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Demons: Rise of The Soul Keys (Started, Accepting) (PG-13)

Kira Magister Magi

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Guest Morpheous Erebos

I re-made this, now accepting in post. The last one died, so...


[align=center][spoiler=Banner, made by me]2n6i4go.jpg



[spoiler=Plot (By Jake the Sage)]

The sky darkens as the final race for salvation comes to its heated end. A figure in the distance is closing in on his goal' date=' the Dark Void- gateway to the Demon Plain. Clenched tightly in his hand are the four Soul Keys. Before this horrific “adventure” had begun the Soul Keys were nothing more than a fairy tale, a legend, and a rumor that was told by word of mouth from grandmother to granddaughter. Behind the creature are five mortal warriors, chasing the fleeting monster in an attempt to prevent the arrival of countless demonic beings. As they start to catch up to the Demon King each warrior drifts back to the time before all of this chaos began.


The first warrior, a female cleric, goes back in her mind’s eye to her monastery high in the northern mountains. The children would play all day once their chores were finished and she would feed the deer that came around the garden. But then the Demon King came, and corrupted the holy grounds of her home with innocent blood . . .

Next the warrior known as they “undying fool” cried out that he will finally have his revenge for his fallen love, one of the maidens sacrificed to create the Soul Keys. His rough and callus hands gripped the heavy blade that rested on his shoulder, ready to cleave off the fiend’s head.

The spy did not speak more made his emotions clear. He had been sent to destroy the Soul Keys and that was all he was going to do. The world meant nothing to him . . .

Then the princess wiped away a tear as the memories of her sister screaming in pain came rushing back to her. She had once been the model of what a proper western royalty was. But the Demon King corrupted her father, forcing him to kill his own wife and commit suicide. Knowing the Soul Keys were made from human misery he stole away her sister and tormented the young maiden for three days and nights to ensure that the Soul Key made from her would not be faulty.

And the final warrior, their leader, damned the demon for all the pain and misery he had caused to everyone on in the world. His mind raced from his quite simple life back in the southern farms, and how it was uprooted when he saved the fleeing princess from one of the Demon King’s minions. Many good and courageous people had given their lives so they could stop what their enemy had planned, and now they would.


Arriving at the massive gates the Demon King inserts three of the four Soul Keys. Laughing at his easy victory he tosses the fourth Soul Key into the air; assure that he could not be stopped. Before the final Key can land in the demon’s hand it is shot away by the princess’ arrow. Cursing he turns to see the five mortals who have plagued him for now over a year. All six are now in a daring “ballet” of life or death. Each bound backwards to avoid being struck and spin to counter the others defenses; movements too quick to be caught by any [i']normal[/i] mortal. In a fatal mistake the spy is taken down by the Demon King- claws ripping into his stomach. The spy spits up blood as the Demon King rips out his still beating heart and then his entire intestine. Curses stream from the “undying fool’s” mouth as he bounds towards his enemy in a stab to the heart. Using his first slain enemy as a bloody and mangled shield he diverts the sword and sends it back at its owner, pinning him to a boulder. Gasping in pain the undying fool struggles to free himself from the boulder, making his wound open and bleed more by the minute. A figure appears in front of him and, looking up, he sees the Demon King with boulders in each hand. In one swift motion the “undying fool” is dead; his head smashed like a nut on the hard concrete sidewalk. Dark clouds form above everyone and thunder resonates from them, followed by lightning striking on the battlefield. Looking to his right he sees the warrior priestess using her magic to summon the lightning storm and direct its deadly voltage. Pointing at him a bolt is shot out from above him. Leaping at the priestess he bounds over her and throws her into her own attack. Turning around he spews black and dark blue flames from his maw at the baffled warrior, engulfing her in flames which choke her to death. The Leader and the Princess look at each other and nod, knowing that everything now rests on their shoulders. Holding each others hand they take a deep breath as they draw out every last ounce of their inner power for a last ditch effort. While they bring their energies together the Demon King grabs the lost Soul Key and declares victory. Slamming the key into its lock he steps back as one, two, three, and then all four keys turn and unlock the gateway to hell. The midnight sky becomes a vibrant array of black and dark blue, the moon bleeds until it is covered, mother earth cries in horror as she is torn into pieces and destroyed. Both warriors fall to their knees as the demons begin to pour out in countless masses. Soon their world goes black- the Demon King has won . . .


Now the Demon King has made the human race nothing more than disposable slaves, under complete rule to the demons. But humans tell stories about how five warriors rose up to defeat the Demon King. Most people think these are nothing more than a fairy tale, a legend, and a rumor that was told by word of mouth from grandmother to granddaughter. But fate weaves a twisted web for those mortal souls caught within her web.


“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.”





No God Moding

You Can Have At MOST Two Characters

The Password is Devil (You Will Need This)

Do Not Control Other's Characters Without Their Consent

I Have The Final Say

Obey ALL Other Rules Not Stated Here





Character Name:

Creator: Your Username

Age: (12-20)

Gender: (male/female-demon)

Appearance: (Picture IS Optional)



Other Interesting Facts:

Sample/Test Post:

Rules Password:



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Character Name: Akihiko

Creator: Namo

Age: 18

Gender: Male

[spoiler=Appearance] Silver_by_FAKER01.jpg



Ability: Archery, Telekinesis

Bio: He is top of his Archery Class. He was once a shy kid till he went to High School, there he made many friends, he thought it was too good to be true, for he was self concuse (You know what I mean). And it was, He grew up with a rich family, His so called "Friends" used him for money. Now he trusts NO ONE!

Other Interesting Facts: Read Above^^

[spoiler=Sample/Test Post]

After walking with Mina to the Hotel Mina signs in and AKIHIKO then takes a walk by himself when he takes out a blank black notebook when a guy in a rush bumps into AKIHIKO causing him to drop his book.

"Oh I'm sorry I was trying to get to work" The guy says as he picks up AKIHIKO book

"No!..." he yelled but it was too late the man had already picked it up!

"Huh? whats the prob..AH! what is that?" the man yells seeing a creature behind AKIHIKO

"... You can see him huh?"

"What is that!?"

"First you must tell me your name and where you work"

"I work at the American NPA my name is kraw Machintosh" AKIHIKO then writes down the mans name in the notebook and waits but nothing happens

"funk! an alias" He thinks to himself "Go to work' date=' but you must never tell anyone that we have met and you cant tell anyone what you have seen today GOT ME!?"

"Yes" says the man as he runs to his job...




[spoiler=Rules Password]





Hope I'm accepted *Slides $20 across the table* if you catch my drift

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id like my character to be good

Character Name:Lagauz wolfsbane

Creator: Fanmie

Age: (12-20)20

Gender: (male/female-demon)male




Ability: Laguaz has the abillity to transform into a wolf or a human but his normal form is a werewolf.while he is in his wolf form he has all of the senses of a wolf.while he is in human form he can runn as fast as a wolf .Each form can only be kept for 1 to 2 hours

Bio: Laguaz was born after the demon king invaded the human world his mother was sedueced by a wolf in the guise of a young prince.Laguaz was torrment each day by humans and demons alike for being differnt,they called him names and threw stones at him.He later went into the demon military where the demons tryed killing him and his mother for being humans.The only time laguaz was ever safe was when he was with the other wolves.

Other Interesting Facts:look above in skills

Sample/Test Post: [spoiler=example]

Raiden dived down on to the barrier breaking it "dachi was it? Feel the power of my eine bankai" after raiden said that he fired thousands of blades at dachi


Ooc: nnotria is fighting wingzone I'm yhe only one fighting you

" radien still his enie bankai fell to the ground from getting hit by numerous meteors

" you won't get away from this next attack raiden's body started to glow then all the blades that made up his eine bankai shot out everywhere


"this barrier won't hold my attack young captin" the barrier started to break as the blades shot out not as fast as before but the same deadly force


"it seems that you are right" robert said while reaptedly hitting the barrier "but you wont be able to hold this barrier up for long!"


Radein flash steps behind Dachi and knocks him on the head knocking him outr cold "Ios this was my fight disturb it again and you will pay!"


"Dachi-kun? are you alright?" said hakura as she was passing by "oh no! it looks like your hurt badly!ill take you over to the medical divison right away"





Rules Password: [spoiler=password]



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Character Name:

Sephiran Ragaror










Telepathy, Telekinesis


Ragoran, a 4000 year old sentient being of the world Vocyxes, always entertained himself by watching the stories of various worlds unfold. Though, his life grew boring, and he nearly lost the will to live. After watching the Demon King take over his world, though, a burning desire welled up within Ragoran, and he decided to help rid that world of the Demon King's iron fisted rule. He removed a portion of his soul, reforming it into a new being. He sent it to the Demon King's world, where it grew, grew into a human with the power to defy the Demon King.

Other Interesting Facts:

Created as a false being by Ragoran, Sephiran has a quite few defects: He has no belly button. His unnaturally colored eyes are different colors, the left purple and the right red. His intellect is that of Ragoran's, far beyond that of any normal human, with an IQ of approximately 482. He is also sterile.

Sample/Test Post:

Daisuke tried to get outside of the octagon' date=' but was unable to due to a forcefield of dark energy, trapping him inside. He couldn't avoid the dark beams, and several pierced his body. Daisuke fell to the ground, bleeding profusely as the octagon faded away. "I must... Help Jace..." With the last of his strength, Daisuke sent one last message to Jace, hoping it would reach her mind. [i']Jace... I have failed to help you... You must escape from Valthorian... He will come at you with many guises, but you must not be fooled... You're smart enough to beat him... After all, I was your teacher... Well, I guess you'll be needing a new teacher after this...[/i] Daisuke's eyes clouded as his last breath drew from his body, his blades dropping to the ground around him.



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Character Name:Alex Wolfsbane

Creator: fanmie

Age: (12-20)20

Gender: (male/female-demon)female demon


demon form


human form



Ability: she is the half sister of laguaz but a full demon she has the same abillitys but can stay in the differnt forms as long as she wants

Bio:She was the stongest member of her pack after her farther was execuited for seducing a human.She later enlisted in the millitary and quickly went up in the ranks.To her soldiers she is known as "the demon of lust" for being very seductive.She has only met laguaz once when he tryed to join her pack he was defeated in less then 10 mns and did not join the pack

Other Interesting Facts:she was ranked up to general in less then 15 weeks

Sample/Test Post:i already showed you

Rules Password: [spoiler=password]



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Name: Derez

Creator: Blazinghydra

Age: 20

Gender: Demon (Male)

Appearance: Possess two forms; The first of which is a tall, humanoid-creature (About 7'4), with long black hair down to his waist, completely white skin, pointed ears and completely green eyes with yellow pupils. While in this form, he wears a suit made form red scales that resembles a trenchcloak, and black scales formed into a pair of pants and shirt beneath that. He wears a red belt made from snakehide, and black snakehide shoes.

His second, "True" form is a draconian, red scaled creature with a three-pronged horn-crest on his head, snakelike eyes. He stands up on two feet like a human, however has long arms with two joints, a long tail with a sharp, dagger-like point to it, and talon-like feet. Two pairs of long black wings can extend from just behind his neck, and from either side of his waist, however this causes him pain to extend and he does not like to do so.

Ability: In his first form, Derez is capable of Telepathy and invading other's minds with his own, without them knowing it, to extract information or force them to do his bidding. He can understand every language with this ability, and inherit tell when people are lying or keeping secrets from him.

While in his second form, Derez loses this ability and instead gains (aside from improved physical strength), the ability to open portals to a pocket dimension. Anything trapped in this pocket dimension is slowly digested, and then adds their strength and abilities to Derez. Creating a portal tires Derez, as they must be made either out of a particularly powerful elemental (an open flame, large pool of water, or very strong storm wind), or opened on a solid object; They cannot be opened on the bare ground, but a flat rock can work.

Bio: Derez was born to an interesting lineage. His father was a fairly important general of the Demon Armies, and as such had a considerable amount of power; His mother, however, was the slave of his father after the humans were conquered. His father had no love for his mother, and had her killed after she gave birth as so she could never reveal the lineage of the child, as he feared Derez being known as a half-human would make him subject to slavery or worse. Fortunately, the demonic genes in Derez won out, making him a fairly powerful demon in his own rights, though his unusual genes gave him a fairly strange ability; He could shapeshift between a near-human form and his fully demonic form. When he figured he could do this at will, Derez was initially afraid, until he learned of his seperate abilities in each form. A demon with two separate abilities was a rare thing, and so he quickly gained respect among demon society.

His human shape being less likely to inspire hatred among the slaves, and at the same time being able to read minds for thoughts of rebellion, quickly landed him the job of Slavedriver, which he kept since age 15. Since then, he has advanced to the position of High Slaver, responsible for all of the Human Workforce in the nearby area.

Other Interesting Facts: His telepathy allows him to communicate with animals to a degree, though he usually disregards this fact. He does, however, have a certain empathy with snakes, and goes out of his way to avoid their habitat. His sense of taste also completely changes with his form; While in human shape, he is a devoted vegan, unable to touch anything that came from an animal. However, in his demon shape, he is a complete carnivore, unable to digest anything not of animal origin.

Sample/Test Post:

Derez chuckled slightly as the two demonic soldiers marched into his room, carrying with him the beaten dregs of a slave. He glanced upward towards the demon on the left, a creature that seemed to resemble the result of a bat mating a porcupine, who immediately glanced away from his gaze. He was aware of the soldier's discomfort while he was in his human shape, but he embraced it. It was better that they weren't too comfortable with him. Then they might hold thoughts against him, about his ability.

"Why is this...thing... here?" Derez said with a sneer, gesturing to the human, who held his gaze intently. Derez tapped his foot. He didn't particularly like this one.

"He stands accused of being the leader of some minor inssurection. We would have executed him immediately, however he seems...reluctant to divulge the wereabouts of his allies." The other informed him. This one looked more like a fish mixed with a bird.

Derez nodded slightly; he'd figured as much anyway. "Indeed?"

He chuckled. "This man knows nothing. His daughter, however, knows much. She's the concubine of some Demon Lord, and has been ferreting information out of him for the past few years while he has been drunk... I suggest you find this woman immediately."

He yawned slightly. "Oh, and don't forget to dispose of the filth on your way out." He said in a bored tone, returning to his seat.

Rules Password: Something satanic that rhymes with "Bevel".

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Guest Morpheous Erebos

Character Name: Kenta Yanaga

Creator: Just call me Kira in OOC's

Age: 17

Gender: Male




Ability: Can fly and change the side of anyone he wishes. Second power can only be used once in a 48-hour period (real time)

Bio: Kenta has known from the time he turned 10 that he was one of the chosen ones. Once he turned 12, he started training in and mastering 7 different forms of martial arts to be able to complete his task. He also trained in the art of the mage and can now do several forms of white and dark magic, making him a very versitile person to have on your team.

Other Interesting Facts: He has a secret. Not telling

Sample/Test Post: I made it, but here:

It is the year 2020. 8 years after the death of Light Yagami (aka' date=' Kira). There are many Kira followers that were crushed by the news, and 1 of them decided to do something about it. Since the day he died, Kent has been looking for a Death Note to call his own. Although he was only 8 at the time, he knew Kira's ideals and supported them. He devoted his lfe outside of school to finding a Note, and 7 weeks ago (making up a date now), April 24, 2020, he finally found a Death Note and its Shinagami Tatsuo (Dragon man, as translated by 20000-names.com), and told him to search for other Shinagami and humans who were looking for fun (For shinagami) or shared the same ideals (for the FWs). Since then, he has found 5 followers known as the FWs. He is still hoping to find more, and they fight to get Kira's ideal world to become a reality. So far, their combined forces have killed half a million Americans (to clarify, THESE "Kiras" are based in Seattle.) to date. The day is now June 12, 2020, and the blood-shed has not yet stopped. The American NPA is powerless to stop it. They saw how well the Japanese NPA handled the case, and they called in their help with the new chief, Leon. As before, many are reluctant to be on the case, so only 6 have joined the case so far.


Rules Password: Something xD

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Might as well join


[spoiler= My App] Character Name: Fallen Star

Creator: DarkHorse21

Age: 19

Gender: Male Demon



Ability: Pyrokinesis, Extreme Speed, Wings (cant use them curently)


Bio: Once a brave and fearless warrior, Fallen was killed in battle by an ambush planned by his own comrades. Upon death he was accepted to heaven. While there Fallen was restless and wanted nothing more than revenge. Many other angels began to notice this and requested to the higher ranked angels to remove him from the kingdom. When they refused the lower rank angels took matter into their own hands and proceeded to kill Fallen. They manage to mutilate his wings and almost kill him. He was then thrown down to earth where he was swallowed up by a dark abyss and turned into a demon.


Other Interesting Facts: Fallen Angel


Sample/Test Post:


Fallen felt his Phone go off and checks to see what is going on "Hmm' date=' someone needs help. O well good luck to them." Gabumon looking shocked at Fallen's statement "What do you mean good luck? We should go help them. What's the matter with you?" Fallen looks at Gabumon with a black look "It's for our own good, the more we get involved with them the more they will want our help. In this world the majority of people only want to be your friend when they need something. But when you need something they are nowhere to be seen. And we are not going."


Gabumon with an angered tone "What's the matter with you, they are your friends and they will always be there for you, as you should be their for them. And we ARE going!" Fallen stops walking and turns around "Fine. But at the first signs of anything suspicious we leave." Fallen and Gabumon begin walking towards Kaz's location.



Rules Password: Is it Bacon? JK, its "Devil"


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Character Name: Alchev Dresid

Creator: Folly

Age: (12-20): 19

Gender: (male/female-demon): Male

Appearance: (Picture IS Optional):



Ability: An array of sword techniques, time frame ability that can alter time (can only be used 3 times in one day)

Bio: Son of the original Leader of the first five to attempt to stop the Demon King, Alchev wants nothing more than to stop his reign. Taught by his father and other masters of sword arts, he is a genius-class warrior. Gifted with the power to alter time, he's cunning in battle.

Has a serious personality with a side of compassion. Often brash but once we can adapt to his situation he thinks with a clear head. Has a bit of an attitude. He hopes to end what his father could not prevent.

Other Interesting Facts: Ambidextrous.

Sample/Test Post:

Faiyt was in a hurry. He was running late for a train that would bring him to the tournament two cities away. I should be used to this, is what he thought has he hiked through the forest he'd been camping in. It was late in the evening and the last train was soon to depart.


"Why is it I ALWAYS ask favors of you, though you never follow through?" He asked the trailing Duel Spirit behind him. Though he said it with an edge, the Spirit knew that he was only joking with him.


The Duel Spirit laughed then answered, "It's because you love me of course, I'm too adorable!" and with that, Faiyt gripped him in a headlock.


"Adorable, eh? You look like a dragon encased in turtle shell armor!" He said while struggling to keep the Spirit in a headlock as he fought back, "How is THAT adorable Dragnov, haha?"


Finally out of the headlock, the 2 friends continue to walk to the train, hoping to finally make more friends. For they had been traveling together for years, hoping to spread the worth of the Duel Monsters game. They've met many people along the way, some they could call friends, but never stayed in the same place long enough to keep them. That fact saddened them, for they were always lonely except for each other.





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Guest Morpheous Erebos

Accepted. Now as soon as I come up with a starting passage we can start...


Edit: Let's go.


The Demon King was sitting in his palace and said, "The time has come. The people that stopped me all those years ago must be gone by now. I have gained the power to control humans as well. Yes, this is wonderful." He stood up from his throne made entirely of bone, and walked over to his telescope-like pool of mist. He looked through to see that there were people after him just like the 5 that were after him before. "This could be a problem. But this time, I have a plan." he said, laughing manically.

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Character Name: Yukai Tsukiyana

Creator: Daedalus

Age: 15

Gender: Male - Demon

Appearance: (Picture IS Optional)Black Hair, 15 year old physic, black suit. (I'll post a pic later)


Ability: Great Speed, Inteligence, lower levels of Psyonic control, Using a collapsible staff as primary weapon, weapon mastery.


A very young but mature guy, Yukai was born as a demon to bring chaos and destruction to the world, but decided to keep distance from the conflict unless necesary. A very clever and strong Demon for his age, he relies more in his abilities and smartness rather than his streng, althought he is capable of beating strong enemies and reach an increible power, that combined with his fast moves and strategic fighting style allows him to defeat formidable enemies with relative ease.

Other Interesting Facts: Yukai's Body looks like the one of a normal boy, but his speed, strengh and Stamina are the ones of a grown up man that has trained for many years. His maximum Strengh and full capacities are yet to known, althought he is starting to reach the full powers of a genuine demon.

Sample/Test Post:

"After implaing that guy with my staff I left him for death, I wouldn't care if he survived or not, he was never be able to bother me again. It is just, anoying as hell when someone came on you and bes to be killed. Those damned mercenaries" Grabs his staff, and looks at the sky, the sun is coming out, so it was time to rest a little, it has have been a long night and many people have died alredy."I love how a day can be already good even when it hasn't started yet." He cleans the blood of his face and walks into the desert to find some place to lie in.

Rules Password: Devil

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