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Bleach: Advent of Hell's Army |Accepting+Started! [Advanced]|

Sunshine Jesse

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'Ahh' Alvaro thought as he saw the energy homing in on Soko. 'Looks like he can't handle this many.' He watched as Soko spun as used some kind of attack (he couldn't hear the name) that sent the energy balls flying in all direction. 'That was a nice trick, but it looks like he's in over his head. He can't keep this up much longer.'

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Grimjenna was about to open Ukiyos door when it slamed open knocking in to her face she then twitched and uters, "ow!" she says then falls backwards with her nose bleading.

OoC: a little funy makes the rp go round XD. and i was hopeing fro a slam of just open not slow oprn if you can would you change it to quickly open not noticeing my energy.

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When Soko was done, several energy ball collide at this back. He stood there in the air as more collide at him. All energy balls collide at him at that moment. "This is not....." Suddenly the energy balls went inside Soko as they was being absorb. When he was done, he land on the ground. "Round 2. Data memory access. Set: 2....Ukiyo and Fenir." A image of Ukiyo and Fenir appear as Soko drew his sword at them. (There got to be a way.)

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((Lmao, you can't fight fakes of us. You don't know our powers, Ukiyo maybe, but Takashi has only shown his Shikai, and even then he hasn't done anything.))


Takashi walked over to Grimmjenna and bent over. He looked at her face and chuckled. "You Ukiyo, I'll just take Grimmjenna back to her room or something, you can go back doing whatever the hell you want." He picked up Grimmjenna by sliding his hands under her legs and back, then lifting her with barely any strength. He then used Shunpo to get to her room. "Now, where do I lie you down?" Although Grimmjenna wasn't really a friend, he didn't like his allies getting hurt. Even if the injury is a minor one.

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Grimjenna opeans her eyes seeing her room then seeing Takashi at the foot of her bed she blushes, "ughh again with my room!" she screems she then slugs him sending him crashing thru the door.

OoC: this is for comidical pourpouses so no fighting about power. and just make a coment thats about "ow was that nesesary" er something.

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ooc: It basing them off his memory. So technically he fighting a incomplete Fenir and Ukiyo not a full one.


Soko charge at them. Fenir summon his mask and clash with him throwing in the air. Suddenly, Ukiyo was in the air and tried to slash at Soko. Soko block but was sent flying back to the ground. "Even incomplete they are a challenge." Soko look the see Fenir aiming a reistu ball at him. He fired sending Soko to the wall. (And to think they make a pretty good team.)

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((If you're going to fight incomplete clones, then make them use tactics the reals ones used. Because I swear to god, my character's never going to sue a 'reitsu ball'.))


Takashi was caught off guard, and barely managed to send a hand up in time. He was still thrown back though, evident of number 3's power. "Embarrassed are we?" He joked, Grimmjenna wasn't known for blushing. She seemed more of the 'your in my face, gtfo' type.

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ooc: Your guy technically just stood they as he was attacking Soko. He only use one attack (that was energy blast) and absorb things with his mask.


Soko got up but was quickly punch by Takashi. Ukiyo summon a huge resitu ball and flung it at both Takashi and Soko. Amidst the rubble, Soko saw Takashi attack Ukiyo as he asborb portions of the blast. "Well maybe not as a good team does, but they are still good." Soko got up and started throwing Cero slashes at them.

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All of them was in a deadlock as they was pushing Soko back. (You aren't even strong enough to beat fakes) "Shut up!" Soko disappear and appear above Takashi slaming his foot in the top of his head. He charge a blast and instantly destroy Ukiyo. "Match start. Increase level 1 by 3." Takashi and Ukiyo appear again and rush at Soko.

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