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Bleach: Advent of Hell's Army |Accepting+Started! [Advanced]|

Sunshine Jesse

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Ukiyo was smothered by the Soul Reapers, but beneath them, all they heard was laughing. Quickly, they all were flung into the air, hundreds of cuts smothered across each of their bodies. The Soul Reapers lay on the ground, screaming in pain, dying in the eyes of Soko. Ukiyo stood in a tree, walking down from it as the Spiritual Pressure pushed it down, making into a type of stairs. Ukiyo stood there, his body unphased by the strikes of the Soul Reapers. His body was coated in a sparkling sapphire Reitsu. He smirked, his body flashing, leaving an afterimage that seemed so real, it could have fooled even the most intelligent fighter. His Spiritual Pressure, nor Reitsu moved with him until he came to full body behind Soko, swinging the back of his blade into his neck. The strike was swift and clean, an unavoidable move unless your speed was beyond his, and not even Grimmjow's could beat him. He stood there, knowing that Soko wasn't going to be moved to unconciousness so easily. Soko was persistent, but would he last when Ukiyo was serious....?

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Name:Raito yatomesu

Appearance:[spoiler=pic drawn by me]




Ability: he has a high intellect and has devoloped a type of cero that he can move with his thoughts

Sealed Zanpaktou:B..._Sword.jpg

Zanpaktou Name:Tengu

Release phrase:fan the winds of my victory

1st release Description: he gains armor that engulfs his chest and his hands become to large fans


he can create a cero hurricane in this form

2nd release Description:







Total: 365

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When the smoke cleared, Ukiyo stood, floating in the air. He shook his head, his body void of any scratches. He stood there, his face as emotionless as Ulquiorra Schiffer's. He vanished, his body appearing all around Soko, when suddenly it stopped. Ukiyo was gone. Soko's shadow altered slightly, a blade appearing through the center of it. Was this the work of Ukiyo? Suddenly, a blade of only shadow impaled through the chest of Soko, but, the skin slowly began forming with the blade, making it look like it was combined with Soko. The skin of Soko slowly formed over the blade. Suddenly the blade exploded, only, the explosion wasn't like dynamite, or TNT, the explosion was a simple puff. The blade left no mark, and the explosion left no pain in his chest. Though it seemed as a dud, it actually let out the same crystal dust that could dissolve a body. It was slowly attaching itself to blood cells in Soko's body, but, Ukiyo had to drag out the battle and put stress on him to let the dust do its work. Ukiyo was standing in a tree, quickly sheathing his sword, opening a large garganta. It slowly began to spread, turning into a type of black hole. Though it seemed as if the garganta was pulling people in, it was actually Ukiyo's strong Spiritual Pressure. Suddenly, the suction stopped, and it pushed out. The garganta began ripping itself open, releasing thousands, upon thousands of hollows. The Soul Society was being overrun, and what's worse, there was now a virus inside Soko that nobody could see or feel..... What would happen in this situation?

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Not only Hollows, but Takashi appeared amidst the chaos. He stood rather calm, his cloths stained with blood. Around him, the bodies of Shinigami lay. A grin broke through his face, and it was soon revealed that it wasn't actually Takashi. At closer examination, his skin was a pale white, his hair the same. A-banookami was held in an unorthodox way, his eyes clearly having a killing intent.

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Soko was wondering what was gonna on. He close his eyes and suddenly him and the 9 was around him. "Something up I want a full detail of my body. Asap." (Figure 4: Why? We sense nothing?) "That what I afraid of. That one isn't likely to attack without a cause. Go now!" (All Figure: Yes!!!) Soko opened his eyes and saw the Hollows. "Hardly isn't fair is it.....for them I mean." Soko jump in the air and into the flood of Hollows.

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