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Skippy_Canoe's Life Simulator | NEW Pharoah's Tomb Part 3 Released!

Skippy Canoe

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I decided to make this for several reasons. The main reason, well, is that I was bored. The other one is that I make stories like this by pm with MartialRocks sometimes. His aren't nearly as in depth, but... yeah. Here's how this works:


Choose a story. Take your pick! You must follow the story perfectly to get to the end. Some of these stories will end in riddles, where you pm me your answer to win a certain prize which will also be explained. In others, the first person to post after finishing a story will win a prize. They will post a message given to them at the end. The rules:


-Play fair! You'll ruin the fun if you don't!

-Pm any answers to me, unless the right answer has already been sent.




Interactive scenarios ending with riddles usually. A √ next to a story's name means it's been solved, and the prize has been given already.


[spoiler=The GYFT √]


The first person to post the Prize Code was ♥ ЅϯᵲåώӀӞ℮ᴙʀɣ−ɴɨɨ−ƈħåɴ ♥.



[spoiler=1 - START HERE]

*Doorbell Rings*


Postwoman: This is addressed to you. Sign here.


You: *Signs slip* Thanks! Wow, it's heavy! Hmm... It's from Skippy_Canoe.


[spoiler=Open Package With Knife]

You: I know I have a knife around here somewhere! There it is!


[spoiler=Attempt to Open Package]

Go to 4, subsection A.





[spoiler=Open Package With Scissors]

Go to 6, subsection A.



[spoiler=Open Package With Crowbar]

You: There's Mother's old crowbar!


[spoiler=Attempt to Open Package]

Go to 4, subsection B.





[spoiler=Open Package With Hammer]

You: WHY WON'T IT OPEN?!?!?! Oh, there's my hammer!


*Hits package uncontrollably*


[spoiler=Did it Open?]














*Doorbell Rings*


You: That's not a delivery person! I better not answer it!


*Man bangs on door. then leaves*


Go to 3, subsection A to continue.







You: Phew! That was a close one!


[spoiler=Wait 3 More Business Days]

*Doorbell Rings*


You: It's here! Wait, you aren't the usual delivery person!


Postman: No, she recently was eaten by a penguin.


You: Oh, I'm so sorry!


Postman: It's fine, she was my least favorite sister anyway.


[spoiler=Open Package With Mother's Crowbar]

*Opens Package Successfully*


You: That was easy! Now what's in here? Hmm...


[spoiler=Look Inside]

You: A Note!


Here's your GYFT. Sorry for the wait, and whatever else you had to go through before receiving this.




You: Wow, that was very heartfelt! *Wipes tears from eyes*


[spoiler=Continue Sorting Through Contents]

You: Look at this! Wrapped in velvet, with my name on it!


[spoiler=Unwrap GYFT]



Congratulations! You completed Simulation #1, The GYFT!


You can put your GYFT in your sig, bio, or anywhere!


PRIZE CODE (Already Posted):




















You: OUCH!








*Opens package successfully*


You: YES!


*Music plays*


You: Oh, darnsies! My casserole is probably burnt by now! Oh well, I guess I'll just have some leftover McNuggets and that pickle I found under the couch.


[spoiler=Look Inside Package]

You: Oh my gosh! A head!


*Screams like a little girl*


You: Look! A note!


[spoiler=Read Note]

I have decided to give you a GYFT. Just pull that head out, it isn't your real GYFT. It's made of plaster... I think.


[spoiler=Continue Sorting Through Package]

You: There isn't anything else in here! Wait, another note!


Sorry, your GYFT isn't in this box. It will arrive in 5-9 business days.


[spoiler=Wait 5-9 Business Days]

*Doorbell Rings*


Go to 5, subsection A to answer the door.

Go to 2, subsection A to ignore it.












You: Okay...


Mysterious Man: Get in the car!


*You climb into the car*


[spoiler=Call Police on Cellphone]

*You quietly and sneakily dial "911" on your cellphone*


You: Where are you taking me?


Mysterious Man: I am taking you to the top of the Elsburg Building to hold you as hostage. I can make thousands in ransom.


*Time passes*


Mysterious Man: Why are the cops at the Elsburg? Oh no...


Policeman on Megaphone: Stop the car! We have you surrounded! Get out of the car with both hands on your head!


*Man gets out of car with hands on head*


You: Phew!


*Man taken away in police car*


Policeman: You'll get a police escort home, kid.


Go to 3, subsection A to go home.









You: Hello! Wait, you aren't a delivery person!


Mysterious Man: No, come quietly or die.


Go to 4, subsection C to go with the man.


Go to 7, subsection A to slam the door and lock it.







You: Wait, I don't have any scissors! That old woman from across the street ate them!











*Slams door, locks it*


Mysterious Man: You better run! Wait, where can you go? You're trapped!


*Man opens door, points gun at you*


You: Please don't shoot!














[spoiler=YCM Virus √]


The first person to give the correct answer to the riddle was ♥ ЅϯᵲåώӀӞ℮ᴙʀɣ−ɴɨɨ−ƈħåɴ ♥.


[spoiler=1 - START HERE]

You have one unread private message from YCMaker titled Error


[spoiler=Read Message]

MyBB internal error. Too many connections. Aborting all operations.


All accounts banned, exluding all Administrators and Super Moderators. Recipient account excluded. Logged at 08/27/09, 0319 EST.


To fix this problem, Contact MyBB.





To Contact MyBB, go to 3, subsection A.





You: I should e-mail MyBB.


[spoiler=Open E-mail]

You: I'd better compose an e-mail.


*Typing time passes*


You: Why won't it send? What's happening? AHH!


*Vortex opens on your computer screen*


You: WOAH!


Go to 4, subsection A to continue.






You: Let's check out the Admin.


You begin to approach the area. Nervously, you make your first steps through the entry, accented with matrix code.


You: I'm almost there!


*Firewall activates*


You: OUCH!


You have been erased, and are now in cyberspace.








You: Maybe I can find him in person.




You: That won't work!


Go back to 4, subsection B.




You: Sorry... It's too dangerous.


Skippy_Canoe: Fine then. I understand. But how will I get out of here?


You: Uh... Log off?


Skippy_Canoe: How will I do that? I'll find my way, you go.


Skippy_Canoe begins to walk towards the Administration Center


You: Wait!


Skippy disappears immediately. You let one of your own be deleted.








You: Muahahahahahaha! I'll make me an administrator! I'll ban all my enemies! I'll increase my reputation to 100000! I'll give myself all the Points on YCM! Oops, I broke it.











You: Oh no! I'd better contact MyBB! No YCM means no... uh... I don't know!


To Contact MyBB by going to their website, go to 5, subsection A.

To Contact MyBB by e-mail, go to 2, subsection A.




You: I should probably check where he is.


You are not allowed access to Icyblue's profile.


You: Not allowed! What do I do now?


To try again, go to 4, subsection C.

To pm Icyblue, go to 6, subsection B.




You: I'll go explore a bit.


You go through the back end of the pm system. You are immediately deleted and are now in cyberspace.








You: I'm back at the banned list. Now since I'm inside YCM, I should be able to lift all bans.


You fumble with a bunch of things, and soon, the usernames disappear, one by one. The banned list is now empty.


You: That's done. I'd better make YCM go offline quick or someone will log on!



You: Uh-oh, Skippy_Canoe logged on. He's probably here too.


Skippy_Canoe appears in front of you.


Skippy_Canoe: What happened?


You explain what happened.


Skippy_Canoe: So...You think we should shut YCM down for ten minutes?


You: Yes!


Skippy_Canoe: May I join you?


To let Skippy join you, go to 4, subsection D.

To not let Skippy join you, go to 2, subsection D.






You: I'll be a good fishy and not abuse this!


You find the downtime option. You make YCM go offline for ten minutes. Now, you have to find the error while everyone's logged off.


You: I did it! Now I have to find the error.


All of the sudden, the firewall shuts down. It must be part of the downtime happening. Now you aren't safe.


You: What's that noise?


A huge worm crashes through the entry. You are trapped!


You: Oh, I get it! A worm! A computer worm!


To run, go to 4, subsection E.

To hide, go to 5, subsection E.







You: Where am I?


There's screens everywhere. It appears you are inside of the YCM website.


You: Where's that voice coming from? Oh look, the banned list!


*Stares at banned list*


You: Woah, why is it so long? Halo Ring, ♥ ЅϯᵲåώӀӞ℮ᴙʀɣ−ɴɨɨ−ƈħåɴ ♥, *GASP* even Skippy_Canoe! Hmm...


It seems as if this world is neverending. You can see the MYPS system, and the reputation rating list. Wait, the member list! There's the Administration system. Which should you check?


To look at the member list, go to 6, subsection A.

To look at the Administration System, go to 2, subsection B.




You: I'll contact a Super Moderator.


It appears Advanced Raver is away. Crab Helmet is offline. Darth Browarod and Dealer Umbra are causing errors. God Kaze is away. Icyblue is online!


To pm Icyblue, go to 6, subsection B.

To check what forum he's viewing, then contact him there, go to 3, subsection B.

To find him in the server, and talk to him in person, go to 2, subsection C.




You: I should try again. Here I go!


You attempt to view his profile, and are obliterated by the firewall.


You: OH NO!








You: Of course! We aren't safe alone! We'd probably have to go to the Admin Center, which is guarded, to shut YCM down.


Skippy_Canoe: Maybe if you go to MyBB?


You: I don't think we can.


Skippy_Canoe: We'd better hurry before more people log on. I have an idea. I'll run through the firewall guarding the Admin Center. If you go in right after, it won't have time to reactivate.


You: I can't let you do that. *Dramatic music plays*


Skippy_Canoe: But I MUST! *Even more dramatic music plays*


Skippy runs through the entry way, and stands there, waiting for you. He is slowly disappearing. You run towards him as he slowly dissolves. At the last second you make it through as soon as the firewall reactivates. You are safe, but Skippy's gone.


To continue, go to 5, subsection D.




You: I'm running for my life!


You swiftly run past the worm without being harmed. Now you have another problem. How are you going to get rid of the worm that's causing the error?


You: I have an idea!


You run back into the Admin Center as fast as you can. You then proceed to end YCM's downtime. The worm chases you in, but is immediately deleted when the firewall reactivates. Here's the bad part of this. You can't get out!


You: How do I get out? Wait, duh! Going offline once again!


You put YCM back into downtime. Everything is running smoothly. You are no longer trapped in the Administration Center, but you are trapped inside YCM. It is then when you see the Log on/Log off option.


You: Time to logoff.


[spoiler=Log off]

You log off, and return to your computer chair. YCM is now running smoothly, since the downtime is over. Now, to unwind by going on YCM!


Congratulations! You have completed YCM Virus! Solve the following riddle. The first to post the correct answer was ♥ ЅϯᵲåώӀӞ℮ᴙʀɣ−ɴɨɨ−ƈħåɴ ♥.


A rose is a rose, which I am not, though I claim.

There is also an Attribute in my name.


Who am I?









You: I'd better go to the MyBB website!


*MyBB website opens*


You: What's wrong with my computer? Oh my gosh!


WARNING: Your personal computer has been infected with a fatal form of malware. Aborting all operations.


You: My computer! It won't turn on!








You: I'd better better contact YCMaker or Falling Pizza.


It appears both Administrators are offline.


You: Oh no!


Go back to 6, subsection A.




You: I'd better wait here.


You have one unread private message from Icyblue titled Re: Error


[spoiler=Read Message]

MyBB Internal Error. Unable to fill request.





You: Well that's a problem! I guess I have to get out of here and save YCM by myself! Time to think.


*Several hours pass*


You: I've got it! What if I... uh...


*Several more hours pass*


You: I think I've got it! Yes! It's all coming to me! What I have to do is first lift everyone's ban. After that, I'll make YCM go offline for ten minutes. Once I do that, I can locate where the error is without anyone being online! I have no idea what I just said, but it should work!


To go back to the banned list, go to 3, subsection D.




You: I sure do talk to myself a lot. That's not important right now! In here, should be the website's back end. I should be able to control everything from here.


To turn evil, go to 2, subsection E.

To be a good fishy, go to 3, subsection E.




You: I'd better hide.


You search for a hiding place with your eyes, but there is nowhere to hide. The worm crushes you.











You: I should probably check the Member list, since that's where I can find the Forum Team.


You approach a wall, filled with many crossed out names. You easily locate the forum team. Only the Super Moderators and Administrators aren't banned. You aren't either, you notice.


You: Maybe I should contact someone. But who? WHO?


To contact an Administrator, go to 5, subsection B.


To contact a Super Moderator, go to 4, subsection B.




You: Since I just received a pm, maybe I can send one.


[spoiler=Private Messages]


You: I'll send a pm to Icyblue. I'm sure he already knows about the problem, though.


You send your pm to Icyblue. You mention the error, and that you're inside YCM.


You: I hope he replies.


To wait for a reply, go to 5, subsection C.

To continue exploring, go to 3, subsection C.











[spoiler=Obstacle Course √]


The first person to pm me the answer to the riddle was Flandre Scarlet.


[spoiler=1 - START HERE]

You are at the beginning of an obstacle course. It seems endless, but you can handle it.


You: I'm ready!


Go to 3, subsection A to continue.





You plant your pole firmly into the soil. Uh-oh! It appears you have jumped too early! You plummet into the cold rushing river.










You see several fences ahead. You are expected to climb them.


You: I can't climb!


To attempt to climb, go to 4, subsection B.

To go around the fences, go to 5, subsection B.




You: I'll jump over these like hurdles!


You begin dodging the poles by jumping, and it works great. The poles further to the end go higher, and your method gets you landed in the cold water.













You must jump across the river using the Pole Vault technique.



You begin to run with the pole. The river comes near.


To jump now, go to 2, subsection A.

To keep running, go to 4, subsection A.






You keep running. The river is coming too near. It appears you are too late! You take a plunge into the cold river water.








You: I'll wait for it to pass, then go behind it before it swings back.


You wait for the large padded mallet to swing by, then pass it. You use this method for all mallets in the way.


Next, you see many spinning columns next to either side of the boardwalk. On top of them are thick poles you are expected to dodge. As you approach the area, the columns seem to rotate faster.


You must dodge the swinging poles crossing your path. How will you dodge them?


To dodge by ducking, go to 5, subsection D.

To dodge by jumping, go to 2, subsection D.

To dodge by grabbing the poles, go to 4, subsection D.




You: I'm done already?


You may think you're done, and you're correct.



You've successfully completed Obstacle Course! Now you have a riddle. The first person to guess the correct answer was Flandre Scarlet. The answer will be someone's username.


The Riddle:


A rose, I am not, even though my name states.

Unlike Dark Rose, I'm female.

I'm found online near everyday.

I'm legendary, you could say.










You decide to continue running. The river grows nearer.


To jump now, go to 5, subsection A.

To keep running, go to 3, subsection B.




You: I don't want to cheat! I'll try climbing!


You grasp the first wire fence, and begin to climb. You easily work your way over it. The fences increase in difficulty, buy you climb each one with ease. You have trouble climbing the last one. You cannot find a good foothold. Luckily, just before your other foot slips, you locate a spot to place it. You easily make it over the other side of the fence.


To continue, go to 5, subsection C.




You: I'll go ahead of it before it hits me!


You attempt to cross the mallet's path, but are hit head, causing you to crash into the cold water.








You: Maybe I'll try riding the poles instead of dodging them!


When a pole passes you, you wrap yourself around it. You latch from pole to pole, until you've crossed the boardwalk.


To continue, go to 3, subsection D.







You: I'd better jump now!


You plant your pole into the ground and ride it successfully over the river. You make a safe landing, though you lose your pole in the river.


To continue, go to 2, subsection B.




You: I'll just go around them!


You start running around the first fence, and fall through a trap hole. So much for that idea.










You see many moving objects ahead. You will have to walk across a boardwalk and dodge them. If you fail to do this, you'll fall into the cold water below.


You begin to walk the boardwalk. Here comes the first section. There are large swinging mallets ahead. Here's the first one. Don't get hit!


To go across the mallet's path, go to 4, subsection C.

To go behind the mallet's path, go to 3, subsection C.




You: I'll duck to dodge these!


You successfully cross the boardwalk, though you had to crawl near the end.


To continue, go to 3, subsection D.







[spoiler=Aster Avenue √]


WARNING: This story may be a bit inappropriate for young users.


The first person to pm me the answer to the trivia question was Flandre Scarlet.


[spoiler=1 - START HERE]

You begin to awaken. It's pitch black, except for where street lights are projecting. You're lying in the middle of a street. You glance at a bent up street sign, reading "Aster Avenue." As soon as you read the sign, you hear the sound of a subway beneath you. You get on your feet.


You: How did I get here?


After a quick look around, you notice you're on a deserted street in New York City, far from where you live. Both ends of the street are fenced off. You're trapped...


For now.


To continue, go to 4, subsection A.





You run into the parking garage. The lights were dim, and didn't provide much light. You scream for the man, but there's no answer. Suddenly, a loud bang breaks the silence, and everything fades to black.








You take a deep breath, reminding yourself that you should stay here.


You begin walking through the aisles. Several food items have been chewed open by vermin, which also are found throughout the Grocery. The bathroom lights were already on, but the plumbing was no longer operational. You search for some sort of clue, such as a key or a note, but none are found. You open the heavy steel door to the back room, which is full of untouched food items. Only one set of lights are on in the back room. You find the light switches, and turn on all of the lights. This room smells musty. You weave through several stacks of food. You reach the back of the storage room. You see something in the corner. After looking at it for a moment, you notice it's a live person!


You: Hello?


The figure stares at you. You notice it's a young girl. She's very pale, and clenching something in her left hand. She's sitting cross-legged, wearing a black dress. You are also wearing black.


You: Hello? What are you doing here?


The girl swallows, then puts her head back down. Her long black hair is in her face. She opens her hand and examines the item in her palm. It's a note, with a key attached to it!


To take the key from the girl, go to 5, subsection B.

To talk to the girl, go to 3, subsection C.




After being taken home, you remember Alice. You were supposed to help her find her family! You search online for missing people, and find a girl named Alice Garcia, missing for 3 months. Her skin was a lot less pale. You remember that Alice is still in town, being questioned. You call the number listed on the website. A woman answers.


Mrs. Garcia: Hello?


She sounded depressed.


You: Hello, Mrs. Garcia? I know where your daughter, Alice, is. She's safe.


Mrs. Garcia: She is? Oh, Lord, thank you! Thank you so much! What's your name? Where do I find her?


You: I'll give the police your phone number. My name is __________. You'll be reunited with Alice soon.


Soon, Alice is reunited with her family. The Garcias learn what happened. The five people on Aster Avenue are arrested for kidnapping and murder. Everything is now back to normal.



Congratulations! You have completed Aster Avenue! The first person to pm me the answer to the trivia question below was Flandre Scarlet.




What is the only shop on YCM I've been banned from and why was I banned from it?


HINT: The shop is still active.









You: I'd bet I can hop that fence!


You approach the fence nervously. You grab the fence. Your whole body starts convulsing. You're being electricuted! You try letting go, but your clothes are caught on it. The pain was unbearable. Soon, everything fades to black. The last thing you saw was your burnt skin, and the last thing you smelled was the smell of your burning flesh.








You: I should check out Christine's Grocery.


You open the door, and a bell rings above you. This makes you even more nervous, yet you have the feeling you're supposed to be here. The lights are all off, but the neon OPEN sign is lit, including many other neon signs. You search for a light switch near the door. After about two minutes, you find a light switch. You switch it on. The fluorescent lights turn on at once, even though some are flickering. You see several blood spatters on the walls. You shiver at this. It's extremely warm and humid in here. You here dripping from the ceiling. Your eyes are still adjusting to the sudden change of light. All of the sudden, you scream! There's a human skeleton at the cash register!


To leave the store screaming, go to 4, subsection B.

To stay in the store, go to 2, subsection B.




You sit down across from the girl. Her dark hair remains in front of her face, and her face remains down. Several. Empty food boxes are tossed beside her. You begin to talk to the girl.


You: Hello. What are you doing here?


The girl stares at you with her dead blue eyes.


You: How long have you been here?


Her face remains blank.


You: I was taken here. Were you? I can help you get home. Please speak to me.


The girl swallows, and clears her throat with a quiet "Ahem."


Girl: I was taken here too.


She is having trouble making out words, and you notice a bit of a slur.


You: What's your name?


Girl: Alice. I've been trapped here for 3 months. I woke up here, and found my way to this place. I found this note and key in my dress. I wasn't wearing this before I was taken here. I don't know what it goes to, and how to use a key. Can you help me? I miss my family.


A tear rolls down Alice's tear-stained face.


You: I can help you if you give me that note with the key.


Alice nervously drops the crinkled note in your hand.


Alice: I've searched every day for the past 3 months for where this goes. I still haven't found a place to put it.


You: I see. I just woke up here tonight. I'm not sure how I got here. I do know that we're in New York City, on Aster Avenue.


Alice: We are? I can't read. I've always wanted to live in NYC. Now I know that I am, and have for the past 3 months.


You: I promise that when we get out of here, I'll help you find your family.


Alice: If we get out of here.


A ding sounds through Christine's, and the power shuts off.


Alice: I'm scared!


You: Shh! Hold my hand.


You both hear footsteps. You get up and softly walk out of the storage room. You can't see anything inside the store.


You (whispering): We're going to go through the back door, okay?


Alice squeezes your hand tightly.


To walk through Aisle 12 to get to the back door, go to 5, subsection C.

To sneak along the walls, go to 4, subsection C.







You: Why am I here? How will I get out? I'm trapped!


Out of the blue, a shadowy figure emerges from a parking garage. Even under the street lights, his face was impossible to make out. Although, the shape of the unknown person shows a man.


Man: You have been brought here as a test. You may not leave until you find out how to. Good luck escaping Aster Avenue.


The man disappears into the parking garage again.


To follow the man, go to 2, subsection A.

To stay where you are, go to 6, subsection A.




You: I'm getting out of here!


You turn around and attempt to open the door. It won't budge! It must be warped! After several attempts to open the door, it finally swings wide open. You run into the cool night air. Suddenly, the lights turn off, 1 by 1 down Aster Avenue. A red car with its headlights on swings out of the parking garage. Before you had a chance to think, the car plows you over.








You (whispering): Alice, we're going to sneak along the walls to the back door. It's unlocked, I checked earlier.


You and Alice sneak along the cobweb covered walls. You can feel a spider crawling on your arm, but that isn't important right now.


Alice (whispering): I hear feet. They're coming from over there.


You (whispering): I hear them too. He's going a different way than us.


You find the back door. Noticing the door is now locked, you use the key to unlock it. You quickly fling it open and nudge Alice out, and you follow. The air seems to be warmer than before. The sun is rising. This doesn't mean that you're out of the woods yet. You find that you're behind Christine's Grocery. Luckily, there are more buildings behind here. You walk across the wet grass, finally noticing your feet are bare. There are several cars driving for the morning commute. There are also several people walking the streets. You both run into the city scene happily, and watch the sun rise. You find your clothes in an old car on this street. You call the police on your cellphone, and soon they arrive. You are reunited with your family.


To continue, go to 2, subsection C.







You: That fence looks like a trap. I'd better stay away from it. I wonder if I could find anything in these buildings?


You attempt to open each door, but they are all locked and barred. All except a small store called "Christine's Grocery."


To go inside, go to 3, subsection B.

To wait outside and think, go to 6, subsection B.




You approach the girl. You kneel down, then snatch the note from her palm. She screams, and begins acting possessed. She snarls at you and graps your hand. She takes the note, then sinks her teeth into your wrist. You try to resist, but she is too strong, and you are in too much pain to yank your hand from her grasp. You're bleeding very badly. You slowly go unconscious.








You (whispering): We're going to go through this aisle, then to the back door. It's unlocked. I checked it earlier.


Alice (whispering): Okay.


You and Alice tiptoe down Aisle 12 in the dark. You hear a low breathing from the end of the aisle. Even in the dark, you can see a figure at the end of the aisle. You grab Alice's hand and turn her around with you. There's another figure behind you, too. You're trapped!











You: I'm staying put.


You watch as the shadowy figure fades into the darkness.


You: I'd better call the police!


You reach for your cell phone, but nothing's there. You now notice that you're wearing completely different clothes. They're very formal.


You: Oh no! What am I going to do? There has to be a way out! There has to!


You search frantically for an exit up and down the short street, when you notice a fence blocking off a grassy area, with a phone booth!


To attempt to hop the fence, go to 3, subsection A.

To check out some of the buildings, go to 5, subsection A.




You: I'm not going in there!


You start thinking. You look around, and there doesn't seem to be any way to escape. You feel like you're being watched.


You: This is creepy!


You see something moving across the street. It's dark out, so you're not quite sure what it is. The street lights star turning off, 1 by 1 down Aster Avenue.


You: I'm scared!


A hand grabs your shoulder menacingly. You turn around, but can't see a face. It appears to be a different man than the one you encountered earlier. He drags you for quite some time, and you forget the rest.











[spoiler=Moonstone Mansion √]


The first person to pm me the correct answer to the riddle was DesCrow.


[spoiler=1 - START HERE]

You pull up to the mansion. As you walk the cobblestone path, you gain a sense of worry. The rain was pouring down from the angry sky, shooting bolts of lighting here and there. You carry the heavy package nervously as you climb the steps on to the porch. You knock on the door using the bronze door knocker, encrusted with Moonstone.


You: Why isn't anyone answering?


Following several minutes of waiting, a woman answers the large front door. She had white blond hair, and a flowing red dress. All her jewelry had Moonstone in it.


Woman: Hello? Why are you here?


She had a slight British accent.


Woman: Do you hear me, child?


You: Oh... Oh! Yes, ma'am! This package is for you!


Woman: Why thank you! Why don't you come inside?


To follow her inside, go to 3, subsection A.

To politely decline and leave, go to 5, subsection A.





You: I'm going down.


You nervously tiptoe down the stairs, which creak with every movement. You nearly trip on the fifth step, but catch yourself without making much noise. You make it to the last step, and walk slowly into the pitch darkness. The basement was a large room, with candles lit around the edges and corners. There's a large shape in the center of the room. Suddenly, a womanly figure rises from it. It's Morgan!


Morgan: You've awaken me! It was hard enough being awake during dusk, and I need to rest!


You: What are you talking about, Ms. Moonstone?


Morgan: I'm a vampire! And now that you know my secret, you will perish like the rest.


You finally notice a horrible smell, and see a pile of human remains in one corner. Morgan approaches you, then grasps you. She then bites your neck. You feel dizzier each second, until everything fades to black.








You dial your home phone number and wait.


Your Mom: Hello?


You: Mom! This woman took me while I was delivering a package! Please help me! Call the police!


Your Mom: Where have you been? I hate when you do this. I'm not falling for another prank. Get home NOW!


She hangs up. You hear breathing still, and turn to the bedroom door. There Giles stood, with a phone to his head, standing outside the bedroom. Giles had a bald head, and wore a black tuxedo. He had a mysterious but welcoming face normally, but not now. It was like he was in a trance. You hang up the phone nervously.


Giles: You'd best not be using the phone. Now come with me.


You nervously follow Giles to a dark secret room in a large bedroom closet. It had a chair in it, connected by wires to some sort of device. It was an electric chair!


Giles: Sit!


You: Why? Please, I'll do anything!


Giles: I cannot disturb Ms. Moonstone at the moment, and these were her said instructions. Now sit, or I'll make you sit.


You: No! No!


Giles: SIT!


You nervously sit in the large chair, driven to tears. Giles presses a few buttons, then pulls a lever on the device. You feel an immense pain for a second, and then nothing.








You bound around the house, hoping not to be caught by Morgan or Giles. You see Morgan and Giles through several windows while you go by. You finally reach the front of the house just as police cars pull up. To your dismay, you are grabbed from behind by Morgan.


Policeman: Let the child go, or we'll shoot! We have you surrounded! Don't make any sudden moves!


Morgan: Why should I? I'm immortal! I can't die now! I'm already dead!


Policeman: Let the child go!


You: You're a vampire?...


You try to escape from her grasp, but you can't move.


You: Save me!


Policman: I'll shoot!


You: No!


To try to get out of her grasp, go to 6, subsection C.

To fight back, go to 3, subsection C.







You: Uh... Okay.


The woman leads you into the large house. Overhead the foyer was a large, beautiful chandelier, made of beautiful crystal and white gold. The walls were covered in a regal white and gold wallpaper, floor to ceiling. You are almost hypnotized by the beauty of this room.


Woman: Are you okay? Oh dear! I've forgotten my manners! My name is Morgan Moonstone, and this is the Moonstone Mansion. I'll show you to your room.


You: My room? I'm not staying here!


Woman: Ah ah ah! Hold a civil tongue! You'll be staying here for a long time.


Suddenly, a miserable mood set over the Moonstone Mansion as dusk approached. The rain had stopped, but it was still overcast. The woman lead you through the house, explaining every room's history. She did not show you the basement, however. Finally, your second floor room was reached. It was beautiful. The double bed was covered in a silky black bedset. Lovely dark wood made up all the furniture. You were not sure what type of wood it was, though. Everything was gilded with white gold.


Woman: This is where you will sleep. Sit.


You: Yes ma'am.


Woman: Goodnight!


You: It's barely 7 PM!


Woman: Listen, and listen good. You will do exactly what I say, or you will never leave Moonstone Mansion alive. Got it?


You (nervously): Okay...


To snoop around, go to 4, subsection A.

To go to bed, go to 6, subsection A.




You: Well this isn't all bad. I have a butler. What could she make me do?




You: Well, I'd better explore the mansion.


You walk the hallways over and over again, searching for something. Anything! You can't find Morgan anywhere, but you see Giles quite a lot. Near everything has moonstones on it. The chandeliers, the cabinets, the vent covers, even the soap dispensers. All of the sudden, you remember something. There's a phone here! You go into the nearest bedroom, and sit on the bed. There's a phone on the left nightstand.


To call the police, go to 5, subsection B.

To call your home, go to 2, subsection B.





You: Don't shoot!


You kick Morgan's shin. In pain, she lets go of you. You run off the scene while she stays put.


You: She won't die, we have to leave!


Policewoman: She only thinks she's a vampire, kid. There's no such thing as vampires.


You: Yes there is! Trust me! We have to get out of here! This is Morgan Moonstone, who's been dead for 30 years! Can I at least get taken home?


Policewoman: Yeah, I'll get you a police escort before this ends.


Soon you're taken home and reunited with your family. No one believes that Morgan is a vampire. Yet, every police officer that stayed on the premises were never heard from again. Everything is back to normal, and you've quit your delivery job.



Congratulations! You've completed Moonstone Mansion! The first person to pm me the correct answer to the riddle was DesCrow.




I'm kind to most, though I may not seem.

You'll remember me by my username.

I'm active in the Card Contests forum, and known all around YCM.

My name is made of all capital letters.

Who am I?










You: I'm going to check things out!


You sneak down the dark spiral stairs, careful not to make a sound. You investigate the kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, and all. There is no way out!


You (thinking): Wait! The basement! She never showed me the basement!


You soon find a flight of stairs leading into darkness. There are no lights to turn on.


To go back to your room, go to 6, subsection A.

To go downstairs, go to 2, subsection A.





You flee to the back door in fear. You try opening it, but it's locked. You're cornered! You have an idea! There's a lamp on a table next to the back door. You grab it and shatter the window on the door. You open it from the outside. To your relief, you hear police sirens coming closer.


To continue, go to 2, subsection C.







You: No, I can't. I have a lot of work to do.


Woman: Please? It would make my day. I could serve tea!


You: No, I really can't.


Woman: Oh yes you can, if you want to leave in one piece!


The woman stares into your eyes deeply and menacingly. You feel as if you're in a trance.


To continue, go to 3, subsection A.




You grab the phone, and quickly dial the number 911.


Operator: 911 Emergency Responce, what is your emergency?


You: Listen, I was delivering a package to the Moonstone Mansion. This women named Morgan took me, and won't let me leave. The address is 4091 Desiderata Square. Please come quick. I'm not sure how much time I have!


Operator: Are you okay? We'll send patrol cars immediately, and I'll stay posted with you until they get there.


You: Thank you so much! Wait a sec.


You run to the bedroom door and deadbolt it using both locks. It was nearing dusk now.


You: I'm still here. Have they left yet?


Operator: They are currently leaving.


You: Thank God!


Suddenly, you hear knocking on your door.


Giles: Let me in now!


You: No!


Operator: Is everything okay?


You: No, he's trying to get in!


Operator: Who?


You: The butler! It's like he's hypnotized! Come quick!




You: No!


You hear footsteps walking away. Moments later, they come back, and a sledgehammer crashes through the door. Giles unlocks the door, and flings it open.


You: *Screams* Go away!


Operator: Is everything okay?


Giles: Give me the phone!


You: No!


Operator: Is everything fine? Please respond!


You: Let me go!


Giles grabs the phone and smashes it with his foot. Suddenly, Morgan appears at the doorframe.


Morgan: Giles, what is happening?


Giles: Ma'am, the subject has called the authorities! You don't have much time!


Morgan: Then let's do it right now.


Morgan drags you down the spiral staircase. You try to break free, but she's too strong. Suddenly, you break free from her grasp.


To run to the front door, go to 6, subsection B.

To run to the back door, go to 4, subsection B.








You: I'd better go to bed.


You search the armoire for clothes to sleep in, but all you find is a few quarters and a spiderweb. You crawl into bed, and after hours, slowly nod off to sleep.


Butler: Who are you?


You: Uh... Ms. Moonstone let me stay here. What time is it?


Butler: Ms. Moonstone passed away 30 years ago, when being mauled by a stray dog. The new residents are on vacation in Honolulu. I'm calling the authorities.


You: Wait! Ms. Moonstone invited me in yesterday! She was wearing a long red dress!


Butler: Get out now, or I'm calling the police. The phone's right there.


You: I can't or I'll die!


Butler: Is this so?


Morgan walks into the room.


Morgan: Giles, please leave us alone.


Giles the Butler: Who are you?


Morgan: You know who I am, don't be strange!


Morgan stares into Giles' eyes menacingly. He seems to forget what he's doing.


Giles the Butler: Oh, my mistake ma'am. Let me leave you two alone, please.


Giles leaves the room. The moment he leaves, Morgan's smile fades.


You: The new residents are on vacation! Who are you?


Morgan: Haha. The Windsors had an accident, and won't be returning for a long time.


You: You're horrible! Why am I here?


Morgan: Why, you are the new resident. Mrs. Winsor disobeyed me, and look where it got her and her family.


You: No! I don't live here! Why can't I deny you?


Morgan: Yes you do. You won't deny me if you know what's good for you. Feel free to explore your new home.


Morgan leaves the room, and the door wide open.


To continue, go to 3, subsection B.




You sprint to the front door, and attempt to open it. It won't budge! You wait in horror as Morgan approaches you. She drags you to the basement. You soon find out she's a vampire, and this is where she sleeps during the day. She tilts your head back, and sinks her teeth into your neck. You feel your blood draining, and soon fade away,








You: Don't shoot!


You try to wrestle free from Morgan, but she's too strong. Suddenly, she jerks you as a gun fires. You feel immense pain, then nothing.















Riddle based stories, usually having multiple difficult riddles. When answered, a new part of the story will be released. The ◘ symbols stand for locked story parts, while the ◙ symbols stand for unlocked parts.


[spoiler=Pharaoh's Tomb ◙◙◙◘◘]


Anyone that unlocks a part of this story will receive a rep.


[spoiler=Part 1 - START HERE]

You are wandering the Egyptian Sahara Desert. After long days with a dwindling water supply and no food, you come upon a Sphinx that appears to be guarding a large structure. Suddenly, his eyes glow a neon green color. He begins speaking to you.


Sphinx: Who dare disturb the tomb of the Great Pharaoh?


You: Uh... me? Can you help me? And what was the Pharaoh's name?


Sphinx: I don't remember the Pharaoh's name. It was too long ago... I can help you, if you solve this riddle. If you solve it, I will let you pass. If you fail to solve it on your first guess, I have no choice but to put you out of your misery. Here is your riddle. The answer will be someone's username on YCM.


You: Good thing I go on YCM!


[spoiler=Sphinx: The riddle.]


My username contrasts from the temperature in Egypt during the day.

I am very well known, and my greatness beats most.


Who am I?


The first person to solve that riddle will receive a rep, and unlock the next part of the story. Good luck all!





[spoiler=Part 2 - Unlocked by Shiko11/DesCrow]

Sphinx: Correct! The answer is Icyblue. You may pass me, but fear the many obstacles ahead, young wanderer.


You: Thank you, Mr. Sphinx!


Sphinx: Call me Carl. *Winks*


You bade goodbye to the Sphinx, then pass him as he returns to his lifeless form. You approach the tomb, yet the door is locked. Looking closer, you notice that Hieroglyphics are engraved into the walls of the tomb. There is a part that sticks slightly out farther than the rest, which is blank. You touch it, and where you touched begins to glow.


You: I must have to write a password here.




Her voice boomed across the desert. It seemed to be coming from above, and was very deep. Looking up, you see a sandmade statue of a Phoenix, who's eyes are glowing. She must have a hint, or a translation to the Hieroglyphics.


You: Who are you?


Phoenix Woman: I am Ebony, the guard of the Pharaoh's tomb. No one shall pass me.


You: Then how will I get in?


Ebony: You have to give me the correct answers to these riddles to unlock each lock. Then I'll engrave the password in the correct language.


You notice that across the door, there are 3 embossed areas.


You: Thank you, Ebony. What are the riddles?


Ebony: The answer to each riddle will be a user on YCM. Each answer will destroy one of the guards here. This includes Goliath, the Torturous Viper, Daphne, the Blessed Naga, and I, Ebony, the Cursed Phoenix. Are you prepared, mortal?


You nod your head.


[spoiler=The Riddles]

Ebony: Here are the riddles. If you fail to give the correct answers to them, you will be destroyed by the guards of the Pharaoh's Tomb. Best of luck.




I'm sure you've heard, I planned on leaving.

I never did, did I?

I impress others that befriend me with my graphic ability.

Embarass others that insult me.

All elements combine for the ultimate power, though I'm excluded.

Although I have a name comparable to a Yu-Gi-Oh! monster, I am only human.


Who am I?





You may not know me, but I assure you others do.

Gasp, relieved, as you clear the debris, because you've already found most of me.

Although, you just pushed me away.


Who am I?





My, the riddles are testing, but this one the most.

In a while, you may figure it out, as a light bulb flickers on above your head.

All riddles need a hint, so just connect the dots.


Who am I referring to?


Good luck! All of these riddles are hard. Daphne's probably the hardest, Goliath the easiest. Since you'll be stumped, I'll give you the key parts of each riddle.


GOLIATH: Graphic ability; Yu-Gi-Oh! monster.

DAPHNE: Debris.

EBONY: Connect the dots.


Good luck again! The person that pms me the correct answers was no one. I unlocked it myself.





[spoiler=Part 3]

You: I... I don't know.


Ebony: I must destroy you then. Are you sure you don't know? Do you have anyone that can assist you mortal?


You: Uh... My cellphone!


Ebony watches you call Skippy Canoe, and get the answers from him.


You: Goliath, your answer is E-Hero Kyle. Daphne, yours is debrisd112. Ebony, your answer is ♥ ЅϯᵲåώӀӞ℮ᴙʀɣ−ɴɨɨ−ƈħåɴ ♥.


One by one, they explode in a puff of golden sand. You watch as the answers are scrawled on the embossed areas in the proper Hieroglyphics. Suddenly, a bunch of the parts of the door twist and turn and unlock. The huge sandstone door slowly swings open.


You: It's dark in there...


Suddenly, a bunch of torches on the walls light on fire.


You walk into the tomb, which has many corridors. Suddenly you see two glowing green eyes that light the whole room in an eerie green glow. It's the figure of a Raven.




You: I uh... I need some food and water, and shelter.


Nephyrite: Yet another beggar. Two of these corridors lead to traps, while one leads to safety.


She was perched above the middle corridor.


Nephyrite: I will give you three riddles, and you must guess which represents Rinne.


[spoiler=THE RIDDLES]

Above each corridor, several Hyroglyphics formed into English words, glowing green.



A new moderator from the new recruit.

A dominant male capable of anything.



Reputation can only be put into numbers, mine being in the 100s.

My gender is unknown, though I am dominant.



You'll find but one image after all my posts.

I am a new female moderator, replacing another.


You can only guess once. Pm all answers to me. The first person that pms me the correct answer will get 1 rep.











These stories are like quests. They can be difficult at times, and simple at others. Everyone who completes a quest gets a rep. They don't end, as long as all answers are pmed to me.


[spoiler=Quote It]

[spoiler=Diana, Angel of Forgiveness - DIFFICULTY: 3/10]

You enter a large room. In the center is a large statue of an angelic woman. She has a quest for you.


Diana: I am Diana, the Forgiving Angel. I have a challenge for you, young YCM user.


You: What is it?


Diana: You must pm Skippy a quote of a post that has the criteria listed in the following spoiler.





Find me a post, anywhere on YCM. It must have the following words in it.





Find me a post with those words in it, and you will receive a rep. Pm it to me as a quote. The post can't be by you.





[spoiler=Rythe, Raging Sphinx - DIFFICULTY: 7/10]

Rythe: Hello human. I have an important challenge for you.


You: Yes?


Rythe: You must do the challenge in the following spoiler.


[spoiler=The Challenge]



Quote me 15 posts with "Shoop Da Whoop" in them. It does not matter if it's spelled wrong, and the posts can't be by you.








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A rose is a rose, which I am not, though I claim.

There is also an Attribute in my name.


Dark Rose?


Luckily I did not have to write out what I did. Lots of stuff needed to be done... And although I PM'd Icy, I'd never do it here =P.


Why'd you join my team though? I didn't care >>... But I figured since you put yourself there, it's pretty obvious.

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The second one was way too easy. You're practically given two doors each time, which don't have locks, so you can exit them and go back in the next one if you get them wrong.


Kind of hard not to lose.


Only problem, would be the length, which is kind of tedious.


But, good method to prevent people from just randomly opening up spoilers, though.

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Heh, you only won this one mainly because I don't visit the RP subforum. The answer was of a person who mainly goes there. Never heard of her before.


Make the next one have an actual riddle people could actually figure out if they actually used logic.

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Gee Strawberry, It is wise that you shouldn't start, It has gone to Hell because of Umbra....


There is A Clause in the RPing section that is killing off many of my Friends, And quite a few people are against it.....


Also Mia, You keep answering the Riddles right, Forcing Skippy to think outside the box...... That is why he made the riddle for 3.....

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Gee Strawberry' date=' It is wise that you shouldn't start, It has gone to Hell because of Umbra....


There is A Clause in the RPing section that is killing off many of my Friends, And quite a few people are against it.....


Also Mia, You keep answering the Riddles right, Forcing Skippy to think outside the box...... That is why he made the riddle for 3.....



Lol, I'm friends with Warren, so he lets me get around the advanced clause =D.


Yeah, I figured that it wasn't Blood Rose, but I didn't know anybody else, so I just guessed anyway.

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