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Icy edited this title so we now discuss "Vanilla Instant Fusion"

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Chaos end master?


Good point. It's PERFECT for that...


Well...it IS the first DARK Fairy ever made...AND it rules over the end of existence! That means that you can pay all except for 1 of your LP to remove from play all of your opponent's monsters!


Hah, I remember the thread about stuff like that! xD

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...I think this has turned into a spam-fest. >.<


then your opponent plays Ookazi...


LOLNO you can decrease Doma'"s attack by 200 to negate anything! lrn2play


I just know someone's going to say "Except for Sparks, right? Sparks is Epin! lololololollolo,olo,0nojpfnop"

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