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Long Awaited Ninja Support.


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Ninja Commander Daisuke



This card can only be Special Summoned while you control two face up "Ninja" monsters. When this card is Special Summoned you can flip all other face-up monsters on the field face-down. While this card remains face-up on the field "Ninja" monsters can be Flip Summoned the turn they are set.


Black Ninja


FLIP:Destroy 1 Attack Position monster on the field.


Azure Ninja



FLIP:Add 1 "Ninjitsu" Trap Card from your hand or Graveyard.


Ninja Wave Tactics

Continuous Trap

When a "Ninja" monster you control is destroyed by battle you can pay 300 Life Points to Set 1 level 4 or lower "Ninja" monster from your Deck.


Ninjistu Art of the Doppelganger

Quick-Play Spell

Activate only when a Flip Effect "Ninja" monster(s) is flipped face-up. The effect of this card becomes the same as 1 of the flipped monster(s).

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The Ninja commander seems really cool. Being able to Flip Summon monsters the turn they are set seems like a unique mechanic. Almost seems too powerful but then again Ninjas don't have game-breaking effects so probably balanced especally since he requires a tribute anyways.


Black Ninja makes a lot of sense considering White Ninja. Not really overpowered ether since Man-Eater Bug and Old Vindictive Magician are any position monster.


Azure Ninja seems awesome although I think instead of "setting from your hand or graveyard" it should "Add it from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand". Doesn't seem to make sense just to set it from your hand by its effect.


Since you have Azure Ninja you should make more Ninjutsu cards since currently it can only work "Doppelganger", "Decoy", and "Transformation".


Also maybe make something like Fuhma Shuriken where it only equips to Ninjas.


Overall very good and cool in my opinion.

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