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Ask Mia a Question ^^.

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Well owch <:l' date=' I sure feel loved.


Do you feel loved?



By many people, yes.


Why do these guys' date=' who failed puberty have to post "<3" or "Do you love me?"?



They're trying to relieve the fact that they suck at life.

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Are you emo?


Do you like Pi


Do you like Pie



Hey Strawberry' date=' do you love me? <3

[b']Yeah, a bit. Add me on MSN again; it didn't work.[/b]


Would you publicly admit being an active member of this site?

Yes. Yes I would. Because I am. Very active, that is.

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Is it true you have a BIG crush on Prince Hunter?


Not that big' date=' but pretty big. Oh wait. I'm referring to something else. o.o...


*Thinks about Warren now.*


Warren? O.O


Sanji The Perverse / Sushi The Legend / Sheena Fujibayashi.

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You play(ed) and instrument?

Meh' date=' a recorder (which is a stupid name basically for a flute) in Grade 3, I think.[/b']

-What and for how long?

During the year. It was part of the music course. But I was never actually interested in music back then.

And I did add you. :<

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can we have victa zeh victa kick/banned for his contantly noobish and idiotic questions?


do you watch anime often, and if so, what?


whats you favorite portable gaming system?


whats your favorite console gaming system?


what are your favorite games for the portable gaming system?


what are your favorite games for the console gaming system?

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can we have victa zeh victa kick/banned for his contantly noobish and idiotic questions?

I'd love for that to happen. But life sucks like that.

do you watch anime often' date=' and if so, what?

[b']I only admire anime pictures.[/b]

whats you favorite portable gaming system?

I only have the old GBA, but I'd love to have a PSP or an NDS.

whats your favorite console gaming system?

The PS2.

what are your favorite games for the portable gaming system?

N/A. I never really liked any. I wouldn't mind playing GoW: CoO for the PSP, though.

what are your favorite games for the console gaming system?

GoW I and II.

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So' date=' me and [b']kittyprincess[/b] are all good to go?




Am I a pervert?


Yes. Very much so. Add me on MSN.



@ Dweller Good to go where? >=) Hades hates me... and GOD won't take me


@ Mia


Why are you allow to carry the title of Princess?


Also what do you rule over?

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