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[Discussion] Call of the Haunted

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I'd like to post the small convo that Snitch and I had about this.


[14:22] Joshua Hazelwood: Want to duel now?

[14:22] Joshua Hazelwood: I HATE the new Ban List.

[14:22] Joshua Hazelwood: Dark Strike Fighter is banned -_-

[14:27] Snitch: sorry

[14:27] Snitch: back

[14:27] Snitch: DSF IS BANNED?

[14:27] Snitch: wtf.

[14:28] Joshua Hazelwood: So is Monster Reborn

[14:28] Joshua Hazelwood: It's retarded

[14:28] Snitch: WTF

[14:28] Joshua Hazelwood: But Call of the Haunted is back.

[14:28] Snitch: that

[14:28] Snitch: is fail.

[14:29] Snitch: Call of the Haunted > MR

[14:29] Joshua Hazelwood: Wrong

[14:29] Joshua Hazelwood: It's a Trap Card. That makes it fail

[14:29] Snitch: no

[14:29] Joshua Hazelwood: Plus, the monster is chained to it

[14:29] Snitch: that's waht I'm saying.

[14:29] Snitch: Call of the Haunted is better and more broken than MR

[14:29] Joshua Hazelwood: Wrong

[14:30] Snitch: Call of the Haunted is more broken than MR. >->

[14:30] Joshua Hazelwood: Crab Helmet would rape you if you said that to him

[14:30] Joshua Hazelwood: Hey, mind if I post this conversation on a YCM topic discussing Call of the Haunted?

[14:30] Snitch: why? >->

[14:31] Joshua Hazelwood: Cause I want people's opinions

[14:31] Joshua Hazelwood: And for them to laugh.

[14:31] Snitch: just so people can laugh at the fact I said CotH is more broken than MR

[14:31] Snitch: =P


Someone please tell me that I'm the right one.


Discuss it's reinstatement on the Limited List.[/align]

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Not the same... it would be much easier to have a series of reborns that only work on a certain type of monster (winged beast, beast, etc.) or attribute. That way it would have a much smaller target. Either that or give it a solemn cost. I would be much more hesitant to use reborn if it cost half my LP.

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Didn't we already have a discussion on this? I call upon the almighty burnpsy to post his almighty pic displaying where the Search button is.


Icyblue told me to stop.


Anyways, I verify. As soon as the new banlist hit, I posted a topic on this.


Konami hates Morphs. That is all.

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Didn't we already have a discussion on this? I call upon the almighty burnpsy to post his almighty pic displaying where the Search button is.

Konami hates Morphs. That is all.

Then why'd they make them? I guess Konami's retarded that way. Btw I lol'd where you(Josh) said Crab Helmet would rape Snitch :lol:

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lol we discussed this when coth was first banned for monster reborn. we came to the conclusion that coth was more broken because firstly it has an otk like prem, where reborn is a top deck card, its chainable. and most importantly on the perfect list reborns effects on otks would be minimised if it was limited ( which it shouldn't )


however with breaker at 3 in this format i can see the view that call will not be as versitle durring your opponents turn.


prem (most searchable access to otks)> coth > (otks and is versitle) > reborn (promotes otk, however most of its power comes from top deck wars)


lol also ontop of that you didnt even explain why you think hes wrong and you just assumed your interlect is greater. also the WHAT CRAB SAYS IS GOSPIL argument is very poor.

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