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A New Kind of Invert


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meh. it is bascilly and INvert with the Effect box and name bar covering over the invert version.

This took me about 30 seconds in paint. Yes' date=' i know this is retarded. Ask for a tutorial and I will make one.[/u'][/Quote]


Bold~ can paint do inverts. you didn'tinvert it in Paint or did you O.o

Underline~ If you think it is retarded why would you post a Tut for it


anyways the effect box is cut of on the left. rest is fine

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meh. it is bascilly and INvert with the Effect box and name bar covering over the invert version.

This took me about 30 seconds in paint. Yes' date=' i know this is retarded. Ask for a tutorial and I will make one.[/u'][/Quote]


Bold~ can paint do inverts. you didn'tinvert it in Paint or did you O.o

Underline~ If you think it is retarded why would you post a Tut for it


anyways the effect box is cut of on the left. rest is fine

Paint can do inverts. If you want to know how, pm me. Also, i didnt post a tut for this. I just wanted to see if this looked good. Mia is basically right though.

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