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Bleach: Advent of Hell's Army |Accepting+Started! [Advanced]|

Sunshine Jesse

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Lucifer dashed next to Grimmjow, attempting grab him around the neck. "To bad for you." he said, as a Kidou started charging in his hand. "Hadou 33, Soukatsui" Lucifer fired said Kidou point blank at his neck, but as interrupted by a black Cero. The Cero of Zarkus.


"Take Aizen away now!" Zarkus said, waving his arm. "I'll try to hold him off!" Zarkus unsheathed his sword, and pointed it towards Lucifer. "Unleash thine wrath unto all who oppose me... Veganza!" he said, as his sword vanished and two gloves appeared.


"I hope you know what you're getting yourself into, Zarkus." Luficer said, getting into an offensive stance. "But if you wish to die here, then so be it!"


"En Garde!" both of them said, charging at each other.

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"Let's go Lasaia!" Rhythex rushed in, extending spikes at the two servants of hell. Lasaia Sonido'd in, releasing her second Zanpakutou. "Hypnotize, Gemma Mezzaluna!" She slashed her two scimitars, creating two increasingly large beams of red-black light. "Hyaaah!" Rhythex quickly appeared behind Sareta and the other Hell Servant, knocking them directly into the beams and running into the Garganta, to Aizen. "I'm coming my lord! Lasaia! Do it now!" He commanded. "Yes Primera! Now! Implode upon your targets my lavish blades!" Lasaia Sonido'd behind each of the Hell Servants, impaling one scimitar into each. she then disappeared to her original location, as the blades exploded.


OOC: Don't worry, that isn't fatal therefore not godmoding. The explosions are there to assist in the continued confusion of the enemies while doing a small bit of damage. If it is godmoding, I apologize, please tell me so I may edit my post.

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"Yes lord #1" he says grining Knowing Aizen was still weak from being in hell.

Grimmjow now hiden away with Aizen, "so did you achieve your imortality" he questions.



Ukiyo was laying waste to the soul society, out of A Himon Gate A Masive amount of spiritual pressure is released only a black figure is seen with a white smile the figure Shumpos to Ukiyo with a gingle of bells folowing him, "Hey boy are you strong" The figure says reviling that its Kenpachi Zaraki with Yachiru Kusajishi next to himnow a ful grown woman.

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OOC: All characters are approved' date=' except for Rook's. If you're gonna make two seperate characters, then make two seperate apps.



ooc: they work as twins. They are brothers so i save space by putting them together. I told you I was rushing it. I will change it.


Soko's body shook as he look at hole. "Zarkus...." Soko slashed at another Hollow when his heard Scandrive. Scandrive: Boy, your spiritual energy seem out of whack. "What do you mean?" Scandrive: I mean whatever that person did to you is speeding up in your body. Soko stopped and jump from the Hollows and Risitu. "Find Ukiyo! NOW!!!" Scandrive: Got him! Soko cursed as he was forced to leave the battle as when more Hollows appear. "Are you finally coming Zarkus?" Is this our last battle?"

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Omaru looked at the hollows as more was coming. "Finally some fun." He took out his Zanpaktou Sheariyu. "Tear this world apart Sheariyu!" He then threw Sheariyu in the air as it transformed into a curved hilt, huge blade strong enough for somebody to hold with two hands, but Omar held it with one hand. "Now hollows prepare to meet your maker!" Omaru said as he slammed the tip of his blade on the ground hard as it caused an earthquake and he flash-stepped to 3 hollows and sliced each with just one hit.

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"Go go go!" Lasaia sent 5 Vasto Lorde's at Omaru. "Omaru! You are an Arrancar! Quit killing our forces or else!" She barked. Rhythex cut the chains that held Aizen, releasing him. "Let's go my lord." He put Aizen over his shoulder, carrying him out. He motioned to Zarkus that Aizen was safely out of Hell. He quickly opened a Garganta just barely big enough for him and Aizen to fit through, and ran through it. Straight to the human world. sheet... I need to get far away. He used Sonido all the way into the busiest part of the town he had been Garganta'd into. He then attempted to hide his and Aizen's Reiatsu, therefore reducing the chance they would be found. Perfect... Now I've just gotta find a dumpster.. He noticed one to his left, and hopped in.

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An imesuureable amout of spiritual pressure seemed to just crash around them all' date=' "AHAHAHAHAAAA! I DONT THINK YOUR IN THE RIGHT TO TELL US TU SURENER" Grimmjow says as he comes out of a garganta.

But the spiritual pressure wasent from him the spiritual pressure was from Aizen as he came out of the garganta, "Your foolish to bring you most powerful servants with you, those underlings dident even give me anny trouble, I was sent to aizen and Ukiyo is dealing with the soul sosiety and he even found a weakness that can even kill you" Grimmjow says mockingly.


"How dare you mock my master ill kill you" she rushes in only to be stoped by Sareta.



OoC: Azure -_-^

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Soko suddenly stop at the end of the Soul Society. "I thought you said he was here." Scandrive: (He moving to the other corner of this place.) "What he planning?" Soko scanned the area to seen some loosen dirt. He dirt it up and spotted a bag. "What this? Scandrive, can you tell what this is?" Scandrive: (It nothing I seen before, but I can tell it not from here and there another planted on the other corner of this Soul Society.) Soko put the bag in his bag. "I got a bad feeling." Soko felt a shock in his side. "Did anyone of you completed my body analysis?" Figure 7: (I sense something but i not sure.) Shockwave: Whatever it is, it affecting all of us expect for 3 of us, including me.) "Well that comforting. Let me in on more when you guys find out more." All Figures: (Yes!) Soko got to his feet and set off to where the other bag was at.

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"As long as out lord is safe...I don't care who i kill!" Omaru said unleashing his bankai. "Tear this world apart Sheariyu!" Omaru threw his sword in the air and jumped up. His sword disenigrated into dust and the wind blew in Omaru's face. he then helld out his hand the wind formed a ball. He then let out his hand onto the demon's they all fell dead. "Sheariyu's bankai is disenigration. The wind i blew was actually 2000 swords in one blow. I hope you all have a good nap." Omaru's Bankai returned back to the original Zanpaktou and escaped to the portal.

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OOC: New rule.

If nobody responds to an RP within a day, you drop it.

If we get this RP locked due to OOC talk, all who made it locked will get negged. A lot.


Aizen sat up, grabbing his head for a moment. "Thank you for freeing me." Aizen said, fixing his hair. "Now we wait..."


The fight between Zarkus and Lucifer was long. "D-damn!" Zarkus said, barely managing to block one of Lucifer's punches with a shield. "Every punch he throws towards me is like a boulder hitting me... Im using all my power trying to block his attacks, and his every punch exerts barely any energy!"


Lucifer found one opening, and aimed a right hook across Zarkus's face, sending him flying.


"funk!" he said, barely managing to retain consciousness. "I might... have to use my second release!"

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ooc: Harsh. Did my other app get appected, Zarkus?


Soko jumped back to see Omaru. "Who want to know?" Soko reveal his sword not trusting him. "I believe it common courtesy to state your business here in the Soul Society." Soko grip his sword as he prepared for an answer. (I can't waste no time since more Hollows are pouring out by the second from that hole.) Soko saw in the distance that the hole gotten bigger. (Great......this make things more complicated.)

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"Yes now all we need is ukiyos Spiritual detirioration Compound and we can beat him, whats takeing that child he cant beat a mesaly amount of soul reapers, he might just be charmed by haveing toomuch fun with them" Grimjow says angrily.




"So your not gona let me have any fun Sareta-kun, what abou those two twins there can i kill them" she says cutely.




"So boy are you gona fight or are ya gona keep fakeing that shitty smile" Zaraki says pissed at Ukiyo.


"Kenny im gonig to find some thing to play with" yachiru says gleefuly.

She walks past Omaru she taps the hilt of her sword with her palm she grins as he apears with deep gashes all over his body, "aww I wish you would be more of a chalenge" she says cutely with no emotion in her face.

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Alucard left to the Soul Society "Crap. This is getting out of hand we need to hurry or we are going to all be killed." Alucard stated sounding like a downer. As he arrived at the Soul Society and saw what the hollows had done to the peaceful, balanced land that was once the home of all pure souls. Soon he was enraged by what had happened.


As his rage increased he started to lose consciousness. He awoke in a strange dream like world with nothing in it but his Zanpakutō floating in mid air. he walked toward it slowly and cautiously. As he reached for it he heard a voice saying "My name is Shinbatsu Kuro Tatsu, I can grant you power that you cant even imagine." Alucard was puzzled by this as he always thought his swords name was just Shinbatsu. After grabbing it he awoke in the real world.


ooc yes this means he can now go bankai


"In the name of God, Impure souls shall be purified at all costs!" Alucard yelled having no idea what he was doing. Suddenly *Flashstep* Alucard appeared behind a hollow and sliced its back into a grid shape. Then *Flashstep* stabbed it in the mask instantly vaporizing it.

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