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YCM-kun, can we stop with the fail guides already?

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Guide to stop making a guide

1- knowing when to stop:

We all know what a guide does, and how it helps. But here on 4YCM-Kun-Chan/B/, we tend to make guids left to right. But only a few of us have made sucsessfull guides.


2- Sucsessfull ways to stop the production of a guide

Its really quite simple. Since your the user who wants to make a guide, simply say to your self: "No, just no." and simply not make the guide in the first place.


3- In the event a guide DOES get made, regardless of this topic

Try to assure the user of the guide that it was simply un-needed, and that 4YCM-Kun-Chan/B/ has enough guides as it is, and a guide about your favorite Dragon-Type monster that Kaiba used, is just redundant and un-needed.


This has ben a guide on "how to stop making guides", by your fellow 4YCM-Kun-Chan/B/ member, Armadilloz.


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I do agree, however, if are going to make a guide, work on it extensively before hand and have it as close to done as possible. Slight fixes are ok, all of us make mistakes, and adding a section you did not think of earlier is ok also, but when you pretty much rewrite the entire guide (such as mine, sadly) you know it was a fail guide... Mine isn't a complete fail guide now D:

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Bad is relative.

Bad/useless to someone who eats/breathes Yu-Gi-Oh! and spends all day learning stuff for themselves.

Good/useful to someone who has little understanding of a certain archetype and might want to learn about it.

ITT whining know-it-alls


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