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Ask Mia a Question ^^.

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Are you aware that this thread has been viewed over 5000 times?


What color is your hair?


If you were royalty' date=' what position would you be in?


What field do you plan mastering in? (If that's too personal, you don't have to share)

Not really anything.

Your still talking about that cake?


Why don't you tell Dark to stop looking at the cake?

Because it wouldn't work anyway.


What is the meaning of life?

To have fun. Think about it long and hard' date=' and you'll understand.[/b']


Do you lose the game?

I couldn't give a sh*t about this "game" of yours.


What is the best type of cake?

The ones with strawberry filling or strawberry icing.



What is with your hate of eggrolls?



Isn't my hair emo?

If you want it to be.


Yes' date=' sober meaning not drunk. Very good Mia. Now answer my question. :<





You're not my wife' date=' are you?


Is WiFi in any way related to "wife"?


Are you my WiFi then?



I'm thinking that this game is starting to suck' date=' no?



It is?


did you cheat to win the game?




I'm still looking at the cake. Did you know that?

No' date=' really?[/b']

Why didn't you take a picture of yourself in the shower and send it to me? D:

I'm just going to ignore you now.

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i want one too

can i Mia-Sama?




I want a naked picture of her taking a hot' date=' steaming shower. =P





anything pic about Mia would be good

but not the naked one plz....seriously




So Mia' date=' when is my pic coming?



Uh, no.

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