko raise his sword so that he could stand. "I see that there a battle going on." Soko look to see Zarkus and The king of Hell. "What....I..." Soko grit his teeth. "And at the time my body is not function. Come Soko, get yourself together." Suddenly he hear two giggles and turn around to see two figures. "Well well well....a soul reaper that is out of place in this picture brother." "I agree." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reaper of Shadows Posted October 1, 2009 Report Share Posted October 1, 2009 Alvaro struggled as he rose to his feet. Just when he was about to jump in to the fight and start swinging, he had been forced to the ground by a massive amount of reitsu. He recognized it as Ukiyo. 'Ukiyo was never this strong. Who is this new guy' he thought as he looked over at what used to be Ukiyo. He slowly rose toward the fight, being close enough so that he could see them (and they him) and he could jump in if neccesary, while being far enough away so that he couldn't be gotten by a suprise attack. 'What the hell is going on...' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted October 1, 2009 Report Share Posted October 1, 2009 Aizen starts to laugh hystaricly "M-My lord why are you laughing wait this raisu is Ukiyo, i must go youl be safe here" Grimmjow says as he is given the signal to leave.As soon as Grimmjow got out of the garganta he was crushed to the ground by the spiritual pressure he then looks at ukiyos skeleton and zarkus's torn body, "hey girl look look at what they did look at your dearest Zarkus, look at ukiyos reminants, and just look at what thos damed demons are doing to your friends, HUH ARE YOU GONA SIT THERE AND LET THEM DO THAT TO THEM!!!! you deside hide or fight" Grimjow says as his voice fades but the number 6 stays on her back.Grimjenna gets up looks at Ukiyos skeleton tears start to streem down her face, she then looks over at Zarkus in horror the tears flow as her spiritual pressure increases, "OOOoOOOOOoOOO!!!!!!!" she screams.She charges the devil as the number 2 apears on her back she unleashes a black smoke on him and utters, "Nothing is imortal before my eyes" she says in an old mans voice.OoC: Hell ya I did just make her a caytalisk. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
◊ Hᵃᵏᵃˢᵉ ◊ Posted October 1, 2009 Report Share Posted October 1, 2009 Secchi stood for a moment, then suddenly, for a quick moment, everyone felt blindness overcome their senses. This was awkward, considering all of them felt like it was a simple blink. When everyone had opened their eyes, in that blink, Lord Alford stood there, impaled by Secchi's blade. The blade forced Lord Alford down, causing it to cut straight through the center of his body, slicing him in half. He stood there for a moment, raising his blade, pointing over at Grimjenna, ignoring everyone else. "Whose energy is it that opposes mine?" He asked, not in the least bit interested. He watched everyone, attempting to force themselves up against his Spiritual Pressure. "All of you are on the ground..... so I think but one of you has a stronger power residing within your being. Which of you is it? Speak up!" He says, curiously. This was the real Ukiyo. Ukiyo was but a small inner being, whom when released through the strength of the Crystal Dust, turned him into his true self..... Secchi Dageki. (Lord Alford Keizer III is not dead yet.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rook Bishop Posted October 2, 2009 Report Share Posted October 2, 2009 Soko was throw against the wall. (Great....I can't move because my body is adjusted yet and also that spiritual pressure isn't helping me adjust faster. And on top of that, I being toy with by twins." Soko tried to move but his was stop by the twins. Twin 1: I believe he can't fight bro. Twin 2: Can't fight he can't even move. (I guess I done for.) Suddenly the second one sigh. "We don't have time for this." Twin 1: "Yea, we have to help our master." The two twins jump up and headed toward the battlefield where the King of Hell and Zarkus was at. "I guess I lucky today...." Soko fell down. "....too bad I don't feel like it." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted October 2, 2009 Report Share Posted October 2, 2009 The numbers 1-10 apear on Grimjenna, "We are the Espada 10!" in unison Starrk, Barragan, Harribel, Ulquiorra, Nnoitra, Grimmjow, Zommari, Szayel, Aaroniero, Yammy say."Power" Yammy says."Ilusion" Aaroniero says."Knolege" Szayel says."Control" Zommari says."Speed" Grimmjow says."Direction" Nnoitra says."Evolution" Ulquiorra says."heart" Nel says."Age" Barragan says."Shield" Starrk says. "Bow befor our might" they say in unison.OoC: i perfer Nell she is more impirtant Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rook Bishop Posted October 2, 2009 Report Share Posted October 2, 2009 Soko look to see a couple of more people appear. "More....I must be at their hideout." Soko was able to move his legs. 'I got to report this.....but first I must overcome my condition." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted October 2, 2009 Report Share Posted October 2, 2009 "I am ther Cataylisk but I am me" she screams as a 2 apears on the side her left breast."We may not have been as strong befor but time in hell have evolved us" as they look at Lucifer as he starts to detirierate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunshine Jesse Posted October 2, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 2, 2009 Lucifer's eye twiched for a second, and he released a torrent of power that knocked back all his aggressors. "Im... done putting up with you baka." he said, raising his sword to the sky. "In an instant, all of you will turn to dust, and be blown into the wind... Ban..." "Master! Not here!" Sareta said, running over to him. "Don't show these guys your Bankai. They aren't worthy to see it... I'll be more then happy to take care of all of them." Sareta said, focusing his reiatsu, and unleashing his own Bankai. His clothing, sans his pants, all tore, as a circle appeared on his chest. "Forbidden Kidou, Jikanteishi." he said, as time froze around him, freezing all of them except Lucifer... him, and... Ichigo?!? "Wh-what?" Ichigo put his white Tensa Zangetsu on his shoulder, and let out a smile. His mask materialized on his face, and he dashed towards Sareta, leaving a deep cut across his chest. "Low level Kidou like that won't affect me. You do know that." he said, confidently. Lucifer let out a sarcastic laugh, as the time-freezing Kidou vanished. "Come now, Sareta! Is that the best you can do? I'd expect my second in command to at least know Shukai! Try to achieve it now! Surrender yourself to me and my sword!" Sareta started glowing, as he bowed before Lucifer. "Shukai..." he said, as he started glowing, and his body exploded, leaving behind a big dust cloud. "Lucifer... thanks for this power." "What's this?" Ichigo said, shocked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rook Bishop Posted October 2, 2009 Report Share Posted October 2, 2009 Soko was leaning against a wall as he was farther from the battle that was taking place with Zarkus and them. "My body is becoming more adjusted, but now that I think of am i going to get out this realm." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reaper of Shadows Posted October 2, 2009 Report Share Posted October 2, 2009 'Such power' Alvaro thought as he watched Sareta unleash his Shukai. 'What can we do. cAn we seriously hope to beat this guy. And even if we do, can we beat Lucifer.' Alvaro stood there, frozen with uncertainty. Alvaro wouldn't call himself cocky, but he knew he was pretty strong. Now though, in the face of these enemies, he was unsure. Sareta's power continued to grow as Alvaro stood on and watched. 'No' he thought suddenly. 'I'm not just going to sit here and die.' His grip tightened around his blade. 'I am a Vasto Lorde level Arrancar. I WILL NOT LOSE' and he rushed forward. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted October 2, 2009 Report Share Posted October 2, 2009 "Ureyaaa!!!" grimmjow screams as he slugs ichigo."What are you doing acting so cool, well lets show this prick bolth of our new power" Grimmjow and Ulquiorra say to Ichigo at the same time.Grimjenna's eyes get big, "Istygo!!!" Nel crys as she hugs him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunshine Jesse Posted October 2, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 2, 2009 Ichigo lightly pushed Nel off of him, and smiled. "Now isn't the time." he said, looking over at the smoke cloud Sareta was in. "Things are about to get ugly." Two angelic white wings came out of the smoke cloud. As the smoke started to clear, the left wing slowly turned black. The wings flapped, and the smoke was blown away, revealing Sareta's true form. His hair turned blonde, and his eyes were now a deep green color. On his chest, there was a circle, with 8 lines coming out of it, reaching around to his back, where there was another circle. The wings were half the size of his body "Ichigo, what do you think? My power has been increased tenfold." "Looks like you might actually put up a good fight! Excellent!" he said, as a second Zangetsu appeared in his hand, except this time it was black. Sareta smiled, and started glowing. "Shiji no Saimon!" he said, as a large barrier surrounded them both, preventing anyone from entering. "We're here alone, so lets fight all out!" "I wouldn't have it any other way!" Ichigo said, holding both of his swords in an "X" formation. "Double Getsuga!" Ichigo brought both of his swords down, and two Getsuga Tensho came out, one white and one black, heading straight towards Sareta. "Hadou 88, Hiryugekizokushintenraiho!" Sareta said, as a large wave of lightning came out of his hands, meeting the Getsugas head on, cancelling the white one out, but the black one came though the cloud of smoke. Sareta focused his reiatsu into his hand, and punched the black one. Ichigo came though the smoke, catching Sareta by surprise, and aimed a slash across his chest. He dodged it, but Ichigo took his second sword and grazed Sareta's chest with it. Sareta grinned, and punched Ichigo back into the other side of the barrier. "Not bad, Soul Reaper!" Sareta said in an excited tone. "You aren't half bad either!" Ichigo said, charging forward. Ichigo slashed Sareta across the chest while Sareta punched him in the stomach. The combined energy from the assault caused a large explosion. Their fight went on for about 20 minutes, with no clear victor in sight... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reaper of Shadows Posted October 2, 2009 Report Share Posted October 2, 2009 'Never again' Alvaro though having just run into a barrier that seemingly sprang up out of nowhere. 'Just when I decide to be the hero, this stupid barrier shows up' he thought. He watched as Ichigo and Sareta exchanged blows for a while. 'This soul reaper is pretty good' he thought. 'But Sareta's no joke' He continued to watch as they fought, neither side letting up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damiano Tosē Posted October 2, 2009 Report Share Posted October 2, 2009 Omaru looked closely at the enraged battle gripping his zanpakotu. Omaru looked as Sereta and Ichigo clashed. "It's been a while since i've seen a battle as more intense then any other. Now i know that i have to get stronger no matter what stands in my way." Omau looked around at his fellow arrancar comrades and others. "No joke, this is the final battle in hell." Omaru said as he looked at the battle closely. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted October 2, 2009 Report Share Posted October 2, 2009 As Nel sat there sobing Kakurane dashes at her about to punch her when she lifted her hand, "hey hey to attack a defenseles killing macine is a stupid idea" stark says Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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