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Bleach: Advent of Hell's Army |Accepting+Started! [Advanced]|

Sunshine Jesse

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Ukiyo's head was snapped out of place, as he sighed, his body flawless of marks, even from all the pressure that had been put on him. He could feel the pressure. "How interesting.... At least you have some strength, isn't that right, Grimmjow? Taking your sister's body is all but low." He said, cracking his wrist that had been completely turned around. "Remember, we're on the same team..... Don't go against me. I am trying to be civil to a woman, but someone such as you is a disgrace to Espada's everywhere." He stood there, creating another portal, slowly walking into it, before stopping about halfway inside. "Grimjenna, Grimmjow, you may think you are strong, but without each other, you are but pitiful excuses for Espada. Now, until you get your act together, I ask of thee Master Zarkus, do not allow her to touch me again, or we will lose an Espada, and it won't be me." He muttered out viciously, stepping into the portal again, letting it close behind him. The Spiritual Pressure that had been upon the Soul Society lifted, and people could feel normal gravity again. The only pressure now, was Grimjenna, who at this point, was only half of what Ukiyo truly was. Ukiyo wasn't just mincemeat in the Espada. He wasn't put in there for his strength. Ukiyo was put inside for his amazing Defensive Capabilities. When that blow was struck, Ukiyo had shifted his palm only slightly into Grimjenna's arm, slightly having moved it to the left, where, though it had not slipped off, it had a small grip on his shoulder, instead of his neck.

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((Yea, rikari, newsflash, Grimmjow isn't that strong. In fact, by the looks of it, your character was stronger than he was >> So in reality, you really have no power if you're going to fight Ukiyo.))


"Tch." Takashi was rather unimpressed, Grimmjenna was what, number 3? That was it, nothing new. His shikai was still released, but he calmed himself and it returned to it's original form. He then waved his hand horizontally, and a Garganta opened up. He stepped inside and closed it. Where was he now? Where else? Heuco Mundo.

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((3 and 6 is stronger/strong as 2 >.> Fenrir, not dissing on you tho yugi-kun just saying it caous he said I wouldent have any more power. and news flash grimmjow was about as strong as #4 until ge goes second form. Ahhh Ulquiorra O///O what anime crush, and to save time im gona call posesed grimjenna, him and grimmjow))

Grimmjow looked at Zarkus, "he has already told you, he plans for us to get him out of there the king of hell plans to attack the soulsociety thats when we move I will give my sister back to you now, I know you mised her KE KE KE" Grimmjow says before grimjenna reverts and the spiritual pressure returns to normal.

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Ukiyo walked out of the portal, appearing in Las Noches, instead of the whole Heuco Mundo terrain. He walked to his room, sitting down on a small chair he made from some old reinforced crystal trees in the desert of Heuco Mundo. He took a few crystals, stored in a drawer, quickly burning them with a small lighter he had with him. After they were lit, they became a more shining color of sapphire. He put them against his body, allowing them to melt on him. As he did this, he quickly put one against his mask. The mask simply flashed slightly, then he stood up, crushing the remaining crystal jewel into dust. He put the crystal in his mouth, swallowing it down. "To think, the Soul Society still makes me weak." He said, rather angrily.

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((6 and 3 are not as strong as 2. There is a plainly obvious reason, why 2 is number 2, and not lower than 3 or 6. >>))


Takashi sighed. He had quickly made it to Las Noches, and he blandly walked into Ukiyo's room. "Why exactly is number 3 number 3? I mean, she's not even as strong as number 10." He waved his hand dismissively, after all, he couldn't change anything.

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Soko was in the tower searching thru the archives. "Read it. Seen it. Had it. Knew that was gonna to happen. Copy it. Know it." He raise his hand in disappointment. "Nearly all our archives are gone so there nothing new here to learn!" Soko scream as his breathe grew deeper. "So I was affected by my experiment......but to what degree."

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"Zarkus I cant I cant Im useless I have to use my brother if I use my power to its full extent I cant control my self if I do, Ukiyo is right he would win becaous I dont have the instinct he would always win no mater strong I am" she says depresively. She opens a Garganta and leaves "get some one else to funk over these soul reapers" she says befor going thru the portal to her room.

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Ukiyo looked over at Takashi. "Would it kill you to knock next time? Eh, forget it. I'm not exactly sure how she came to be Number 3 in the Espada. It's probably from relying on her brother. Zarkus must have seen something to make her Number 3. We'll find out eventually, but as of now, it'd be better that we become prepared for our next trip to the Soul Society. We still have to wait for Zarkus' instructions on when to strike again. They're not weak as of now, but, if we can somehow manage to pull them into our territory, we may be possible to destroy them even easier. How do you suppose we manage that, Takashi?" He asked, closing his eyes, showing that he was providing deep thought into this.

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Ukiyo took out his blade, looking at the rusted edge of it. "This blade has served me through thick and thin. If we're going to do this Takashi, then we're going to have to be serious enough to think out a tactic. We can't just storm in there and take someone." He said, hearing the recklessness that was going on outside the room. "Ugh, Grimjenna must control her attitude, it is becoming quite irritating. As for Alvaros, he needs to work on his powers. His control is pretty bad." He said, standing up. "So, what do you suppose we do about the Soul Society to Las Noches plan?" He asked, rather interested in what Takashi thought would be a good move.

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Soko sat down as he calm himself. "Ex-9, I called it." Soko look at the notes show several formula and unknown parts. "My prediction was wrong....or maybe it was my reading." Soko grab the necklace and hold it in his hand. "You what became of it....now you are my gift.......and curse." Soko left the tower.

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Ukiyo could see that Takashi had become bored with the conversation. "If you don't feel for the safety of Las Noches, and a better chance to defeat the Soul Society, I think it best that we think separately. My plan is to send Hollows in as a distraction. Due to my control with shadows, it should be easy to get the Hollows through with me. If that doesn't work, I'll open a portal to the human world, allowing a few Menos Grande into the city. While the Captain's are distracted with that, I'm going to work my way in and use a special gas I created from the crystal trees here in Las Noches. It should put anyone in the Soul Society asleep for a good few hours. It doesn't affect Hollows, Menos Grande, or Arrancar, such as ourselves. As for then, I'm going to proceed to take the Leader of the Soul Society captive. Within that time, I expect you to be ready for a thick onslaught. Kill any enemies you see that stay awake through the gas....." He said, stopping as if he hadn't been able to continue from there. He squinted slightly, walking over to the door. He opened it slowly, sensing a small dense Reiatsu.

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"I'm a Vizard dumbass. That gas will affect me." He hated it when the Espadas made plans that had harmful affects on any Shinigami. Him being a Shinigami, things were a bit different. "Yea yea. I'll just kill them before the make a move. I get it." The plan itself wasn't that good. A single captain could take out those Menos Grande. There was a good chance the other captains would resist the gas.

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